This Business Charged White People More Than Twice as Much as Minorities. Here's How Customers Reacted
How far can a business go to make a social point?
This Business Charged White People More Than Twice as Much as Minorities. Here's How Customers Reacted
How far can a business go to make a social point?
>Should white people pay more tax
We already do.
A business in New Orleans, however, took its public stance on socio-politics one step further.
The owner of Saartj, a food stall in New Orleans, decided to charge white people two-and-a-half times the amount he charged minorities.
Tunde Way explained to NPR that the price difference accurately reflected the income disparity between African-Americans and whites in the city.
Moreover, when people come up to his stall, Way engages them in conversation and explains why the requested price is $12 for minorities and $30 for those who identify as white.
The price for white people isn't compulsory. Way explains that if they choose to pay it, he will redistribute the difference among the minorities who come to his stall.
"Some of them are enthusiastic, some of them are bamboozled a bit by it. But the majority of white folks, nearly 80 percent, decided to pay," he told NPR.
>niggers, spics, and cunts are all net negative in taxes
they do already second only to asians who earn more on average
That's a stupid way to lose your business via federal takedown, since there are NO examples of current businesses today that charge minorities more.
>"Some of them are enthusiastic, some of them are bamboozled a bit by it. But the majority of white folks, nearly 80 percent, decided to pay,"
Absolutely pathetic.
To be fair if your a white in neo Orleans by this point your an idiot.
>Some of them are enthusiastic, some of them are bamboozled a bit by it. But the majority of white folks, nearly 80 percent, decided to pay," he told NPR
New Orleans needs another Katrina
>income disparity between african americans and whites
ye niggers income is only welfare .
it will go as far as till they close their business.
They paid more money AND got preached at by a dude named Tunde? Then, they went on NPR?
I got nothing. They get what they deserve. Self flagellating pukes. Virtue signaling all the way to the grave.
As it should be. White people need to carry a White Privilege card with certain levels on them at all times - similar to a driver's license.
Level 1 White Privilege allows you not to get sexually assaulted if you look at a non-white minority. Level 2, and you have the right not to be assaulted. Though only Level 7 White Privilege will allow you to press charges if any of the above happen.
Level 12 allows you to have the temerity to apply for a job in food service, though every level after that will only increase your chances of landing that job by 3%.
(Pictured - a white Cisgender male eagerly awaiting to attend a hearing to raise his White Privilege to 88, provisionally of course).
literally illegal
Walk up order a bunch of shit. When they get done making it walk away because you changed your mind.
its over.
A food stall named Saartj. Imagine eating that.
Imagine those spices hitting your colon while you are stuck in downtown traffic. Sweat beading on your brow, wondering if your sphincter will hold back that incoming, gurgling deluge.
Drive. Just drive!
Of course not, we should be paying a lot less to none, but the demands of our usurped de facto governments make it impossible
The absolute state of northern whites
This is literally illegal.
Omg white people are such disgusting nigger lovers! Your race is finished. Done. It's over.
That's the new meme. Make em dank boys!
Illegal in the sense that it's illegal, yeah. Nobody is prosecuting this Nigerian nigger though.
The west is dead.
I hate this fucking place. I'll leave when I can.
somone doesn't know what compulsory means
whites are the only ones that DO pay taxes
>Hurricane Trump Curse is brewing just off the coast
Lol there just going to redpill more whites doing this. Let them have at it. The army of the 4th Reich is mustering itself.
I think it's funny that you think the white race is fucked, when in reality, it is you who is fucked.
We are God's chosen people, nigger. Learn the hard way, however.
don't make joke about that, some people really think it should be that way for whites.
Isn’t this illegal discrimination based on race?
Pretend to be for social Justice
Get White lib cucks to increase your profits
I bet that extra $18 went right into his pocket, yet his tax forms will say $12 instead $30
hmm I'll just carry a 300 blackout SBR instead
No, it needs a nuke and a bath.
no, they just came to houston last time
So because Jewish people are powerful, that means that no one can be racist against them?
>"Some of them are enthusiastic, some of them are bamboozled a bit by it. But the majority of white folks, nearly 80 percent, decided to pay," he told NPR.
i really doubt that, desu
Underrated post kek
>But the majority of white folks, nearly 80 percent, decided to pay," he told NPR.
fucking hell
I think we're onto something here. Clearly you can't be anti-Semitic or racist against Jews.
This restaurant will be a redpill to the owners.
At first there will be quite a few white customers who can afford the extra payment that will be redistributed to the poor blacks.
Over tine, however, more and more blacks will come to the restaurant as less and less whites come to the restaurant. The extra money whites pay will be both be less and distributed among more blacks.
Eventually, there will be too few whites visiting the restaurant and a lot of angry blacks demanding they get a free dinner.
No it's smart.
It's a stupidity tax on liberals
>it takes the lifetime net taxation of over 3 white people to support one black person.
>this isn't racism though
According to niggers.
The worst part of this bullshit is that whites can't do shit to counter this dumb bullshit.
>click the 20 street signs like a good little goyim
FUCK. YOU. GOOKMOOT, please for the love of god see this. FUCK YOU from the bottom pit of my heart.
>Here's How Customers Reacted
With a discrimination suit I hope.
So do Chinese get discount or what ?
Agreed. Over time whites will just go somewhere else. Virtue signalling is for the short-term only.
Watch as this restaurant goes out of business within 1 or 2 years.
This. Either the owner of Saartj (Sharts?) is a fucking liar, he's only counting the whites that didn't walk away immediately, or the kind of people that eat at that ooga booga shack are ivory tower faggots.
identify as black...
What business? I want to file a lawsuit?
I'm almost tempted to do this. Order $200 of food, then tell the nigger I' going to Wendy's for a Baconator.
>what do I do with all this food?
Give it out for free if you care so much. Not my problem.
The best part is, the minorities they offered money to declined. This just proves they don't even HAVE an income difference.
Meanwhile, these fuckers are making insane amounts of money.
sauce on pic related pls
Imagine being such a pathetic soyim that you willingly bend over and pay 2.5 times as much. The west is done.
Congratulations on using a word you obviously don't know the meaning of, stupid.
This new bot does have a lot of great screen shots
>some of them are bamboozled a bit by it
Befuddled. But I'm sure it was a freudian slip because you sure bamboozle people with a ruse like that.
Taxes are proportional, white people already pay more tax.
good idea since we are twice as smart as niggy tier. they finally admit it.
I would rather smoke meth for the first time than condone giving the niggers another dollar.
Our taxes just go to pay the debt they borrowed before taxes. The US is literally a bubble.
>Some of them are enthusiastic
Whoever willingly pays that deserves to be shot
Just sue him, he's publicly admitting discrimination. Call a lawyer, bus in your entire neighborhood and just bankrupt the nigger. That lawyer will sue him for all he has on behalf of any number of people who were discriminated against.
Yeah see thats possible when blacks make up 13% of the population and whites hover 50% but if you poke it a teensy bit the other way it all collapses.
First post honest post.
>"Some of them are enthusiastic, some of them are bamboozled a bit by it. But the majority of white folks, nearly 80 percent, decided to pay," he told NPR.
why are whites such cucks?
I'm telling you guys. This is a payday for anyone who feels like going there.
Haha, time to sue.
You can't do that in business, no matter how small your fucking business is if it is licensed to sell goods in the United States. What he CAN do is have a bucket that says "If you wish to pay an additional X amount to account for minorities, please place it here"
Otherwise, anyone white can sue his fucking ass. I hope one of you does for some easy money.
>Orleans parish
>80% voted Hilldawg
They're still fucking here too
>going to New Orleans
fuck no. they came to texas and still wont leave
The problem is taking it to the ultra liberal court system.
Not saying someone shouldn’t attempt it
But charging whites more is just because they have too much privilege. They deserve it, and look! Most of them pay! You should check your privilege at the door, this shop is a safe space.
I’m going down there for a few days in about a month. Gonna go get some food I can’t normally get in kentucky while I’m down there.Hope it’s not as bad as Sup Forums makes it out
id contemplate punching him
Nice I got duubs twice
>Food Stall
>$12 to $30
I don't understand why someone of relatively sound mind would use a "food stall" in a 1st world country.
Can someone please explain this to me? Having had a look at this particular establishment the first thing that came to mind was portaloo.
>$30 for stall food
They sometimes bring a few to factory’s and such out where I live during lunch hours to sell to people. Haven’t had it myself but from what I’ve heard it’s pretty good if a little overpriced
This is probably bullshit but sure, let me be a fucking retard and believe like everybody else.
I've seen some pretty legit food stalls in the US. Never underestimate an American's ability to eat or make disgustingly greasy food.
Forgot to mention it’s usually more around 6-10 dollars depending on if yo get an overpriced drink or not
> But the majority of white folks, nearly 80
> percent, decided to pay,
Oh, for fuck's sake. These people deserve a punch to the face.
>Article doesn't state if the amount of customers has changed or if his profits have changed
>80% of whites paid, the ones who wanted to virtue signal
>Of course this doesn't account for the fact some just won't even approach his stall with prices like that
Yeah sure.
I’m gonna trust my gut and say this is fake news, I can’t see that many people willing paying that much extra. Either nigger is lying, or the article is fake
That's literally color segregation and thus racism.
Do Asians pay even more seeing as they have a higher average income than do whites? I mean fair is fair.
>You have to pay double cause you're white
>I'm not white, I'm a jew
>Oh, in that case right this way
>Straight into the oven
That's a little bit different as there limited choice and as a one off that reasonable.
I was more thinking along the lines of food stalls in cities and highly populated cities.