Do niggers, spics, and ragheads want white people to snap? They come to our countries and basically abuse it, act entitled and violent, and just make life miserable for civilized people. One day we are going to say enough is enough and fucking systematically exterminate these sub human scum. The funny thing is that a lot of people who don't want this level of destruction won't say a word because of sub human behaviour, and liberals won't do shit to defend them because they'll be scared shitless. Keep it up migrants, niggers, spics, you aren't intelligent enough to understand what you are pushing us to. Fucking animals.
Keep pushing us you fucking retard sub humans
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Sorry m8 but white people snapping isn't even on their radar. They're more worried about their football team covering the spread or what's for dinner
Then do something you autistic faggot.
White people are too comfortable to change anything.
Give it time.
Gringo, any balls whitey had were bred out decades ago. If your people haven't risen up yet, they're not going to. Things are too comfortable, and the conditioning is too strong. The US will quickly reach the point where being opposed to even illegal immigration is seen as racist and beyond the pale. Hell, in many places it's already there. Demographics are destiny, and even if you stopped all immigration tomorrow you'll still be bred out.
My advice to you is to enjoy the decline. Don't worry about these things. There is nothing you can do about it, why stress?
No, they’re just too shortsighted to see what’s on the horizon.
I pray often that the white man will stop feeling guilty about taking charge of his own country. I want to live respectfully in this country but so many of my Mexican brothers and sisters find it impossible to act civil.
Ya, I remeber how hitler came to power by sitting at his computer and LARPing you faggot, how he just "Gave it time."
Off yourself unironic nazi
Eventually we'll be pushed out of our comfort. Trump was just a sign, if they keep it up there will be more. I don't really want it to happen (women and children should be spared) but its becoming a possibility.
No it wont. You had the chance 80 years ago and your grandfather fucked it up.
The power and internet will be shut down.
I wasnt alive 80 years ago nigger and my grandfather was like 10. We are here now and we will give you the holocaust you want.
whites are far too cucked to ever rise, they would rather go extinct than be racist
I hate all niggers and kikes and this summer I'm coming for you all.
thats what they said 90 years ago.
>We are here now and we will give you the holocaust you want.
Keep dreaming faggot. The only holocaust your going to see is the one that's against you. Thank god i'm half Italian so i will be able to blend in with the spics that will control this country in few decades.
History repeats itself, eventually these sub humans will affect us directly and take away our comfort, and than it will begin.
You act as if there hasn’t been massive nationalist movements springing up across the european spectrum. Your going to be sorely disappointed when whites do in fact rise up and push your shit so far in you’ll be crying for Tyrone’s dick cuck
I want to believe.
Hitler literally fucking wandered his country and had no job. He was homeless, essentially the closest you can get to a neet in todays society. One of these Sup Forumsacks will take power one day.
Your power and internet will be shut down! Count on it nigger.
Nice fedora, did your girl get blacked or what
I will shut down your power and internet and sit back and watch the niggers slaughter the kikes.
This is what I mean, they won't believe it until it happens, they're not smart enough to see the signs. They just keep doing there usual bullshit and there own narcissism will block out any doubts. Like I said, give it time. Just remember you pushed for it to happen.
You really are an autistic incel aren't you.
>This is what I mean, they won't believe it until it happens, they're not smart enough to see the signs. They just keep doing there usual bullshit and there own narcissism will block out any doubts. Like I said, give it time. Just remember you pushed for it to happen.
There is no time. It happens this summer. We all ready for war.
This pic hurts me
No, I will literally kill millions.
we need to keep fighting. We only lose when we stop fighting. Teach white people that jews arent us, and not to worry about being called racist for looking out for ourselves
Then let them. With each an every such event or piece of evidence, the scales tip ever further from their side. Eventually, when the mainstream media finally collapses, the kikes that run it crying in mourning for their lost shequels, there will be no bluepilled faggots left.
>Massive nationalist movements
You mean populists? The real movements that mean something are still specks. If the REAL nationalist don't win the people, not just empty populist, then we are safe. But no, it's not them. It's just some fluxuations in the cycle. A movement in the right step, but one step forward and two steps back with these guys.
Well, I hope I'm wrong and for once I hope a leaf is right. But right now it's a pipe dream by some lazy bastards and degenerate skin heads. Not a great base.
Sure you will. You're probably some 115lb soyboy virgin who lives with mommy.
>Any day now things will change, white people will totally stand up one day and fight back
Top kek
If you want to kill millions, poison a water supply or some shit
Irrelevant. I have a high powered rifle to shoot out power substation coolant tanks and a shovel and Kevlar snips to cut your internet fiber and a dual sport motorcycle to travel all across the country to do so.
>the conditioning is too strong
Not necessary. I take out the power and internet and let you faggots kill each other.
Virgin detected. Start lifting fag
I lift 3 times a day. Strong enough to lift a Mosin Nagant.
The leaders of this purge will be intelligent whites who will flip the masses to an agenda just like leaders have always done. You'd be surprised how quick the people will follow when told, especially if it benefits them personally.
Ha you been around city whites too long. I feel the tension brewing, its coming.
You'll be surprised how quick niggers jump on board my agenda when their power and internet is shut down.
Hitler watched Germany crumbling around him before he rose to power.
Ya'l wypipo iz 2 pussified.
I dare you to do something bout it IRL
So you’re threatening to kill millions of people with a shitty Slavic garbage rod that probably has a sticky bolt after the first 5 shots? Lol the mosin meme died a long time ago. Try harder faggot
COming at you live this summer
Hitler 2.0 will likely be one of us. It's only a matter of time, which depends on how much niggardry is done by the other races.
So you admit to being that fucking retarded to not know that a Mosin can take down any power substation in America?
But how could we easily take out the power in a large city. I would do it, nothing to live for desu, would be willing to kms if it meant that I could see if there is any form of supernatural. (Posthumously) Anyway, is there any feasible way that one could take down either internet or power in a large area aside from a DDoS attck?
stop larping you fatass
How would a white liberated zone even replenish its numbers again?
Maybe a new lebensborn program along with rampant genetic cloning and engineered designer supersoldiers to supplement large natural families would be the way to go.
>They come to our countries and basically abuse it, act entitled and violent, and just make life miserable for civilized people
College educated whites went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.
"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.
Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.
We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)
***Just look at the demographics vs counties won.***
It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.
Time is short.
>exterminate these sub human scum
Can't wait...
A high powered rifle. One single shot into the coolant tank of a power substation.
No one is crying over weak ass lefty sucker punches
A shovel and a pair of Kevlar snips can take down the Internet.
People in general are so docile and just generally don't give a fuck because they don't have the energy to care. When the average Ned Nobody comes home after working 9 or 10 hours to pay off his mortgage that still has 35 years left to go and has to listen to his stool sample of a boring wife tell him some meandering, never-ending story that he doesn't want to listen to but has to anyways, he doesn't give a fuck about politics or society. He just wants to have a beer or two, eat, and go the fuck to bed.
People these days are just psychologically exhausted because of the way life is now.
White people are pussies, I dare you to do something cunts.
Posting on a Mongolian grilling chatroom sure signals that you really really mean what you say, that's for sure
Hale hortler xddd
They really don't. The Jew doesn't want this either. Think of it like the grocery store. Remember when the stores had every checkout lane open? Now new stores don't even have any checkout lanes and the older ones just don't staff half of them. This is because they don't care about a line until it forms. If they can get away with not paying an extra cashier until people start complaining, they will.
Right now the CIAniggers are trying to pre-empt that complaining by branding it all "school shooters" or even engineering their own violence. If people think others are taking up the cause, they might sit back and watch. This idea is common, even ITT.
Eventually, though, things are going to affect any given white person. Things like being charged more, things like people being racist to them in their own country, things like people littering! Really small things will start to add up.
That's when people start sabotaging the system and outright attacking it. Random people like this motorcycle guy are going to pop up and start attacking shit. Random Luca Trainis will start popping up. If riots form, there's going to be racial blocs and no group of white cops will agree to be fired on by white people for the sake of niggers.
I really feel sorry for the kikes. God has given us over to them for now.
>give up goyim
Gas yourself, JIDF. It is easily reversible if we counter-program you kike's blue-pilling propaganda.
Deport illegals. Build wall. Have kids.
The CTR/Shareblue Shills and Payments:
But, I have nothing and nothing to lose nigger. For less than $200 I can shut the entire system down.
Kek, someone is mad.
You lost, deal with it. Even if some of you do snap, you'll be stopped right away by your own police force.
We will replace you and absorb you. It's our country now.
We don't care that much about White People. We just never attack them.
I can't say the same for junkies. But remember, junkies will harm anyone.
So, don't listen to Mexican LARPERS, no one likes them but other LARPERS.
A real nationalist could win the people theoretically. Pat Buchanan could were he still alive, but we all now the kikes in the media wouldn't allow that to happen. So long as the Jews control the media, they pick who wins. Trump is kike approved. Nationalism will only come to the West after some major civil war or economic collapse, something big like that.
I think that's silly. I really do.
And if the kikes use their advanced technology to heart-attack me?
Yes officer, whatever you say.
Jew propaganda. They don't have half the technology they've spent the last 20 years trying to convince you they have.
But most people DO have something to lose. The average person is a beta male/female and imprisoned themselves in a life with marriage, work, kids etc. Whatever "revolution" the "intellectuals" have in mind, most people won't be on board with, even if they do happen to feel the same way deep down.
The present situation is effecting the youngest the most, all across the west the young are the most fanatical. These stupid subhumans can't see what's happening in front of their face and they will do nothing to change course before it's way to late. They say we are to apathetic to do anything but it's they who are to stupid to do anything. Make no mistake, it's not the whites that want what comes next but we are not being given a choice.
Fuck's sake; meant for
Whites don't have a country.
The American Revolution was started by 3% of the population. I dont care what you have to lose.
Once the general public becomes familiar with Jew antics it's all downhill for you spics from there.
How heavily guarded is your average power substation? Are there any "undocumented" locations that are vital? I would rather stick to poison, though.
Well this revved up real quick.
Hello FBI NSA CIA etc.
Except they're doing it because we invite them in. WE LET THEM, WE EVEN ENCOURAGE THEM. As an example, I honestly don't even blame the rapefugees for moving into Europe and fucking shit up; wouldn't you be tempted to do the same thing in their shoes? I mean, when a bunch of stupid asshole infidels are willing to give you free shit just for existing and their government is so utterly cucked that you can practically get away with murder because of your status as a "refugee"... well the choice for a lot of them would be clear, right? We shouldn't blame the monkeys for shitting all over our house when we're the ones who brought them home in the first place.
Overthrow the fucking government if you actually want to take back your country.
Thanks, saved.
A chainwire fence that means nothing at 800m.
They're just hypothetical questions!
Or at any other distance
I already reported it
i know the power station closest to me has virtually no security other than a single fence around it ;)
I don't have anything to lose either, user. I've just become jaded and nihilistic in the last 5 years and realize that there isn't really a chance. You think people could just overthrow the military and police that easily? C'mon bro, we're not 14 anymore.
Miguel at the drive-thru forgot to put the extra napkins in OPs bag.
>did your girl get blacked or what
top bantz
Its because the only humans operating with any sort of altruism is white people. These subhumans want and need to be beaten down to know their place.
Like when we were in Iraq, the elders would tell us to hit the citizens because thats the only way they know they are doing wrong. They are truly animals and they know this.
They will keep pushing until whites stop being nice. Its coming. Cant wait. Natural order will be restored.
For the 20th time this week.