>two hours of reptilian crossbreeding propaganda
>wins best picture
Two hours of reptilian crossbreeding propaganda
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I fapped to it.
it was either that or monkey crossbreeding propaganda
This is just an attempt to get us to be more accepting to the Jews.
At least it had no niggers.
the movie showed the mental issues of a Jewess ofc it won.
Bladerunner, Dunkirk... and somehow this is what won best picture...
The plane shots at the end of dkirk alone shouldve won it the oscar, some of the most beautiful pictures ever taken.
it was good.
personally after seeing i tonya i would give the otherwise stunning margot robbie best actress that was one fuck of a redneck she pulled off, real fucking acting.
blade runner was an absolute horrible movie. would never watch it again.
It could have been okay if it wasn't so ridiculously political and muh raciss hwhitey. Fuck it just poured it on thick and never stopped pouring. Garbage teir. No wonder the Jews have it their highest award.
Kill yourself you stupid fuck.
Honestly I wouldn't mind getting fucked in the ass by a big lizard cock. lizards usually have two dicks. so my ass and my pussy get fucked at once. sounds fun IMO.
Dunkirk was a shit movie about a shit subject, soon to be forgotten as were these anglo cowards.
not enough tentacles, tbf.
this hole thread is pathetic.
What has Sup Forums become.
Sage that shit and get on with a good topic.
why the fuck does this keep getting posted
That's nothing, Seeing this as a child fucked me up beyond belief,
Because it's a better movie with a better sex scene.
Jesus fuck
That would have probably been relatively easy to push out though.
add vore and I'll watch with my dick in my hand
kill myself, because you have shit taste in movies? sound logic there fucko. it hardly represented Philip k Dicks original story. that's strike one. it played fanciful with the imagery and let the storyline slack off into a million unanswered questions. the whole thing was nonsense. that's strike 2. it had the worst actors imaginable, barring Leto, and they did back fucking shit with his characters 2 minutes of screen time. So you can go eat lite dynamite and have a fucked life faggot.
What's the sauce, anyway?
The movie is called untamed. It's a spic movie so it's not in english, but there should be subtitles.
great. just like what i like to hear. no wonder all this woman sex with fish stuff on 9faggot today. but what else was alien series. what else was fucking beauty and the BEAST for crying out loud. nothing is new under the sun. it's like Genesis. only in Jewlywood form
So… this movie is shit, but not on a technical level, on which it actually has a lot of merit. No, it’s shit on a quasi-political level.
Let’s lists the main protagonists of the film:
1. Disabled, sexually repressed and highly empathetic mousy woman who never hesitates to do the right thing or stand up for herself, especially against WHITE (*wink*) authoritarian figures.
2. Sassy, salt-of-the-earth and pillar of her household best-friend of said mousy woman, who, although loves her husband, belittles him at every opportunity.
3. Gay neighbor who goes with the flow, whether that’s being understanding of her friend’s burgeoning sexual relationship with a literal sea-monster or said sea-monster eating his cat, but that’s totally OK because he actually has a ton of replacement cats.
Now let’s list the antagonists of the film:
1. Middle-class WHITE MALE (emphasis on white, if you couldn’t tell) with a nuclear-family who lives in the suburbs. Big into torture with the use of a phallic object for some reason, abuse of authority and talking-down to people of lesser social status, one of whom he sexually harasses (*wink wink*).
2. Owner of a café that pretends to be something he’s not, who isn’t just casually homophobic but also racist, all in the same scene!
3. Evil russians with bad accents meddling in american affairs??
It’s insulting how the movie goes out of its way lend some depth to the heroic protagonist characters, but fails to develop any of the villainous roles besides making them more evil for evil’s sake. (e.g. doubling down on the homophobe by also making him a racist). It’s almost amusing to think how 10 to 15 years ago this movie would’ve made an effort to give a fair treatment to the characterization of its characters, as opposed to the two-dimensional cutout treatment of today that happily tows the SJW doctrine. How can you say we as a society have progressed when this is the type of film that wins BP?
I agree it was a rather mediocre film, but I can't claim I know enough about the source material to agree with some of your points.
I wrote some posts trashing the film after I saw it and dont really feel like repeating myself. I liked the original, and thought this the sequel was noting to slobber over. Mediocre to slightly bad, but good compared to most of the garbage coming out these days.
Three Billboards was trashy. I felt like I needed to take a shower after watching it. I don't even know why I decided to see it. Almost all the good parts (like maybe 6 lines of dialogue) were in the review I read.
Lots of people liked the movie user. Why can't you just accept it?
Dunkirk should have won. The only people that don't think so are literally Nazi's
any of yall niggas know where i can find this vid
Start writing down fucking names. Form an army. Give each person a name. And assassinate them all at once.
try the internet