As a spic, I just want to say a big thank you to idiots like Striker for existing. Listening to this episode and knowing that people like Striker and Jayoh have a seat at the Alt Right table makes me feel secure in knowing that I'll always have a comfortable life in this country.
Thank you TRS
Other urls found in this thread:
With that being said, can any paycucks post the episode?
Also since you're a spic what you believe is inconsequential to me at the end of the day. I don't care for the opinion of a short, ugly, greasy mestizo. You people are like flies. You don't think, you just consume. You were herded into this country with the promise of gidmedats. This country is a rotting apple which attracts parasitic insects like you and your family.
All I really care about in concern to you is convincing enough white people to squash the beaner bugs and send you, your family and your friends back to mexico to starve.
So your opinion is irrelevant. Just like the opinion of an insect.
Jayoh is unbearable. He can't say anything without it turning into "kill all faggots and kikes".
Hey, I'm listening to that right now! Glad to see grossly overweight borderjumping diabetic spics with no idea of what something that isn't meant for you is. Pls kys.
Post the link, my main man
I hate bootlicking beaners
Yeah I really don't get what the fuck is Striker's problem. Need to spend a half hour talking this down from using "National Socialism" as part of your slogan and then another forty minutes trying to explain why TWP looks like a bunch of idiots.
>trying this hard
Promise gibmedats and the beaner bug will happily lap up literal dog shit off the bottom of a boot.
The beaner has no principles or values. The beaner will do anything for easy access to liquor, shitty fast food and tortillas
What you say is inconsequential to me because you are a shit fly
Well fucking said. Every part of this is accurate, the comparison to spics as parasitic insects is eerily accurate. They think they are coming here to somehow add to this country, they are just consuming its remnants. Every spic should ask himself if america would be better or worse of without their entire ethnic group. You know the answer deep down you subhuman
>optics cuck
>likes Ricky Vaughn
>probably a Proud Boy faggot
Why am I not surprised?
link link link link
>Grossly overweight
You're projecting fat boy
Striker needs to fucking chill out, dude is way to autistic about this shit.
>ricky vaughn
Nah, I wont waste my time listening to this 4d chess faggot
>Trump takes normal Americans and puts a red MAGA hat on them
>Wins the presidency
How hard is this to understand?
So you mean that you are a
And it fits up, Because you are special little one, as in a special retard., Quite parasitic too, which you daca fucks even admit. Idiot explains itself. And case, well you are a special little case of putrid shit. Your ooze of grease retching anyone who even comes close.
Ding dong get into the pot and get roasted like the midget bean you are.
Im in a mix of both and a mix of severe blackpill. The entire debate between the two was good I think, striker is more radical (I could imagine myself fighting side by side with him for instance) while Ricky seems to be more of a fair weather faggot but he isn't wrong about the normies. We are all very desperate, nothing seems to work, because americans are still too comfortable, too cucked, too brainwashed and afraid. I don't know if either of their tactics will work. Sure Trump got the boomers on his side with civic nationalist rhetoric and frankly stupid memes like THE WALL but at the end of the day all that required of people was to cheer and vote at a booth then go back to their normal lives. The Trump movement is going to die when he fails to get re-elected. Appeal to it if you want, but Striker isn't wrong about conservatives, they are pretty useless when it comes to being fanatical or doing anything other than ticking a voterbox then going home to watch football with their black friend.
I used to be a Proud Boy. They'll kick you out for even admitting to listening to TRS.
You responded to the wrong post, Díabeto
>All conservatives are good for is voting
Then why don't you try to use that instead of just getting in random fist fights with randos on the street?
Because the rabid anti-fascist mob needs to be dealt with and WILL be dealt with.
Because voting won't solve our problems retard. Do you think voting will stop whites from becoming a minority? Even if Trump stopped immigration completely it wouldn't do shit in the long run because of the nonwhites who are already here.
You Swedish faggots talk a lot, but you're too scared of brown men to stop them from doing whatever they want with your women.
You're right I'm sure getting arrested for assault is a much better plan.
>jajaja gringo im posting on your Sup Forums and there aint nothing you can do to stop me
good job I guess?
>good job I guess?
What is it with faggots and ending their passive aggresive non statements with "I guess" ?
Voting is good, but its not really enough, and too many shy from voting for so-called "far right" politicians. We still can't run them. Like why the FUCK did Paul Ryan beat Nehlen? White conservatives are fucking useless cucks for the most part. I donate to Nehlen but its infuriating honestly.
Anyway, voting soon won't even be an option. People are still living in a comfy world of delusion in this regard. Vaughn, Fuentes, even FTN to an extent although they realize destiny. We can remain a significant voting block. White need to become wayyy more woke than they are right now, I mean being lowkey racist in everything you do. Prefer whites in all aspects of your lives, do not help nonwhites ever. Act like every other ethnic group does, help your own, see the others as rivals. I'm just mad at how stupid and slow our race is, and we are getting very frustrated with cucks.
Doing community organizing like TWP does is a better plan. Even if they have "bad optics" they actually help people in rural areas and build bases of support. Voting for the GOP won't do anything and is just an excuse for being a cowardly faggot.
just remember every one of your posts has indicated you're an unpleasant creature to be around and that your input is not valuable
If every radical political movement was lead by cucks like you there would never be any change.
I see white chads kick the shit out of brown people all the time at school??
It's like you fags forget you're on Sup Forums and not some safe space.
You can do all of the above. You can dress like a normal person with a TWP hat, do community outreach, and vote in GOP primaries/elections for the best of breed.
Dressing up like a fedora tipping atheist and getting into a fist fight with some idiot antifa over a speech nobody is going to hear doesn't help anyone.
You are a shit fly and therefore your opinion does not matter
>I watch other people being tough sometimes
If you're a spic why are you a TRS paycuck?
kek'd 'n czeched
It's not us who need specialized laws from underhanded kikes just to not get their teeth kicked in. And you should be aware of this you dirty fuck.
Do you realize yet how fucked you would be if those special laws were gone this instant?
Oh and for your interest, you get regularly fucked and owned anywhere outside of the big cities all the time (and most likely in them too, but the kike media never reports this that you got your ass handed to you because it would confirm that you are a bunch of pansies). A guy I know (white lanky) ruled over ALL 40 of you immigrant shits at his school with a broken arm. Because out there they don't give a fuck about your crutch laws, nor do the cops have the time to come out and check on you. He could take you with one fucking arm with the wrists the size of needles.
Because no matter how deformed he is, he knows how to fight, and he fucks you up.
He described it colorfully too, as "A couple of bitches who get their panties in a jam once they got even slight resistance".
So how does it feel that the only reason you can get away with what you immigrants do now, is literally because of special laws enacted just for you, because you can't handle shit requiring more than rubbing 2 brain cells together? You need a literal "get out of jail card" like some kid on turbo autism.
If you are proud of that, you are pathetic, and I pity you.
>You were herded into this country with the promise of gidmedats.
The we can easily herd them into "transit camps" near the border for "resettlement" in Mexico
lol no shit Jayoh is a fucking retard, Alex/Jess are the true ubermensch
Mike is autistic as shit but its a needed autism, he can lead us to victory from his pussyless ivory tower
Striker is being absolutely retarded in this. I have lost so much respect for him during this episode.
He is being very dogmatic and dense.
>but at the end of the day all that required of people was to cheer and vote at a booth then go back to their normal lives.
Who are you trying to kid? Trump related political activism was off the charts.
Conservatives were getting off their asses and going out to rallies and marches all over the US.
Ricky and Striker both know what's right but they're still attached to electoral politics. Striker has a better understanding of what people will vote for and has accepted that what matters most is white people, and Ricky is afflicted by the cowardice congenital to conservatives, so I expect Striker to be more reliable in interesting times.
This. Jayoh is awful and has nothing to add.
it was posted in an earlier thread
>thinks I'm reading his hysterical diary entry
post the link.
These guys are asshurt some dude leveraged his twitter account into rallies with tens of thousands of participants, billions of dollars in free media attention, millions of dollars in political donations, and he's now currently putting policies in place that will benefit white people.
anyone notice there are ZERO:
>mike married a kike shills
>trs is funded by kikes shills
>richard spencer is a zionist shills
>richard spencer is cia shills
there is a reason for that.
they leftypol guys are just calling striker autistic and other leftypol guys are calling maga alt righters cucks and no discussion is actually being had because anyone that says anything about either is just called a faggot.
it is a fresh new take on the divide and conquer tactic, but is still a divide and conquer tactic.
cough it up paycucks, 4 da cultcha
>google: Sup Forums strike and Mike my optics career
Nigger listen to that episode it's over 2 hours of Striker being a fucking retard and refusing to moderate his delivery in order to appeal to more people.
Michaelangelo wasn't a charity case. If you want more of something, pay for it.
This is just the beginning bud, the past year has entailed more moderate voices joining, as well as the majority of figureheads moderating their outreach. They will be the spearhead at this stage of opening up the Overton window. The fringe elements actually assist in this process by making the moderates seem exactly that, moderate.
Even the faggy liberalists have moved to the right since they came into existence due to the alt-right's influence on the Overton window. In the idealogical space the alt-right is in its best place since its inception 8 years ago.
Logistically, there are indeed some set backs in this current phase regarding physical meet-ups, which is a matter of adjusting to the phase at hand.
The fact that this thing has internal corrective mechanisms shows that it will continue to adapt as the landscape changes.
theres yer star
>Sup Forums strike and Mike my optics career
Deleted thread.
Holy fuck you are a retard. TRUMP IS NOT A WHITE NATIONALIST, HE WILL NOT SAVE WHITE PEOPLE. This isn't hard to understand but dipshits think Trump will fix everything when in reality he will only slow down demographic displacement at best.
Just spend some time around those filthy spics, shouldn't be hard as they're infesting every town like cockroaches. It's absolutely nauseous.
Nigger, Michelangelo was a sculptor. He did what sculptors do. I'm just a wealthy jew who can't expense a subscription.
>The fringe elements actually assist in this process by making the moderates seem exactly that, moderate.
This is the most important thing.
>insert TRS blog post on extremism
blog site seems down, too bad, it's a good post
>when you are so insulated in the Liberal world view you actually think whites aren't becoming fed up with spics and niggers
lel how do you explain away the tattoo
Listening now and yeah Striker gets all butthurt about uniforms but they are right, the all black uniform is some nazi larp. So many better uniforms could be made.
give them your shekels.
Who has done more than trump to help whites?
>He did what sculptors do
And he was paid for it. If sculpting won't put food on your plate, there's no sense making more than a hobby of it.
Goddamn you're an idiot. Just steal his fucking messaging and his optics you fucking ape brained niggers. Cannot believe how fucking retarded you assholes are. A guy literally JUST DID what all you idiots WANT to do. He SHOWED you the way and instead of wanting to copy him you're so wrapped up in how he's a fucking cuck or he's a boomer or he loves Jews or whatever. Trump is fucking irrelevant. Look at how he came to power and copy it instead of doing all this autistic bullshit you've been spinning your wheels with for years.
moderation is still a dirty word with you people, and a lot of those moderate voices and those who follow them are half jews like Tara Mcacrthy and the various fags thats the alt right shelters, not some group pure aryans that are going to embrace oven memes and purity spiraling in real life as soon as they get the chance.
I'm not worried about you.
Hey jayoh
There are several hardliners that have recently had the problem of accepting that moderates are necessary for this phase. Mr. Bond had a sperg out around Dec. over the same issue of moderates, he was worried about a slippery slope like Striker is.
They still have a role to play, but at this phase they necessarily will be pushed to the fringe of the alt-right. The only other option moving forward is a further diffusing and distancing of the label, which isn't itself problematic.
I personally never saw the alt-right in of itself becoming mainline, and that is because of the post-idealogical nature of liberalism and the alt-right being a quilt of idealogical and thematic tatters. As such the central role of the alt-right is to open up the Overton window and to percolate and influence the the mainline with certain themes and ideas.
I have a couple of two questions, what are you talking about and why did you make this thread?
SA had brown uniforms, black were the Fascists and BUF.
You are a shit fly and therefore your opinion is irrelevant
More community activism, less cringy outfits and flags.
Just normal white people branding together to help out the community. That's where we need to start. TWP does much good but their image kills their ability to reach out to more than just the fringes.
White nationalism needs to be palatable to most white people.
We cannot give up on the cause and fall back to the GOP to be our savior but we also cannot fall to traditionally fashy imagery. It needs to be something new, something truly American.
White polos did that and will continue to be perfect for it.
Enoch was the only one who didn't bug the shit out of me on this.
Site can't be reached.
Site can't be reached.
Link works on my end
Enoch is pretty smart. the di Medici, out of charity. Post links faggot.
Ricky: "we need to not do street action and retreat back to the internet but we also have to "plant our flag" in local communities and we're going to have to "fight" but not really because people are afraid of violence and also we need to convince conservatives of alt right views while pretending to not be alt right
Fucking retarded. I really hope no one on the alt right actually wastes time listening to this faggot.
i'll seriously suck ya dick if u can help me find this video
hows it feel being a short ugly beaner who is proud of leaching off of whites?
His brain is very big and I have never really disagreed with anything he has said or his place in the overton window. He is also solidly middle class, a man of the people but also academic as well. He would be the leader of the alt right if he was better looking, and a veteran
sauce on pic related? anyone got a link?
Only voice of reason in the discussion. Ricky was cucked and Striker just can't accept for some weird reason that working class Americans don't jive with national socialist and people that look like skinheads
I don’t know why you think conservatives can’t be guided into becoming alt right. It happens all the time.