>Over 1% of Republican Texans voted for a governor that legally changed his name to SECEDE because his platform is to secede from the USA
>18,00 Texans ready to GFTO of USA and go back to being an independent country.
Greg Abbott - Incumbent REP 725,421 89.91% 1,187,900 90.29%
SECEDE Kilgore REP 11,329 1.40% 18,572 1.41%
Barbara Krueger REP 70,034 8.68% 109,116 8.29%
----------- -----------
would be nice to kick all the spics out
Cyborg Perry 2.0 will literally run over anyone in his way
Seems Texas is risking going blue
Putin said he would back Texas with military aide if we were to try and secede.
Texas will be blue before it ever secedes.
could you fucking imagine? texas would be the worlds capital of race mixing and degeneracy. a libertarian 56% utopia.
>my Tigga
I'm pretty sure i'm on a list now though
>le 36% face
why would you block the names of the district 32 rep and AG?
Posted it to my snap story, didn’t want my (attractive) lib grills hating me
Not to be a defeatist, but this guy is autism incarnate, in the worst way. Hotwheels Abbott is still /ourguy/. Some of the more based proposals he made were cucked in the legislature. Focus your attention there.
no shit sherlock, I like hotwheels too, but it's not everyday you get to vote for someone that's pro-flogging gays and leaving the USA.
>it's not like hotwheels was going to lose
By all means, make a protest/joke/sorry-not-sorry vote for SECEDE (if he gets to the runoff in May, I will). Abbott is still gonna win.
Can't do it. It would cause another civil war. No state can succeed from the union.
Oh was that what that was lmao. I glanced over that while voting for Abbott and just thought that meant that he had withdrawn from the race but was still on the ballot
If one had to go first, would Texas be better first instead of California? I was pro-Calexit, then I heard the Chiense were getting involved to help it along and then I grew extremley suspicious.
>spanish under english
Fuck that we don't need him. I don't want dirty ruskies in my state. They'll never leave.
>omae wa mou shindeiru
Of course he will, but as long as Kathleen Wall doesn't win in the 2nd, everything is gucci
Texas vs the USA, who would win?
I want free S200s. If Syrians can figure that shit out and run it we can too you know.
Tex Fag here.
The only way the great nation of Tejas would turn blue is if the illegals got citizenship until then it will be their first generations voting blue, and the majority of them are red.
It's like he doesn't know shit about the Alamo, but desperately needs to tie it to anti-trump somehow
/o/ here. I want free S2000s