Can we be saved? I'm sure we can! Do you guys think the more and more people are becoming aware? Look at this girl, she is an example of what we have to lose if the migrants succeed. Look at her, acknowledge her innocents. That will be lost if she falls for these leftist lies! How do we solve this?! I'm tired of spreading awareness!! Who is the cause of this? Why would they do such a thing? I just wanna give up and pretend this isn't happening but it is!
How do we save the white race?
It's funny to read this. Science does not stand still, it develops. Even now you can change the color of your eyes to blue with a laser. You can change your facial features, you can change the color of your hair. I think that in the future it will be possible to easily change the appearance, people will choose the color of hair and eyes, facial features. The edit of genom will help us.
Therefore, I'm not worried about this.
I'm more unconcerned about the standard of living, economics, inequality and the threat from dictatorships (Russia, China, Iran) that are threatening free countries like USA, EU, and etc.
>Getting cosmetic surgery done
Yes. You can make your nose beautiful at home, doing special exercises for the nose. In modern time changing the appearance is a problem but in the future I'm sure it will much easier.
>No whites
>Science will still progress
Good bait, made me reply
Fire up the ovens
Save da white race.
HUWHITES (Anglos and Germanics/Nords) will die out because they are no longer fit from an evolutionary stance. For all the progress in science and civilization, if they cant do something as simple as reproduce above replacement levels then their superiority counts for nothing, and the cuck gene inherit in northern Europeans still goes strong, race mixing and flooding yourselves with migrants. Honestly I wish for the days of the whites to end, their beta male behavior and cuckoldry make me cringe whenever I see a blonde person.
""""""""""Anglos and Nords""""""""" are Germanic.
>How do we solve this?! I'm tired of spreading awareness!!
We need 10% of America to accept the eternal reality of European Genocide. From there we'll quickly convince the majority. So right now it's still a matter of spreading awareness.
>Who is the cause of this?
>Why would they do such a thing?
pic related
>be emperor of yellow mongol men
>begot ~2000 kids from ~3000 wives
>be """fuhrer""" of pure-aryan reich
>0 kid and one pseudo """"""wife""""""
its fucking written lol
Build a machine like this for blacks.
By talking shit about other races on /po/ right?
>begin the work at once
develop a biological weapon that targets people with high melanin in skin.
its easy as that
Find an IRL Nazi waifu and have 10 children. pic related.
I am going to propose to you that Jesus Christ, and only Jesus Christ, can save the White Race.
The Context:
>White people aren't getting married
>Men are GingTOW
>Women are all man-hating feminists
>Segregation between the sexes is increasing
>Men aren't raising their children
>Women are shit at raising children
>Without children the white race ends.
More Context:
>Australian Aboriginals are fucking shit
>They're all petrol sniffing alcoholics who mutilate and rape all their children
>Men are culturally forbidden from raising children
>Women are culturally forbidden from having anything to do with their sons once they reach 7, at which time the men slice their penis lengthways down the middle and take turns having sex with it.
Story Time
>Missionaries to remote Aboriginals visiting church
>Talk about their work, abos converting, the usual
>Question time
>Be me
>Ask "what is the biggest impact the Gospel has in these communities"
>Skeptical anything can fix the abo
>Men and Women hear about Jesus
>Men want to be involved fathers
>Women want men to be involved fathers
>Both men and women want their children to stop being abused
>Both men and women stop drinking/sniffing
>Know that they are adopted kings and queens in God's eternal kingdom
>Want to live like kings and queens instead of dirt niggers
If even the lowest IQ humans on this planet can change to want to be better people, and particularly to overcome generations of culturally mandated horrifically bad parenting, then surely the white race can too.
But only with Jesus Christ.
Make men and women fathers and mothers again.
>Who is the cause of this?
Confirmed JIDF.
Its the kikes dummy.
It's a shame that girls can't stay like that for long and age terribly like . Tragic really.
>get bullied by whites throughout schooling
>get verbally abused every day by white customers and white boss at work
>"hey, user, hope you didn't take it personally buddy haha because we need you to be a team player and help save the white race"
Sure thing, bro. I'll get right on it lmao
>Have a white fiance
>She comes from a family with 4 kids and wants 4 of her own
>Wonder every time I browse Sup Forums what you faggots are talking about
There are plenty of white women out there who want a family..
tell me more about the nose exercises oh knowledgeable guru
>How do we save the white race?
College educated whites went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.
"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.
Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.
We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)
Just look at the demographics vs counties won.
It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.
Time is short.
It CAN easily be reversed if we do those 3 things.
>can you feel it now mr krabs
>whitey bullied me boohoo :(
Kill yourself nigger
>How do we save the white race?
Get artificial wombs built, and mass produce Whites. Women are always the limiting factor of reproduction.
>How do we save the white race?
You literally can't. Even those that are aware the white race is in danger will call you a pedo if you bring up teenage wives. We deserve to die.
>get bullied by whites
I thought whites were weak pussies, how the fuck did you manage THAT
Found the kike. Lose the proxy schlomo!
Found the nigger.
pedo thread
Ahahaha just accept it u bum nigga there aint no white future its gone and soon to be replaced with latinas and black mix babies
Get a woman, fick her, have 20 children
There us nothing else.
Bro, the entire world is in the middle of a magnetic pole shift, the entire human race has only decades of relatively stable living left before we all have to work together to survive as a species and establish our rightful place in the universe. If we dont pass this near extinction level event, we all become extinct, no matter what race you are.
>age terribly
aren't pedos like you supposed to get jailed in WHITE AUSTRALIA huh>
Expose the Virus.
this thread is just an excuse to post underage girls, white extinction, who cares, I'll live another day with or without lol
What happened to white people?
You realize that a shifting pole doesn't delete or substantially reduce the magnetosphere, right? The magnetic field is still there, just pointing in a different direction