How do we solve the first worlds overweight issue?

How do we solve the first worlds overweight issue?

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The problem will solve itself. Fatties are dying en masse every day. I just wish we could get it over with faster.

Get rid of welfare and socialized medical care.

Funny that fatty is so offended by obvious science.

Engineered famine

a start would be to bring back recess and PE, and serve kids real food for lunch. get vending machines out too

With 72% of America’s population being fat now (with 2030 projected to have 85%) I’d be worried about the economic effects of this many people being sick, dying, and possibly out of work.
I’m surprised people get fat, I remember in my teenage years being depressed and eating a little more than usual, my bmi went from 19, to 24 in about a year, I was disgusted with myself and worked to become fit, how do you get to obese levels and not stop?

Just now realised why people are pushing communism.

That's not how it will work at all. We will pay for their healthcare keeping them alive as long as someone who eats healthy and gets exercise (and those people will be the ones paying for it) while subsidizing their food. The solution is to cut off food stamps and treat obesity like smoking when it comes to health plans.


Maybe its really profitable to feed people plenty of cheap processed food via nice flashy marketing with taste in mind?
Its not like anyone is forcing anyone to eat to excess.

Take away rights to welfare if you are overweight.
That should give a financial motive to stay healthy, since comercials and education doesn't seem to be enough.

can someone help me find this video

Because its the only weight loss plan they can commit to?

The main problem is this "fat pride" bullshit. Yes it's wrong to say that only slim people are attractive but there is a huge difference between being chubby/thicc and obese.
All those huge fat bitches are offended if you say that fat girls are unattractive and say that I should be thankful if one of those landwhales would let me fuck her.

It's all economically driven: all the food-companies make lots of money by selling insane amounts of food and the healthcare system also makes tons of money by treating obese people and their selfmade illness.

Tell a fatty that their habits are causing Candida overgrowth, describe it and maybe they'll do something about it.


Kill the Jew. There are no fat people under the age of 60 when you have National Socialism.

I like to post this wherever I can

Does anyone have the video of the bus stop advertisement that switches from the Obesity image in OP to the McDonald’s ad?

The fuck is an Ob_s__y?

Also, Japan taxes people over a certain wage if they're waist is above a certain size. I'll dig out the deets if you like. Just follow Japan.

we need to let the hieromonks put krokodil in the wafers and meth up the incense

that oughta do the trick

is there a video of pic related?

But one country has managed to keep obesity down with the help of a controversial government policy that probably wouldn't fly in the U.S. That country is Japan, where only about 3.5% of the population is classified as obese, compared to rates as high as 30% or greater in countries like the U.S. And it's not just a generally healthier diet and lifestyle that's kept the Japanese trim.

is there even a way to solve the issue without restriciting freedoms?

Like maybe deny someone access to health care if they're over a certain weight. Thats like the only proper solution I can think of that doesn't reduce freedoms.

>is there even a way to solve the issue without restriciting freedoms?

Are you ok with the tobacco excise? If so, then surely a small tax on the overweight population would be appropriate. However, fuck this Government, look into how much smokers pay in tax, compared to how much they cost the taxpayers each year.

Goddamnit user. Seeing those poor morbidly obese puppies made me sad.

>Goddamnit user. Seeing those poor morbidly obese puppies made me sad.

But they're doggos, they're still happy with life, you can never get a pooch down.


Is that like a tax on fatty foods or an extra to income tax or do you have to step on a scale everytime you get mcdonalds?

If I knew how it worked I could know but It sounds like a good plan to me if it was simply and basically unavoidable and didnt annoying people to sort out,

>:( fuck you natalie

Nvm found it. Can’t webm right now and I’m dumb

Sounds good, and if they can’t afford so much food, they’d lose the extra weight and get welfare.
No, only slim and normal people are attractive.
If we don’t want the economy fucked from all the fatties dying and not being able to work in the next decade or so we need to:
Remove bulk billing/restrict healthcare for fat people
Increase the Medicare levy for those with a 25.1 BMI or higher (waist measurements also as we do, so /fit/ people don’t lose out)
Give tax rebates to healthy people
And other things to increase healthcare costs to fatties to offset the burden it creates for normal people.
Introduce restrictions when it comes to foods, ones with shitloads of suger or things that raise bad cholesterol levels.
But that has an issue of healthy people paying more/not being able to eat some unhealthy food as a treat.

I wish obese fucks had to forfeit their right to free healthcare. They clog the fucking system so bad.

Source: ex nurse

>Introduce restrictions when it comes to foods, ones with shitloads of suger or things that raise bad cholesterol levels.
But that has an issue of healthy people paying more/not being able to eat some unhealthy food as a treat.

Yeah this is the main issue I have with any unhealthy food tax or something. I think the only way to deal with the obesity problem is definitely to restrict health care benefits for people over a certain bf% or BMI or whatever.

Then its not like you have to get weighed everytime you get icecream for the first time in a month. Edgy opinion but maybe also reduce like centrelink benefits for obese people.

Nothing wrong with junk food it's just food, it's the fat retards that are the problem not the food. I eat junk food all the time and stay fit

>that like a tax on fatty foods or an extra to income tax or do you have to step on a scale everytime you get mcdonalds?

It's a tough one to be honest, if you scroll up to the article I linked, you could see how Japan is sitting at 3.5% for obesity within its population.

Honestly, make McDonald's illegal, why the fuck do we allow businesses to profit by feeding us food with little nutritional value and when they just cram everything with fillers. At this rate, we'll be eating fucking plastic in 50 years; it's fucking woeful and it shows that the Government continues to fail its own people.

>I wish obese fucks had to forfeit their right to free healthcare. They clog the fucking system so bad.

That solves nothing though. Address the root cause, don't slap a band aid on the issue so that the unaffected population feels better. Our Government does not give a shit about its people, that is the issue. Companies like KFC and McDonald's should not be allowed to profit off of the filth they serve. Likewise, people should know better than to purchase food from them, especially for their children. But people are idiots and to some extent, a Government is needed (at least within our population of morons) to ensure that morality of business is conducted.

I'm more a fan of restricting the stuff they can sell, like I love me some hashbrowns but like definitely restrictions the way bar restricts you from alcohol. I shouldn't be allowed to eat 20 hashbrowns like I shouldn't be allowed 20 shots.

I'll check out that article now

Education is also required to solve the issue.

I think only slim / normal is attractive. I have to admit that the words chubby and "thicc" can be interpreted very differently. Some say it's still chubby when I think that it's a landwhale and others say fat when I think it's still attractive.

I'd say tax additions for fat people that are only fat because they eat too much and are lazy should solve the problem by reducing the cost for healthy people. I'm a normal shaped guy that has no health issues and never has to see a doctor and I have to pay (germany - 8% of my income go to healthcare) for fat people that have to be treated regularly

I;m a good fan of that system, they approach it like the issue it is and give counselling and support because if you're that fat it's probably a depression fatness. damn I like that system. Might work here in in Aus but probably not in the states because I DONT WANT NO GOBERNMENT TELLING ME WHGAT TO DO

can someone help me find this video

Education about it is fucked.
Have you seen the health rating system we have?
Fat is apparently the worst thing ever but sugar filled shit is fine.
I was out shopping for the missus, and there were those shitty “up and go” breakfast drinks, it had a 5 star rating! Checked the back and what do you know, 4.5 teaspoons of sugar in the damn thing, about half of the daily intake allowance done by breakfast.
It’s fucked.

Japan is literally the best country on earth. Prove me fucking wrong.

> I have to admit that the words chubby and "thicc" can be interpreted very differently. Some say it's still chubby when I think that it's
a landwhale and others say fat when I think it's still attractive

Chubby to me is like a "cute" fat like chubby cheeks or whatever it hate that cute name to it so i've always associated it with like Fat Lite™. but fat just sounds gross.


Yes, I was excited for the star system to be introduced but then milo and fucking coco pops were getting high star ratings. Yeah thanks government great work.

yeah they really need to opull their head out of their ass. like goddamn sugar will ruin you.

>In line at hungry jacks
>eavesdropping on lard ass mother and young daughter
>"waddya want sweetie"
>"Can i have a cold water?"
>"why not a chocolate thickshake?"
>"mmm okay"
>ordered her a fucking large

The problem will go away when they figure out a safe weight loss pill that isn't a scam.

Just wait. (weight)

Get it? Do ya? Do ya get it?

I honestly can’t tell if it’s them being literally retarded or they are doing this on purpose for some fucking reason, would not surprise me with the LNP.
Most countries realised its saturated fats and trans fats that are problem causing, not poly and monounsaturated.
Yet Aus and NZ still think literally every fat will kill you and your family, yet having a good with half to all of your sugar intake in one serving is fine.

>I shouldn't be allowed to eat 20 hashbrowns like I shouldn't be allowed 20 shots.

You should, but you should also know the problems associated with such a meal. Secondly, is a hash brown so bad if it's using fresh and organic ingredients?

>I;m a good fan of that system, they approach it like the issue it is and give counselling and support because if you're that fat it's probably a depression fatness. damn I like that system. Might work here in in Aus but probably not in the states because I DONT WANT NO GOBERNMENT TELLING ME WHGAT TO DO

Pretty much, and I have a huge issue with authority, being a Sigma is fucking difficult at the best of times. Creates a lot of conflict within the work place and I just can't take instruction from someone I consider to be void of morals, ethics or just should not be in a leadership role. But, I'd happily follow the next Hitler and National Socialist movement, I know this much. If a Government tells you what to do, but it serves your best interests and the best interests of your people, could you really consider this to be tyranny?

>Fat is apparently the worst thing ever but sugar filled shit is fine.

This. People have been lied to since the beginning, the food pyramid is a fucking abortion and a massive lie. You need fat in your diet to regulate hormones, stop eating ten times a day so that your insulin levels are not peaking like a fucking coke addict.

>Japan is literally the best country on earth. Prove me fucking wrong.

You can't and that's what scares the media and the 'left', Japan is a moderate NatSoc country and the statistics are great. However as the other user said, anime is a huge fucking issue and they're still under the yoke of the Jew, despite being so homogenous. If they can get rid of Anime and bring back the old philosophy in its youth, birth rates will rise and so will Japan.

I've eliminated medications to treat my diabetes using marijuana and cbd.

>"why not a chocolate thickshake?"
>"mmm okay"
>ordered her a fucking large

That's 'good' parenting these days unfortunately. It's disgusting to see how low we've fallen, schooling is a fucking abortion, we give our kids social media, phones, allow the T.V to raise them from the moment they can laugh at a fucking screen. Let's go back to the way of the Greeks, I don't care how much it costs as opposed to having 40 children in a classroom copying textbooks like fucking scribes.

>Pretty much, and I have a huge issue with authority, being a Sigma is fucking difficult at the best of times. Creates a lot of conflict within the work place and I just can't take instruction from someone I consider to be void of morals, ethics or just should not be in a leadership role. But, I'd happily follow the next Hitler and National Socialist movement

>I'd happily follow the next Hitler and National Socialist movement

woah woah woah dude. slow down there. why would you think the next hitler would help with that shit? My man I'm left as fuck but way down in the libertarian end. Hitler is Authorirtarian and the exact opposite of what you want.

Losing weight will do that too.
Unless it’s type 1

>woah woah woah dude. slow down there. why would you think the next hitler would help with that shit? My man I'm left as fuck but way down in the libertarian end. Hitler is Authorirtarian and the exact opposite of what you want.

The Americans have the answer to a fascist regime, and this is what is so funny about 'left' and 'right', we essentially want the same things. We've just allowed the kikes to turn us against one another, I hate unregulated capitalism, I hate democracy which is in fact not democratic, but instead, an elected dictatorship.

Have a first and second amendment, just like the states, elect your super fascy leader that genuinely cares about the people. The moment he decides to do otherwise, you force them to step down. We are still animals and as much as it may upset you, tribalism is still the answer. Human beings need 'a' leader, not 5,000 of them. Just one, and just like we've done throughout history, the moment that leader fails its tribe, the leader is forced to step down.

I think social media and internet access are fine, you can find good information and poor information.
Plus with any luck seeing enough pretty people on social media might push people to change.

What do you mean they have the answer? Please be specific before I start yelling for the wrong reason.

I'm not sure we want the same thing though. I want The pure utilitarian model over the entire globe.

>I think social media and internet access are fine, you can find good information and poor information.
>Plus with any luck seeing enough pretty people on social media might push people to change.

God no, not for a child. Social media is devastating to adults, let alone children. Psychology is so important and the studies show just how detrimental social media is to your mental health. Self validation and the incorrect release of dopamine is causing depression, procrastination and poor relationships. Twenty years from now, people will not be able to converse with one another, we'll all have crippling anxiety and rely on Xanax and the like.

>I'm not sure we want the same thing though. I want The pure utilitarian model over the entire globe.

Gross. Countries should represent themselves and their people first and foremost. You want this, because you don't have Americans swarming your towns and shooting up the joint, under the guise of 'humanitarian aide', either you're a Jew, or you watch too much T.V.

>What do you mean they have the answer? Please be specific before I start yelling for the wrong reason.

The first and second amendment, allows you to speak your mind against a regime that is no longer serving your people, and the guns allow you to back up your voice should it be required.

I want everyone to chill out and do what they want without hurting other people. guns hurt people by design so they should be restricted.

While I think negative incentives like reducing
welfare we could also have positive incentives like subsidised skin surgery for previously obese people once they are at a normal weight

>I want everyone to chill out and do what they want without hurting other people. guns hurt people by design so they should be restricted.

Based on psychological evaluation and criminal history, yes, we agree.

I eat fast food several times a month. I also cycle 20 miles a day 5 days a week and visit the gym 3 times a week. My BMI is 22 with a body fat percentage that goes between 8-12%.
Why shouldn't I be able to enjoy fast food because of fat fucks?

It's not society's problem, if a man wants to be fat, let him be fat.

what a dumb cunt

>It's not society's problem
Yes it is. You're paying for their healthcare too.
If anything, they should be excluded from health systems or should pay extra.

>I eat fast food several times a month. I also cycle 20 miles a day 5 days a week and visit the gym 3 times a week. My BMI is 22 with a body fat percentage that goes between 8-12%.
>Why shouldn't I be able to enjoy fast food because of fat fucks?

You should, but there is a difference between actual food and food packed with fillers and anything void of nutritional value. You want to smother your food in grease, fine, so long as it is actual food.

>quarter of your population in the next ten years is fat, straining the healthcare system for normal people, the price you cop.
>obese cunts don’t work because they are too fat and you pick up the tab on welfare too.
>just let them have their freedoms
Eventually, you need to put your foot down.

>economic effects
fat people don't work that hard and diabetes treatment is expensive. we're going to be better off without them

>Eventually, you need to put your foot down.

What about drug addicts, the depressed, the autistic, the crippled, the stoners that don't want to work? What do we do with all these people?

I understand where you're coming from and I agree with you, to a point. But unless you pose a solution, what is the point of bickering about the problem?

Same as always, their burden is way lower, they aren’t sucking up as much tax money is this country as fatties, if they become a problem, sure let’s do something about it.
But right now, focusing on the hugest expenditure is the smart move.

>Same as always, their burden is way lower, they aren’t sucking up as much tax money is this country as fatties, if they become a problem, sure let’s do something about it.
>But right now, focusing on the hugest expenditure is the smart move.

You're joking right? And your only concern is financial? How much do you pay in tax each year? Do you think the wealthy should be taxed higher than the workers on minimum wage? Do you think taxes should be increased or decreased?

What about the addicts that we support with methadone clinics? What about the repercussions of them chasing their next fix and methadone is not made available, nor do they have the money to purchase more narcotics? What then? I'd argue that a poor old lady walking home from Woolies is far more important than finances.

Do you not consider the (((obesity))) epidemic to be a responsibility of the Government, and I mean a responsibility that would require them to do more than cut off benefits or increase taxation? How about the fact that McDonald's in Australia got away with 500 million in taxes for the year of 2014? Perhaps we should have taxed McDonald's for that 500 million, and prevent them from escaping their taxes each year.

Perhaps, we should make it a responsibility of fast food chains in general. If they want to serve food to our population which is null and void of nutrition, should they not be held responsible? Where McDonald's and the like goes, obesity follows. Case in point, the obesity epidemic of Samoa.

Please, pose a solution, I'm more than happy to discuss the matter back and forth until we both reach a higher opinion on the topic.

We say we are taking fatties to Cadbury's factor then when they get inside it's just a giant chumming machine and we turn them into fertiliser and dog food

WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THE PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY WHY MUST EVERYTHING BE BANNED OR MADE ILLEGAL IF YOU DONT LIKE IT. One more thing whenever i overhear people talking about gun control its always "i dont get it why dont they just ban guns Americans are so dumb lmao *sniffs farts*"

Tax tends to be around 30k, roughly 1800 is my Medicare levy. I do not use the doctors enough in 5 years to cover that.
The reason most of my points are financial is because, without infringing on people’s freedumbs that’s about all you can do.
Should the wealthy be taxed higher? I don’t know, punishing people for doing well doesn’t sit right with me yet it somewhat makes sense, I’ve never really bothered to think about it because it would never happen.
For taxes, yeah they are a bit higher than they should be, I lose a fair chunk of my income once tax/levy/rego is factored in.

I’m biased when it comes to drug problems, as a best friend of mine died of an overdose when I was a teenager.
I think they should be given a chance and helped, to my brain, being fat is easier to fix than being an addict.
If they decide to hurt other people, refuse treatment, that sort of shit, obviously they shouldn’t be given help anymore as they abused the chance they were given.

I’d say obesity is the fault of the governments braindead handling of educating people on nutrition, and the ease of access to absolute garbage people can funnel into their mouths.
No company should escape taxes, middle class people and small businesses cop it all, and the wealthier can avoid it (hence why I’m not so sure about taxing them higher) and not contribute.
I don’t know how a solution would be paid for, because I know deep down any effort would have that extra revenue not used to fix shit.

I think (FREEDUMBS WARNING) they are responsible if you want to be less kind about it. Banning fast food chains completely seems extreme and would dumpster a large amount of jobs and the economy though, but would the healthier population become more profitable?
Would healthier chains that fit “new” open up to fill this new void?

I really don’t know my man, I should,but I just end up sounding like what I am, some dumb tradie that’s just mad about a lot of things.


Encourage fatties to get fatter because it's #beautiful. Let natural selection take its course.

Kek, the delusion, you will pay hundreds of billions to keep them alive.

If you have a fat tax the govt will just take the cash raised and spend it on immigrants or some shit.

>Should the wealthy be taxed higher? I don’t know, punishing people for doing well doesn’t sit right with me yet it somewhat makes sense, I’ve never really bothered to think about it because it would never happen.

But it does happen... We have different tax brackets that vary according to how much you earn.

>Tax tends to be around 30k, roughly 1800 is my Medicare levy. I do not use the doctors enough in 5 years to cover that.

$1800, to be honest this would likely cover two GP visits, a blood test and an ultrasound. When the time comes and your body starts to fail, your meager $1800 Medicare levy will not contribute more than what you take out.

>I’m biased when it comes to drug problems, as a best friend of mine died of an overdose when I was a teenager.
>I think they should be given a chance and helped, to my brain, being fat is easier to fix than being an addict.

What about being fat and depressed? I'd argue that it's just as difficult as being a drug addict. Also, how do you discriminate according to why they're fat? What if it's purely biological, for instance a failed liver, meaning their insulin levels are fucked from the get go? What if they're just cake loving tubby cunts? Surely we should discriminate between causes.

>The reason most of my points are financial is because, without infringing on people’s freedumbs that’s about all you can do.

Define freedom. Define human rights. They're merely a social construct, created by the weak, for the weak. Instead of encouraging people to care for themselves and their people, hence promoting a sense of pride and protection for yourself and others. This would then make (((human rights))) redundant and obsolete;not to mention, society itself would vastly improve.

>I think they should be given a chance and helped, to my brain, being fat is easier to fix than being an addict.
>If they decide to hurt other people, refuse treatment, that sort of shit, obviously they shouldn’t be given help anymore as they abused the chance they were given.

In addition to this, what would then be the solution? This is what I was referring to previously, as your not quite there yet but you're most definitely teetering on the edge of eugenics.

>I’d say obesity is the fault of the governments braindead handling of educating people on nutrition, and the ease of access to absolute garbage people can funnel into their mouths.

We're in total agreement here, shitty processed foods should not be more expensive than foods grown from seed and water. Why do we not encourage people to have their own gardens? We could subsidise it even, just like the (((immigration))) issue, we flood Europe with millions of 'migrants' so that their birthing rate rises, and instead of encouraging people to start families of their own, through subsidisation, we opt to flood them with people that will burden the economy indefinitely, at least 90% of them anyway. If your parents don't work and are not educated, just how likely is it that you would buck the trend? Slim to none I'd say.

>I think (FREEDUMBS WARNING) they are responsible if you want to be less kind about it. Banning fast food chains completely seems extreme and would dumpster a large amount of jobs and the economy though, but would the healthier population become more profitable?
Would healthier chains that fit “new” open up to fill this new void?

Another interesting point, I'd also argue that a healthier and happier population, would indeed be far more productive. With good diet and good physique, comes increased cognitive ability and confidence, two major factors in determining (((success))) these days. Unfortunately if we want to be successful, we need to play by (((their))) rules.

>Banning fast food chains completely seems extreme and would dumpster a large amount of jobs and the economy though

Agreed, but what if we replaced the fast food industries with industry that supplies foods that are nutritious and appealing, I don't know about you, but I'd opt for a proper meal over McDonald's any day of the week. And with the price of McDonald's these days, how on earth could an equivalent sized meal be more expensive?

>I really don’t know my man, I should,but I just end up sounding like what I am, some dumb tradie that’s just mad about a lot of things.

We disagree here, the fact that you're willing to have a philosophical exchange of ideas, indicates a sense of intelligence. Kudos for not autisticly screeching or resorting to shitposting.

When you said taxed higher I thought you meant higher than they already are, I know what brackets are.

True about the levy comment.

Depression can be treated easier than most issues though, and it’s often not a persons fault.
Yes we should discriminate based on how they got fat, but you must admit that most causes of being overweight are form being a fat cunt, not from some issue with your body. Even then the differences it can cause are so easily fixed by again: not being a fat cunt.

Really the dream type of reality to me is a collection of smaller towns all over the country where the community handles its own farming, jobs, protection, things like that. People decide what is good for them, what their town should be like, things like that.
I don’t know if that’s a political belief but I know in my childhood living in a remote town worth under a thousand people, it was some of my fondest memories of life, nostalgia maybe, but it was a nice place, although not to the level I described before that I desire.
Solution? I don’t know? Jail them? But then that’s even more money spent to keep them under lock and key. Shoot them? That’s kind of fucked up, I don’t think they are bad people for their problems. I can’t say I know how to solve a drug issue, pathways to help yourself is an obvious first step, but refusal to follow makes it hard to figure out what to do.

With the focus on buying a shitty house in the city, yards are becoming rare, but yes that would be good. My childhood home had apple trees, apricot trees, avocado trees, strawberries, black currents, passion fruit, and many others I forget. Tasmania was nice for growing food.

And I missed a word, I mean to say “Would healthier chains that fit new regulations open up to fill this void”

I love the fact that an unemployed person in most western countries can afford to be obese.

Hundreds of years ago the only fat people were kings and Lords. And they would be healthy by today's standards.

Yeah Maccas is disgusting, the only fast food I can stand is either a local place, or subway, even then most of their subs are not the best, the grilled chicken+salads is alright I guess.
I’d much rather just make something nice myself, my wife prefers it too. I’m actually better at cooking than her which is fairly funny.
>warm stew with homemade bread in the winter time
God tier

I guess I don’t give myself enough credit but I do feel a bit out of my depth when it comes to politics.

What is your solution to obesity?

>implying the government wont mandate that the healthy pay for the sick. Through taxes or other means.

People need to not collectively be a bunch of lazy bums. Physical exercise is the solution, along with something resembling a healthy diet.

>Yes we should discriminate based on how they got fat, but you must admit that most causes of being overweight are form being a fat cunt, not from some issue with your body. Even then the differences it can cause are so easily fixed by again: not being a fat cunt.

Not quite, many people don't understand the effects that the endocrine system can have on the body if working against you. The thyroid meme is a legit meme, providing cunts actually have a fucked thyroid. I have to work hard as fuck to avoid being a blimp; I come from big stock though so I naturally would sit at about 115 kilos, currently at 122, not ideal but I have a clean bill of health. The main problem with this, despite being 6'2 and carrying my weight quite well, I'm technically obese according to the broke as fuck BMI. Pic related, skinned head.

>Depression can be treated easier than most issues though, and it’s often not a persons fault.

True and false at the same time, it's neither here nor there. Depression can be attributed to social media, diet, lack of exercise, lack of sleep, an internal struggle, brain concerns, endocrine issues and so on. Depression is so poorly understood even to this day and one of the biggest factors here, is that we can't test for chemicals beyond the blood brain barrier. If we could, there'd be no trial and error in supplementing dopamine or serotonin for instance, we'd just find what is low in the blood work and supplement accordingly. You could look further beyond the above, however this is not confirmed; Jung talks of the collective unconscious, if you dabble with the idea, it's quite easy to see that a lack of fulfillment within modern society could be imposing a drain upon the collective unconscious, driving society further and further down the drain and causing depression on the population, albeit quite gradually.

>Really the dream type of reality to me is a collection of smaller towns all over the country where the community handles its own farming, jobs, protection, things like that. People decide what is good for them, what their town should be like, things like that.
>I don’t know if that’s a political belief but I know in my childhood living in a remote town worth under a thousand people, it was some of my fondest memories of life, nostalgia maybe, but it was a nice place, although not to the level I described before that I desire.

Exactly my thoughts! It's believed that we as human beings are still very tribal, despite what the naive pseudo-intellectuals of the progressive left seem to think. It is for this reason that tensions rise in overpopulated areas, we're just not meant to be crammed together.

>Solution? I don’t know? Jail them? But then that’s even more money spent to keep them under lock and key. Shoot them? That’s kind of fucked up, I don’t think they are bad people for their problems. I can’t say I know how to solve a drug issue, pathways to help yourself is an obvious first step, but refusal to follow makes it hard to figure out what to do.

Well Duterte has no issue shooting them lol. But this is much the same as the fat question, morals and ethics need to be taken into account, additionally, individual circumstances need to be taken into consideration, as would there impact upon society.

>With the focus on buying a shitty house in the city, yards are becoming rare, but yes that would be good. My childhood home had apple trees, apricot trees, avocado trees, strawberries, black currents, passion fruit, and many others I forget. Tasmania was nice for growing food.

Tasmania is my dream, 100 acres, permaculture and livestock. Perhaps even take the vegetarian pill one day and live with and from the animals. Maybe treat myself to a steak once a week, I'm only human after all.

Stop subsidizing it.

fatties BTFO

Put an extra tax on sugar. The sugar industry will reeeeeeeeee, but I promise you, people would lose weight. Especially the poor.

>Everybody must pay because fat people lack discipline
Fucking no Hans. Just put a scale on the floor at the candy isle that screams the weight of the fatty reaching for the candy.
Normal people will laugh as it screams out their normal weight and fatties will stand in the corner

this idea could work while
yours is childish trash.

Just end the fucking "obesity is a disease" meme and tell these people the truth.
I'm not saying fat people should be shamed, but being fat shouldn't be encouraged either.

She replies to this by saying that fatshaming kills more people than cancer.

What should it be called? Self harm?

Classify gluttony and lack of self control as a mental illness and treat it
>There's a pill for that

Shouldn't it be public policy to raise prices on products that are harmful by taxing them? Alcohol, nicotine, etc.?

Applies to sugar.