Has been for hours now. This is a big deal right?
EBT (food stamps) system down nationwide
Chimp out is coming.
DownDetector is fakenews. I havent seen any chimpout yet. Fuck off until its real.
is that a map of nigger piss?
I just used my Lone Star card so you guys are full of shit.
spotted the nigger
I'm on food stamps and got an extra $700
This month
wouldn't #ebt be trending by now?
Are you white? White people were suppose to get extra this month.
>I just used my Lone Star card so you guys are full of shit.
>I'm on food stamps and got an extra $700
>This month
>>I just used my Lone Star card so you guys are full of shit.
>>I'm on food stamps and got an extra $700
>>This month
I wanted to say, Jump off a bridge you lazy leeches. What self respecting white man takes a handout?
hol up, we wuz robbed! da gubmint done went and took da foo out ma babbehs mouth. dis is sum racist shiiidd nigga where i suppos ta fin a waddamelon fo free
ayy maan dun be hatin on tyrone
>EBT is down
>its sleeping time for most people
>it goes back in the morning every time
wow its nothing.
Yes people. But niggers aren’t people and they’re about in mid-day.
>lazy bums are sleeping
make america famine again
>now with gas taxes and various mentally retarded commie tariffs
i love currency crashes
Let it stay down, F O R E V E R.
Outside of employment insurance, welfare only harms society. It's the Church / Non-profit's job to care for these wastes of humans
>tyrones midnight 711 run ruined
Call the press
Its supposedly been out all day, but I have not heard much whining.
A chimpout would happen if EBT was down for a couple of days
I'm so fucking crippled Im thinking about some free food at this point.
Both my arms needed pinned and screwed. Not doing to well.
Do I snuff myself or go for free food?
I'm white so I doubt disability would help me.
Downdetector is not a valid source. Nigs probably reporting it down when they spend all their money
please please please chimp out and do a civil war please please please
I literally just used my EBT today. And I'm due for $200 more this week. I've got to get gainz, you know?
It's not happening. If there was anything close to a nationwide EBT blackout Twitter, CNN, kikebook, etc. would all be blowing up over this. I have seen nothing from anywhere on it. Even OP's source only has a peak of 21 reports in an hour today. Probably OP and a few others from Sup Forums clicking the report button for a laugh.
>implying he's white
whats with the whole "does anyone have a link" barrage posts with picture of a young girl? Not sure what liberal institute is forming some sort of datamine today but its strange.
It's the new shill tactic. Put a pic with some T&A to get people distracted looking up the picture. They might even have set up a tracker to see how many people google image search their pics. Also they are all from different countries so they are probably using a proxy. Just report the posts and move on.
>being a worthless leech on society and not working but taking all forms of welfare that are available
>working a full time job or being (truly) disabled and only taking welfare as a supplement to your income to Help with basic expenses
Not the same thing
>be Texan
>go to based HEB/grocery store for some groceries for myself and parents
>at register to purchase
>beaner woman with 3 anchor babies is in front of me
>sheboon with 6 orbiting niglets of different shades of brown and skeletal features in front of her
>sheboon has over $350 of name brand cereals, snacks, and fresh organic produce
>screams "OH HELL NAW HOL UP SHAWANDA I GOTS TA TELL DIS CASHIER SUMTIN" into her iphone x that was of course on speakerphone
>produces Lone Star card, total drops to $218
>whips out ebt from under her left tit
>total now $12.78
>produces a stack of at least 15 $100 bills from under her right tit to pay
>beaner's turn
>has around $110 of same type of groceries
>"hav eh beh teh"
>totals drops to $8.49
>pays with a $50 that was wrapped in $100s
>my turn
>total groceries are $75
>ask cashier how to get those discounts
>"oh they're pretty much only for minorities, never seen anyone white qualify for it even if they were unemployed"
>realize I'm going broke paying for their housing, children, welfare, unemployment, and groceries and I'll never be able to get gibs like them
Hopefully the system never comes back online. End food stamps and bring back soup/bread kitchens where if you're willing to wait forever you'll get a meal. Why would anyone willingly pay into a system where they'll never see the benefits themselves?
This. That shit is never accurate.
Looks like mostly liberal cities. Shocker.
bring out the fakers
oh shit i was gonna use my neet bucks tommorow for tendies and mountain dew. good thing im white and been stockpiling food for years in my deep freeze.
get /comfy/ time?
i'm triyng to find the vid for pic related, anyone got the link?
>he doesn't know that abusing the system accelerates the collapse
probably. I've been in original thread ffew hours ago but it seems it is sad larp. Niggers not starving
>i love currency crashes
I've been waiting for this.
>Second bailout
No way. I had food stamps for like 3 months in AZ cause I was new to the area and had no job and all I got was $83 per month and it only lasted 3 months. EBT was nice but it was trash.
Well I do live in a sanctuary city.
Do you have kids or something cause no way a single dude is able to get that much from EBT. My freaking mom who is on social security only getting $600 from it gets like $48.
you mad wagie
CHILD OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just kill a nigger and take his gibs. At least then you'd've earned it.
Someone redo this with their cock lol
Why would you feed pizza to your cock??
Proud shitholer
Gas taxes? Oh no! I have significant GAS usage. I have a large number of GAS related needs. My many ovens, for example.
fuck food stamps. I'm legit poor but I was raised to be a man. Of course niggers don't work, they don't have to. Nothing will light a fire under your ass and make you get up and contribute to society like being hungry. I've slept in my car before but I've never asked for welfare or food stamps, I worked and turned my life around. If someone just started giving me money and food, I might still be a dumbass druggy and drunk sleeping in a car and being a lazy piece of shit. Sucks that somehow in my lifetime the most basic American value of pride and independence has completely disappeared and everyone just wants to be fed taken care of like animals in a zoo
>implying anybody's implying
is this a map warning of where to avoid nig nogs in america?
More info here. Whites are buying guns, blacks are freaking out.
> DownDetector
More like Down's Detector
Because white potatoes make better citizens than niggers