Whatever happened to this place?
Whatever happened to this place?
Are there people who unironically want political correctness? What does it feel like to be that bluepilled.
you mean Sup Forums?
flooded with normies RPing as nazis on the internet
the oldfags left, they either fell into depression, hedonism or embraced the way of the jew
Yes. They like it because it forces people to pretend they get along and like one another. Being PC means you'll never upset anyone for thinking or speaking the wrong things. Avoiding conflict is the ultimate goal as they believe that will make society better.
The Japanese have an equivalent concept of "tatemae".
How many people really want:
>Thug Culture
>Lying Journalists
>Outsiders not assimilating to the native language
wtf i love political correctness, feminazis, thug culture, muslims, mexicans, refugees, lyin' press, homos, elites and speakin' foreign now
Yes there are, they don't like conflict and confrontation, and try to avoid hurting feelings. PC people are also very smug for some reason and they think racism is a bad thing.
And look at all of those shitskins and faggots waiting outside to get in
>trying to get into a place that clearly doesnt want you in
I'll never understand the point of this stupid picture
I think Sup Forums is beyond the RPing phase. Its a full blown reactionary movement often called the alt right.
i'm triyng to find the vid for pic related, anyone got the link?
Why don't they just move to a country where all that other stuff is allowed but not guns?
This is an amazing glimpse into how warped the liberal mind is.
If you're some weak and naive faggot, I can understand approval of Muslims, Mexicans, refugees and "speakin' foreign". Yet how can ANYONE, even the most degenerated of degenerates, think "thug culture, lyin' press and elites" are a good thing? Presumably this is a joke, meant to imply that the press is trustworthy, which just makes them look even more pozzed.
Because they are so unsafe because of all the wonderfully diverse populations.
damn son you in thailand and getting of to internet porn? how much of a fucking fag are you?
>Yes there are, they don't like conflict and confrontation, and try to avoid hurting feelings. PC people are also very smug for some reason and they think racism is a bad thing.
Basically none of this is true.
They like conflict and confrontation.
They get fill their lives with it because they enjoy it.
They don't care about hurting white males feelings; They only protect their allies
In fact, they revel in the idea that they can white men angry
These people think violence against white males is a good thing.
They actively participate in racism.
Their entire world-view revolves around race.
They are smug because they've actually convinced retards like you that this is anything other than a power play that they use to control white people.
White men are their enemy; They hate white men and want them in chains.
And you're stupid enough to think they do it out of the kindness of their heart.
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