if racemixing is bad, why are saiyan/human hybrids so powerful?
If racemixing is bad, why are saiyan/human hybrids so powerful?
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Logical conclusion is japs are Jews
Sayans had no other option then to race mix since all there women died.
>fat manchildren talking about kid cartoons.
Please, someone nuke america.
You mean why do they get to SSJ at an age well below regular Saiyins? Because they have mentors, are not drone to emotional outbursts, and are growing up in a time where the 2 are working very well together.
If Goku knew all the shit he knows now in the original DB then the RRA would have been a 2 episode arc at best.
Because it's convenient for the plot and AT is a lazy faggot.
Jesus Christ. "More prone", not "not drone".
>no other option
This. Better to leave your mark on humanity and have half-whites walking around rather than no whites at all.
>ivan never had cool cartoons growing up
Also this
Pic unrelated
Where they fucked up is breeding with humans. They should've bred with a more powerful race.
Esto es el fin, El Presidente Trump
they don't reach the heights of power the full bloods do.
Vegeta and Goku are pure saiyans and they always kick the halfbreeds ass, plus Gohan and the other halfbreeds hair doesn’t stop growing while the pure saiyans do... smdh get your facts straight
YE but gohan got SSJ2 before everyone esle
>Teleports behind you
>It's personal Boo
Sorry Gohan job hard in TOP, the 2 full blood Saiyans fought till the end. Infact the pure blood android and the pure blood freezaian are top 5 when racemix jobhan ring out like a year ago. Sorry sweetie, no shekel deposited for you.
>gets BTFO
Gohan is such a faggot
just wait till the new episode when frieza and goku fuse to become frieku (or possibly gyoza)
this. way less powerful when mixed, gohan demonstrates this perfectly
>Literally gets outsmarted by an opponent he called a retard
Stay classy, Gohan.
Only after Buu absorbs SSJ3 Gotenks and Piccolo.
Because fiction. Notice that their super power is to become aryan?
Gohan has more potential than Goku and Vegeta in DBZ. He got soft as fuck after the Cell Saga, and with Goku and Vegeta work ethnic surpassed Gohan, but Mystic Gohan curbstomps SSJ3 Goku and weak ass Vegeta.
>Dragonball Z
Shitty anime for autistic retards, Hokuto No Ken is a thousand times better.
Shut the fuck up English teacher
nigga it's your people that started this weeb shit
Dobrivoje, imas problem sa flikovima bre?