Does fascism have no meaning?

I use google definitions a fair bit and this seemed peculiar to me.

Other urls found in this thread:

a fasces is a bundle of sticks cunt

> fascism means faggot
> kek

All jokes asside, read Evola.

I remember being taught in school that facism was the concept of the citizen being less important than the state overall. What Hitler believed, and what liberals believe now.

read mussolini DOCTRINE OF FASCISM

The definition currently being used is anyone who opposes rule by pedocriminals and supports the justice system putting said pedocriminals in prison. This is also the definition of a russian bot or/and supporter of Putin.

Its pretty difficult to define fascism

Extreme corporatism-centered nationalism.

"fascism" has a meaning you dipshit

in Republican Rome, those who carried "Imperium" (Senatorial authority) were accompanied on their mission to exercise that authority by guys call "Lictors"
"Lictors" were civil servants who's job was to monitor, observe and report back to the senate on the exercise of said authority.
the Lictors carried, as badges of their office, bundles of bound rods called "Fasces"

if, (as shown) the fasces had axes in them, this meant the carrier of Senatorial Imperium could, if needed, order someone executed.
Fasces are the symbol of Rome, representing many small things coming together to create a single unified and ultimately stronger whole
Fasces have appeared in the iconography of republican france, the united states, great britain, and nearly every other nation that respects The Republic as a form
Benito Mussolini used Fasces as the symbol, and the name for his new party which he claimed would restore the republic and make Rome great again (he lied)
hence, "Fascism" is the ideology of "Fascists" represented by the Fasces and their Republican Roman symbology.
its all in the semiotics, but semiotics only work if the observer is educated enough to recognize the symbols and their meaning.

> Extreme corporatism-centered nationalism.
you should be horsewhipped through the streets and hung with piano wire.

is there a video of pic related?

Are you one of those faggots who think "corporatism" means "control by business interests"? That's not what it is (and not what the traditional meaning of a corporation) is at all. What you're likely thinking of is closer to shit like an oligarchy and especially managerialism (which is a disease that's been infecting the post-World War II world).

A corporate group is simply a collection of individual pieces forming a collective entity due to shared interests. In fascism the corporation is the nation and everything that exists within the nation exists to serve and better the nation. This includes business interests who are judged by the state according to how valuable they are to the nation.

Yes bc left has diluted its meaning

no its not
Benito Mussolini's Fascism was simply "The Authoritarian Socialist State" as described by Marx, but implemented through the ballot box rather than proletarian revolution.
this single heresy is why "Fascism Isnt Real Marxism" and thus the commies tried to overthrow the Italian state, right after Benito has successfully stolen it

> Benito: now that we have taken control of the bourgeois state, it's time to get down to the business of bringing about the Marxian Communist Utopia...
> Revolutionary Commies: Oh No You Di'nt!! we finna burn this shit down, plunge the nation into chaos then fumble our way through endless failures in an attempt to reconstruct a working system of governance...
> Mussolini: but comrades, we have taken the state from the bourgeois, and can now begin the Marxian Evolution without all the murder pillage and destruction... please comrades, think of the advantages!
> Revolutionary Commies: sorry Benito, Papa Smurf said Revolution, so we gots to burn this motherfucker to the ground!
> Mussolini: Fuck. now i have to eliminate you as Counter-Revolutionary Reactionaries.
> Commies: NOOoooOOoOO!
and that, children, is why you never side with commies, they will always betray you for some slightly different version of communism that they think is more pure.

are you one of those faggots who hasnt read even one of mussolini's MANY works on the subject but still feels the need to opine based on what his grey pony-tailed birkenstock wearing hippie burnout social studies teacher told him in the 10th grade?
yes, it appears that you are indeed one of those.

shut the fuck up faggot.
grownups are talking.

Communism is an economic system it's alternative is Capitalism.
Democracy is a political system it's alternatives are Monarchy and Fascism.
Socialism is a label we use to give to otherwise clearly Fascist governments using left wing propaganda.
By modus operandi nazis and commies are the same once in power.
Google is also run by idiots. Talking of middle management because that content is their problem.


checked quality post

Benito Mussolini was a lifelong Socialist of the Marxian variety.
he was a signatory to the first and second Communist Internationals, and spent a decade as the Editor In Chief of "Avante!", europe's largest circulation communist newspaper, and Italy's number one newspaper of any type
Mussolini took over Italy with the backing of a broad coalition of real-world socialists, middle class working men, and conservatives who despised the degenerate Italian govt's excesses
the Italian private sector was thriving, despite ruinous regulations and taxes, while govt ministries and industries were rife with corruption, incompetence and nepotism.
Mussolini turned Italy around by removing the corrupt ministers and their cronies, and replacing them with proven managers from the private sector who were given the option to make the shit work and get paid well, or fail and get a bullet to the brain pan.
this system worked well, despite the constant trouble from revolutionary commies who still wanted to burn this motherfucker down and rebuild from scratch, after killing everybody who had brains skills and experience in running shit.
Commies arent happy even if their side is winning, they demand ideological purity or they chimp out
hence, Antifa.

honestly even after reading it im still not really capable of giving a definition

because its not simple.
first, nationalism.
this part is easy to understand
italy (or france, or germany, or the US, etc) FIRST SECOND and ONLY
no consideration is given to the welfare, happiness or butthurt of foreigners and their various Not Us countries.

second, Socialism
socialism is a slippery devil, it can go from collectivist hippie communes where everyone shares everything (think smurf village or sesame street) to oppressive regimes that run more like a feudal fiefdom than a nation (North Korea or Cuba for example)
italian fascism splits the difference, everyone was expected to sacrifice a little for the common good of the nation, but nobody was to be oppressed (unless they tried to overthrow the state...)
SOME industries were "nationalized", and every industry or individual company within an industry was expected to perform with the benefit of the state and it's people foremost in their minds, profit coming second. (typical marxian naivety)

third was the belief that ultimately, the nation would become a communist utopia after everyone realized how awesome being a communist could be (again, naivety)

fourth was the understanding that Italy would again become a strong and respected player on the world stage, serving as a guiding light to backwards nations that still resisted "The Inevitable Marxian Evolution"

thats fascism, neither capitalist bourgeois crabs in a bucket pirate anarchy, nor the russian shitshow of bolshhevism, but a "Third Way"
this is why bubba clinton, hilldawg, bernie sdanders and all the other "Thjird Way" assholes are really fascists in disguise. bubba was fond of saying "Third Way" at every opportunity.
it was his version of "New World Order"

in practice of course, all socialism eventually devolves into tyranny, feudalism and opportunistic cronies seeking sinecures.