Take a look at America's first Muslim president.
This the future of America.
Take a look at America's first Muslim president.
This the future of America.
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kek. I don't plan on America lasting that long.
Ah yes, to be 14 again, such an idealistic age. I too believed I could be president, they do a good job of making it sound like anyone can. It’ll pass when he hits 16 and starts smoking weed.
>America’s second Muslim president.
Obama was USA's first Muslim President, no?
That ship has sailed
Hopefully he blows... heh...his chance up.
Obama was Christian
Let me guess: he's from Minnesota?
Keep telling yourself that.
Obama was the first muslim president, Yusuf is retarded.
Is that why he was sworn in using a Koran?
Is that why he left all the christians in syria to get butchered by isis while forcing europe to take in millions of violent muslims? Syria was 40% christian but 0.04% of the migrants let in are christian. The rest were muslim.
>Posts a picture of a 14 year old to make fun of him.
>Thinks he is getting internet points.
>basement crawler cuck.
Exactly! Here's a picture of his First Communion
He sure was adamant about ignoring Christians being persecuted. I say this as a non-religious person.
if trump can do it so can you Yusuf...
Pretty much this. 20 years is a long time. He hasn't even gone through a rebellious stage yet. I sincerely doubt I'll see him sworn in. And hell if he has enough determination, and Moxy to keep it up for that long, I'd be willing to listen to what he has to say.
>christian persecution
is this more or less victimary than BLM?
More, since Christians aren't killing Christians
Nah, fuck that bullshit. We barely let a catholic get away with being president, then the CIA killed him. Good fucking luck, kiddo.
Obongo was an atheist sociopath reading from a script his entire term.
most nignogs are christians so im very doubtful of your statement
>any president is an atheist sociopath reading from a script his entire term
No it was just cover to supplement the Islamic invasion of North America. 10% beachhead is the goal and once they surpass 15-20% the open genocidal violence will really get started. Islam is literally an evil cult being used by the synagog of satan to undermine western civilization, the biggest roadblock in the way of total global domination by ((them)).
Yes, Trayvon Martin was a good boy, go to church every Sunday
>Barry became Barack
>Yusuf will become Joseph
Such is life in the land of the mutt
trayvon was killed by a spic
i dont follow this argument
user talked about obongo, don't get me started on the others.
Trayvon and most other nogs don't follow any religion
Obamas mother was a Jewess, guess what that makes him.....our first Jewish president
Being Christian is something niggers say when they need to improve their profile to the jury. That, or the church works as another vehicle for gibs for them.
Obama was nigger
so its the no true scotsman
they go to church more than any other race
is it just for show?
I second that, till the reality kicks you in the nuts
that should be illegal..just like our immigration retard should be illegal