Are they degenerates? Or are they the pinnacle of human evolution?
they are fucking degenerates that belong in the showers
>Not caring about what other people think
>Go to conventions despite knowing some people hate them.
>Always polite and good mannered in public
>Constantly get pussy/ass
Don't know man seem pretty Alpha to me.
they're close to the peak as far as degeneracy goes
Hey Ahmed fuck your goat lately.
As a furry, I have no fucking idea.
Some furries are exactly as you'd expect, turbo-fags and sex-crazed spastics. Others however are like that quiet kid in the corner of your art class who can't even work up the courage to ask a girl for a pencil sharpener. I feel like we should be studied or something, the furry fandom is a crazy ass ride that extends way past normal obsessions or communities.
post knot
They have attained peak IDGAF; on some level you have to applaud that
Judging from the amount of nazifur shit I see floating around on /trash/ they seem surprisingly redpilled.
Better than Femninism
nazis were furries
If Sup Forums had the momentum of the presidential campaign still with it, it would be hilarious if we ruined the furry community by making everyone think they are nazis.
They're not all degenerates. Honestly, it's cringy I know, but it's just one of those innocent retarded little hobbies semi-normies use to wind down. As long as they don't publicize it or promote it I say let them. Don't ask don't tell
I push for more furry related content in normie media.
The only way to reliably kill a fanbase is to drown them in normies.
It has already become "I wanna fuck the rabbit from Zootopia yet I think fursonas are dumb."
Water them down until its nothing but a tumblr-tier 'kink'.
Then I can finally admit to my /hmofa/ fetish without being compared to those godless fursuiters/fursona fags.
Why are so many Furries into vore porn though?
Something something "feeling of helplessness" inside a moist, wriggling cavernous orfice, at least that's how it's been explained to me.
fuck if I know
that sound horrifying
Hoping you will suffocate before the acid melts you's skin and your bare flesh is exposed to the caustic chemicals that will slowly break down your body.
No kidding, but I guess some people can fap to it.
You jest, but some are actually into that as well. Like I said, this fetish is fucking nuts and can range anywhere from simple fantasy wish fufillment to full-on hellscape.
Really don't fucking care its no more degenerate the letting some one fist pound your ass hole and thinking its a political statement.
This. We should spam this
>t. furry, also a Nazi, but not a nazifur, also hi from /k/
Brought to you by disney
>Make people think that the new right moment is not only very violent but also furfags
how does that help us and not make us less approachable to normies?
you have it backwards, his plan is to portray all furfags as Nazis not all right wingers as furfags
You need to be shot along with all these other degenerates. I don't mind what you do in your bedroom but ffs don't try to normalize it
>Attracted to disgusting fetishes
>Alt-right furries are a big thing
I don't know how to feel about them
I really don't know. Some are normal, some are the walking degenerate stereotype. Some are like /k/ with weird geeky sides, others are just normies who happen to have a subtle alter ego.
They really need to be studied more.
No, I mean we should destroy the degenerate dens by making them unpalatable to normies.
Also, I'm not part of the new right movement. I'm libertarian.
Are they really? They seem to amass around tumblr and nearly every screenshot I've seen seems to be pretty left leaning. It is almost like someone is trying to deliberately shame the alt right.
Not all of them are lefties, there was a furry comedian who was banned from cons because he made racist jokes or some shit.
Most of us aren't huge fetishists. Check out a /s/fur thread on Sup Forums someday and ask for "quality"
I'd post some here but it's against the rules, which is odd considering isn't.
/trash/fag here,
Only the twitter ones seem to be leftist, everyone else is either centrist to right wing. If anybody’s worth genociding, it’s loudniggers.
Don't you have you're own chan?
/fur/ is dead nowadays, if you meant board it’s /trash/ and Sup Forums. But I think allowing furry and pony stuff on Sup Forums would help decrease the number of newfags and boomers.
mlpol will return
i await that day
Add /trash/ into the mix as well, we usually get along fine with the ponies.
Why are we not pushing the idea that most furries are secretly nazis, due to the whole fursecution thing that seems eerily similar to the persecution and disdain that nazis undergo by most media?
yes, but Sup Forums has the most traffic, and Sup Forums is the best place to find the newest content. /trash/ is too fetishist and lowdown, despite the constant threads. it's called trash for a reason.
/trash/ has more drawfags (well it did before spammers started posting shitty requests) but at least we still have Lon.
we SHOULD be doing this. imagine the leftists turning on the furries. all the closeted furfags on the fence would shift hard right.
no I mean you're own chan. I think its called fchan
As a furry who got out of the furry fandom in time to save myself (remember the Burnt Furs?), I think almost everybody in it has issues.
Unfortunately, everybody in real life has issues.
Have fun and don't hurt anybody.
hey, That was my Idea user.
What a surprise, people who larp as animals also larp as nazis.
especially porn.
no, mlpol is full of chickenshits I was banned from mlpol for posting vore.
pls someone shoot up a furry con
In a fur suit.
No, just convince them to clean their fursuits.
there's literally nothing wrong with being a furry
blast from the past
why didnt it kill anyone
I remember when this was first made back around 2006 or so.
I think he’s talking about it being it’s own board.
>there's literally nothing wrong with being a furry
bump for spinning and spaming furries as nazis
There's a tread in Sup Forums if anyone wants to see some slightly less objectionable content.
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Like any geeky subculture it got infested with SJWs so the real life events are therefore cancer.
There are lots of us who just meet friends away from the community and enjoy the porn.
Without exception we are all sexually deviant but the silent majority keep it private.
We've been "redpilled" for way longer than Sup Forums was even a thing because we were always outsiders.
Many of us are oldschool Sup Forumstards from before it got all faggy with anonymous bullshit.
I want /mlpol/ back those days were fun.
>bad spellign and linking to a 404'd thread
americlap brainpower
What do you expect from some redneck who's attracted to his dog?
furry is the vanguard for the future of humanity. today, the overpaid computer engineer is paying $1200 for a dog cock drawing he could get for $70. tomorrow, paying $20/hour for friends to play games with you is the norm and nobody would >do it for free anymore. the logic of the market dictates it, and the fandom gave itself over to being a market voluntarily. (weirdly furry actually seems to take market-profitability as a sign of acceptance by outside forces. it's bizarre, but that's beyond the point of this post.)
2025: almost all human interaction has become a commodity. 30% of the population are employed pretending to be people's friends in exchange for money, and another 10% are "social influencers". buzzfeed - now the primary source for news - is considering capitalising on the popular meme questions from the last presidential debates by hosting an entire debate just for meme questions in the 2028 elections. furries are as mainstream as pop musicians. Hillary Clinton buys a fursona ironically. elon musk continues polluting space. everyone records themselves all the time and nobody knows why. twitter loves it. the line between art and marketing is obliterated. everything is a simulation of a simulation of an ironic replica of a simulation.
hope you're an artist, a STEM graduate or a really funny guy because otherwise AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>Are they degenerates
Yes, but is because they accepted degenerates in their fandom
this is the best shitpost of 2018
nah I just forgot how to link boards. it's been years.
They are the most hated of the most hated. They are degenerate scum with weird fetishes. But i have to admire one thing, they don't give a shit what others think and they continue with their autism.
the thread's still active, it's on Sup Forums
where can i find this video?
We've always been degenerates.
thanks for linking a furfag thread
i'll definatley need to see anime crossed with zoophilia
>see flag
checks out
>you're the only one here
>anyone gives half a shit about you
go huff gas.
The golden age furries thought otherwise
yeah Charles don't you have a date with a nail bomb?
this. I don't have a problem with the nudity, it exemplifies the beauty of what the human form could become. but most of the porn is lowlife garbage that should be purged.
does anyone know where i can find this vid?
Yeah that's rose tinted bullshit.
I was around just after that time and there were already many year's worth of porn archives (is VCL even still going?). Good old Doug Winger and his shitting dick-nipples.
>been into furry shit since 2010
>still hate any gay/herm/bi faggotry
>still don't want to fuck dogs IRL
>have a fursona with commissioned pics but it's just a cartoon anthro Lynx girl I want to fuck instead of RP'ing as her, not into much fursuits either unless I could fuck a girl in one, would be kinda hot
>think the left as a whole need to be gassed
Can you spare me the rope?
Fuck off to Sup Forums
it's also true
right now in both Sup Forums and /leftypol/ there are a reasonable (and growing) number of people who admit to being furries.
the future is going to be a hell of a ride.
you and I are likely going to be the ones doing much of the roping, friend. steer clear of piercings and tattoos, keep in shape, and none will be the wiser.
>when mod make thread
any of yall niggas know where i can find this vid
saw this video posted somewhere, anyone got the link?
Not into that shit either, was a dangerous point a few years ago where I considered getting a tattoo though.
Are we being raided?
is the alt furry discord on
one of the 21 furries in this thread oughtta know
Just a coincidence, of fucking course it's spam, you new?
WTF is this shit?? Saw this in other threads.
me too, in my early twenties. I resisted the urge though. glad I didn't do it.
no, we're beings saged, or trolled, or something.
here guys, I'm posting my best in here.
like we'd tell you.
I've been seeing these same spam posts on other threads. every thread I've been on.
Is not a nostalgia thing only, at the time some groups formed to create a less degenerate fandom but they failed because it was to late or as you say, it was degenerate from the beginning.
I think VCL is down, but the site still exists.
Discord for furfag Sup Forumsacks. No normalfags please...and yes I'm ashamed of it.
I'll give you another 5 minutes to decide in your dum dum head on what it could possibly be then.
go onnnnnnnn, if anything leaked you'd easily be able to source it to me and kick me out again.