What will happen when boomers are gone?

Who will vote because current political discourse uses the vantage point that "you matter along your precious opinion" which is pretty much the same script movies of their era used, they just changed the channels a bit to try to cater the same pile of garbage to younger people online.
I don't see young people voting anywhere. Not because of age but because of disconnect. Don't know who is crazier people who are mentally affected by stuff online or the one's who believe their words or pictures will have any impact.
Broad generalization and subjective personal opinion of course.

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw no jessu gf

Basic income finally

Once boomers die out, the US will go full fledged commie

Boomers won't die out in our lifetimes. We'll be in old age death camps together.

What is this bitches instagram please?

I’d like to hope it’s related to age not generation, most people grow out of being a liberal once they get out of college and into the work force. The ones that don’t usually are public sector.

and then the bloodening.



Trust Christ as Saviour and save a bullet for yourself if you can.

once the Boomers die, Gen X will be the sage old men in the hallowed halls of our governments. which is pretty much guaranteed to suck.

Link of the day.

>using be word “boomers” unironically
Generations dont exist, idiot
generations are an invention. They're invented by people who hope to make money out of their wheeze.
Generation X, Boomers, Millennials. literally 2 guys coined these names, slathered a few characteristics onto the carcass, and the group became presto-digitarians. No one can even agree on the birthdates of each generation, so how can anyone even compare said generations on a controlled unbiased basis?

Nice job not being redpilled on something so basic and being a victim of marketing from the left

It's the same here. Younger people are apolitical or slightly left leaning.

Highly doubt it.


Also more Jessu here:


>tfw you will be a hardened, wise, aged man in the prime of his life for the greatest war this planet will ever see
couldn't have been born at a better time to be honest, feel bad for the baby boomers truthfully

You can stop copypasting your non argument in every thread, faggot.

what if lauren was a camwhore thot?

Oh thanks.

Aha yes, aha I see.

>ugly asian chink gook gets paid to take pictures of white goddesses asses

what a fuck

Can somebody explain to me why we have to see pictures of this bitch?

I mean, she's cute and all, but it's just some blonde on the web.


>Check google images and variations of the syndrome
>Cross with pic related

Found another one:

This quite a stretch IMHO. Link has some traits which may of may not be found on
>> pic related
However, I would need some more details. You have any other data on this?

There are variations of the syndrome and I had the link to one of them which was pretty much a perfect match (they have different names according to his finder but Im no md). I might be onto something here.

Mental masturbation at it's finest.



t. boomer

Boomers are useless, but they lived in an era where real men and women still walked the Earth. We need to extract all the relevant information from them, so that we can recreate humanity after they are thankfully gone.
We need to extract the information because they never bothered passing it to their offspring, at least in an honest form.

Nah man... If you told me they we're M&M's though

Ears are probably duct taped/glued or something and its probably a false alarm since her face isnt so roundish (I think).
They are still out there tough.


That's racist.

You've got good reason to hope. Do some research on age cohort theory vs life stage values development theory. The idea that there are such things as independent generations (Boomers, Silent, Millennial) has sketchy empirical support. It's mostly just a way to profile age groups and sell them garbage.

>why we have to see pictures of this bitch?
because the rest of us isn't gay

She's Lauren Southern's sister and better looking

MAGAPEDES ASSEMBLE. Lauren has just been replaced.