So there's something i'm not really following regarding holocaust denial...

so there's something i'm not really following regarding holocaust denial. putting aside all the specifics of claims regarding faulty numbers, theoretical practicality of gas chambers and zyklon B, oven capacity etc. why exactly is it difficult to follow the concept itself as a logical continuum. is it not unreasonable to assume that seeing the result of the jews finacing bolshevism in the east and causing societal ruin and 10's of millions of deaths, hitlers history as an active participant of WW1, his cabinet being fully aware of the consequences if the jews being allowed to escape europe. even a cursory reading of the context of the social climate leading up to the holocaust clearly demonstrate an us or them mentality that turned out to be completely true. how many times have you heard "the holocaust didn't happen but it should have" as if hitler himself would be incapable of holding an identical sentiment? having not fully investigated all the highly professional photoshoped .jpgs aside, to me it seems as though the complete extermination of the jews as being necessary was almost as automatic a decision as any other policies the NS party put in place. i know the basis for holocaust denial sits in depriving the jews of their only identity, the holocaust, but to me in a way it seems almost disrespectful to disregard the hard work the germans put into engineering the elimination of the worlds greatest threat.

Other urls found in this thread: was anne frank transported to auschwitz&source=bl&ots=V1XeTp7SHg&sig=iRstvg-uPMQ4WlPY9cysWiFP0MA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzjYXOmtrZAhUMJ8AKHRaOAeE4ChDoAQg4MAM#v=onepage&q=how was anne frank transported to auschwitz&f=false

in a way it seems almost counter intuitive to despise the jews but not take pride in one of the few times in history they experienced a near erasure.

American GI's starved 1.5 million German soldiers in the Rhine valley camps.
Daschau, bliesberg, Katyn forest.
There were a few genocides and holocausts not just the Joos.

of course but thats not the topic at hand.

U will

been here for 6 years

that's ben shapiro

It would be different if 75% of media and people in power weren’t Jews

Yeah it didn't happen even though you wanted it to.

but again it follows logically as a concept that it did. and based purely on that its more plausible that it did happen than didn't.

II dont care if Jews were crucified beheaded, cut down to size, made into sushi, heads spiked on a totem pole 6 million feet in the air.


Kikes are not holy matrys and innocent victims, they are criminals, bandits, agents of suffering, subversives, responsible for millions of my own people being murdered.

In their very holy book they engage in war, murder, robbery, in their talmud they declare war on the goyim, abd we accept their declaration.

If the holocaust were true, scholomos roast beef great great uncle is not any distinct than hans roast beef uncle farmer roasted by bombs.

>to me it seems as though the complete extermination of the jews
eh, they wanted to model it after how the Americans dealt with the violent Native Americans tribes that could not assimilate into white European culture and society. Removal into area. The jews were ultimately a net negative for western civilization -this was pretty much a consensus around the civilized world, starting in the late 1800s.

>why exactly is it difficult to follow the concept itself as a logical continuum

It's not, that's what makes it so appealing to normies and such a good fable for Jews. You can make a story of how one guy JUST SO HAPPENED to hate Jews and then convinced every else to JUST SO HAPPEN to hate Jews too, leading to their mass genocide. However, the reality of the situation was very different than how it is usually presented. Obviously the Jewish media and communist insurrectionists (and most Jewish bankers) did deep wrong to the German people. They also pushed for repulsive values in the Weimar Republic. It's no wonder that people began to resent them more and more.

Make no mistake, Hitler hated Jews. Nazism was brought into being literally JUST to exclude their influence. Jews WERE rounded up into concentration camps. Some Jews WERE killed en masse. But Jews have blown these real historical events into unbelievable and disproportionate accounts, and us Holocaust-revisionists need to hammer that home.

why don't you read the entire post there freindo.

That's a lie. Show proof please.

Stop posting this Iberian mutt.

"Beschränkte, Idioten, Krüppel und kranke Menschen müssen in kürzester Zeit durch Liquidation zur Entlastung des Lagers aus demselben entfernt werden. Diese Maßnahme findet aber insofern eine Erschwerung, da nach Anweisung des RSHA entgegen der bei den Juden angewendeten Maßnahme, Polen eines natürlichen Todes sterben müssen."

"Imbeciles, idiots, cripples and sick people must be removed from the camp as soon as possible by liquidation to unburden it. But this measure has insofar complications as, according to RSHA order, contrary to the measure applied on the Jews, Poles must die from natural causes."


The holocaust did happen, but it's highly exaggerated by jews. Jew's weren't the only ones locked up in the camps, dont forget gypsies and other natives or immigrants. And the wealthy ones, or high classed concentration camps had more privileges. You have to remember that the holocaust was just used a cover for the creation of the global Zionist state, Israel. An eternal being waged war long ago, this is going all according to plans.


>American GI's starved 1.5 million German soldiers in the Rhine valley camps.

says one book in 1996, but for some reason no one noticed while it happened or for the next 50 years...

yeah right.

why do you say this?

there is actually mountains of evidence that it did happen. - well documented, and the archaeology and the testimony conforms it

You know that deep anti jewish hatred was common in Germany long before the first world war - they were openly discriminated against for centuries, and various (often libelous) prejudices existed. it was not just one man convincing an unwilling population - it was a population that had deep prejudice electing a man who pandered to that. (think trump and the racist republican base - he did not persuade them to hate other races, they have done it for centuries)

>blown these real historical events into unbelievable and disproportionate accounts,

Yes there are some silly stories out there - but the basic facts (5.1 million minimum, probably 5,6 million, maybe over 6 million dead, the ghettos, the concentration camps the labour camps the mass killing apparatus, the mass shootings in the eastern front) are all well documented and historical fact.


Well said, that's about how I feel about it too. Denial is only a useful tool to enrage jews and (try) rob them of their one limitless value bargaining chip. Full, honest denial cannot be supported with evidence


They have done it for centuries because that's what our societies teach. Think about, you're not born out of the whom saying g-d damn niggers and kikes. You're taught this hatred, just like society and man teach many vile and wicked ways/beliefs. You can say what you want, but Germany has a history of accepting Jews when they were persecuted in Europe. Remember when all the Jews were fleeing Russia? Who took them in, oh thats right, Germany and the neighboring nations. And besides, the holocaust was just used as a front to create the global Zionist state of Israel.If you need facts and statistics to think for yourself then you're truly a lost nurtured slave or have an agenda.

Because Hitler is the purest, most sinless man in history.

That's why.

Shut up T_Dtard

>And besides, the holocaust was just used as a front to create the global Zionist state of Israel.

nah, they had been working to that end for decades. If the 2nd WW had not happened they would still have done it.

>If you need facts and statistics to think for yourself then you're truly a lost nurtured slave or have an agenda.

sorry, but if you do not need facts and statistics then you are simply a fantasist and a retard.

"thinking for yourself" without historical fact to base it on is just "making shit up" and the shit you make up is still shit.

but you could still say that and acknowledge that the mass murder happened, if you agreed with Hitler (and the other top nazis) that killing the jews was a pure and good thing to do.

Take this

read this and see what you think

Dear Op.

One of the things I find most extraordinary about the alleged holocaust is this....

By 1941, thanks to the capture of working enigma machines from the German Navy, British intelligence was able to intercept and crack every single German transmission.

British intelligence, thanks to this breakthrough was able to know the locations of high ranking personel, if they had birthdays etc, they were able to warn the soviets of invasion (Stalin ignored them), in short they knew and recorded a huge amount of intelligence...

However, not one single shred of any implied or direct order for the organised extermination of the Jews was ever discovered, bare in mind they do have the records of deaths reported from multiple concentration camps as they dealt with epidemics like Typhoid.

Very curious indeed.

Who said I was making this up? Have you ever read the scriptures? Holy text? > "thinking for yourself" without historical fact to base it on is just "making shit up" and the shit you make up is still shit. First off, I never said I wasn't using historical facts. I simply stated if you need facts and statistics to THINK, then that in itself is a problem. If you need facts and statistics to ENABLE your ability to critically think, then that is a major problem in our society and in correlation with our history and culture as well.

> nah, they had been working to that end for decades. If the 2nd WW had not happened they would still have done it.

You literally just confirmed that there is a force out there who's agenda is to control everyone and everything. Since that's the case, then our history and our records are lies. And the facts and statistics are twisted and corrupt to favor the said agenda.


That's a good read, but don't put words into my mouth. I never stated Germans and Germany weren't anti-semitic, all peoples who have accepted Jews at one point have persecuted them. And this is documented 'fact' for everyone to see. Example, the holocaust.


How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

actually... not exactly true.

Enigma was mostly used for long distance secure signals. but the SS relied on word of mouth - it was a matter of pride int hem that they gave orders personally and could pass orders on accurately - this was a part of their training. We have testimony of Eichmann saying he was ordered personally by Heydrich, and told that the order had come personally from Himmler after discussion with Hitler - it was a Fuhrer order.

there would be no need for multiple rders being repeated - you would not get everyday repeat orders of "kill more jews2

we do have a signal that had numbers on it that the British did not understand the significance of at the time, known as the Hofle Telegram - detailing the numbers killed at the Reinhart camps, and details of numbers transported to them.

but this was exceptional - a report after months of operation, to Eichmann.

you can read about it if you search for Hofle telegram.

also, they had some reports of the camp numbers, but these were for the labour camp - they detailed totals in the camp, new incoming and "departures by any means". Comparing these to know transport records has shown that many people were transported to certain camps - like auschwitz, but not taken in as labour force.

(a famous example is anne Frank - be the passenger list for the train she was ent to auschwitz on had 1,019 people listed; of those, 425 were selected for labor and registered at Auschwitz, and 594 were not processed into the camp and were gassed. The 594 included all of the children on the train who were under 15 years old. None of the 425 people who were registered were under 15.

this aligns very well with Goebbels diary saying 60% had to be liquidated as they were not fit for slave labour

It is not disrespectful. It is dishonest to say the hard work was for the elimination of a threat. They were trying to transport them away. If they wanted to engineer a war machine, you simply starve them all, which there was no indication of doing so wholesale. It seems you have a warped take on the Germans.

>if you need facts and statistics to THINK, then that in itself is a problem.

sorry, but if you are not thinking about facts, what are you thinking about?

I keep seeing this crappy copypasta - why does anyone buy into this pseudo sociological garbage?

does anyone here think they live their life according to a "foundation myth"?

this is post modern pseudo science

>they were trying to transport them away.

where to?

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern neo nazis the story of WWII and the rise of Hitler has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is liberalism. Ultimate good is Nazism. The values derived from these definitions are that anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on are evil, while tribalism, totalitarianism and sexism and racism are good . 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary neo nazi doctirne, is the goodness of Hitler. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Because everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, and his wicked ideology, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime (and ideology of peace, accommodation, brotherhood and progress) for the Neo Nazis their sacred idol is an obscenity of war mongering death and destruction. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Neo Nazis is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for neo Nazis and the Alt right is poisoned.

there fixed it for you.

and it makes as much sense as your bullshit version

I would like sauces please especially regarding Ann frank as I have personally been to Awchwitz and the tour guide explicitly said Ann Frank was one of the victims transported on un recorded trains, never officially booked into the camp in any way.
This is how they claim high numbers of deaths, as they say the Germans purposely didn’t record several million alleged victims, the only ‘evidence’ these people died in these camps is the victims relatives un challenged accusations, so I find you suddenly claiming to know train details for Ann frank interesting and would like to read the same sauce

I'm the same given what I know about what the Jews had done to Eastern Europe and the absolute savagery of it. The fact that they tried to take over Germany in 1918 and had created the weimar Republic which was not German in any sense. If I was Hitler I would have ordered their extermination.

That being said the numbers don't add up. I did the math and if 1.5 million died at auschwitz in 3 years then the Germans had to be gassing and burning almost one Jew every minute.

I'm going to steal this one from you

I saw a photo of the listing here in a thread some weeks ago but did not download it - looking for it now

my pleasure - do you have the photo of the passenger list for the anne frank train? or her entry in the labour camp record

If you are interested in ENIGMA, see A great place to get some really detailed history and background.

this is very annoying - I find various references to her being among the passenger list with ehr family (and I have seen teh photo ofthe page) but cannot find the photo was anne frank transported to auschwitz&source=bl&ots=V1XeTp7SHg&sig=iRstvg-uPMQ4WlPY9cysWiFP0MA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzjYXOmtrZAhUMJ8AKHRaOAeE4ChDoAQg4MAM#v=onepage&q=how was anne frank transported to auschwitz&f=false

>I know the basis for holocaust denial sits in depriving the Jews of their only identity, the holocaust
Fuck off, kike.

Thanks user

>if 1.5 million died at auschwitz in 3 years

probably 1.1 actually.

also, Auschwitz was a huge labour camp - many died in the camp from things other than gas. But that said, what is the problem with this math when you can kill 2000 at at time in half an hour - that is an average of one per 0.015 minutes

or you could say 1000 a day - the labour camp at Auschwitz I alone recorded about a hundred deaths a day on average, and this is without looking at the much larger labour camps Auschwitz 2 and auschwitz Birkenau,

also, why would they bother to record names of people that would be killed and cremated in a few hours?

found it

on the list were 498 men 442 women and 79 children under fifteen - anne was fifteen so she was classed as a woman.

all the children were killed.

Well what the fuck is it? Seventy years of propaganda and supposed historical research and you kike vermin can't come up with a half plausible story? You keep having to change the number or the method of extermination or disposal. You rats just know it happened so every one else is supposed to believe you even if it doesn't make sense.

>many died in the camp from things other than gas
Everyone died of things other than gas because no jews are gassed.

Of course I'm going to think about and feel the physical manifestations in our lives that represent facts. That's a given. Aliens aren't facts, yet they have connections to a very important piece of work in human history the scriptures. Holy text. We can't prove that as reality, but our scriptures do. We can't prove that demons (aliens) exist or that Moloch the deity and the pedophiliac ring masters we call our elite exist either. But, all the little details in society and their actions do. Just because you can't prove something as fact doesn't mean it it's not there or exists. For example, Nikola Tesla was working on a project for global free energy. Now, we can't prove that that's true, however, he had the idea of transmitting wifi through radio towers across the planet stationed at specified points giving all peoples access. Funny how that turned out isnt it? Isn't that convenient, how in the late 1800's and early-mid 1900's he had all these wonderful patents,blueprints and ideas he was working on and how did he acquire this knowledge? No one knows, some say aliens, some say esoteric knowledge given or found by him. We can't prove it. But he states himself, that he was contacted by aliens. But aliens don't exist. But time and time again throughout history we have a discovered that humans have been known to form secret societies and worship deities. Now you can't blame that on not understanding the facts in our world. Our ancient peoples knew way more than we're told. Hence their amazing achievements. If we as a species are so versed with facts, then how come we still worship deities even though facts say they don't exist. And how come we can't replicate Classical era structures or structures from other time periods? We repair and manage them not replicate. The only people's who can do that work are masons and they don't 'exist'.

>You keep having to change the number or the method of extermination or disposal.

no, the number has been well documented by historians since the 1950's (and pretty well settled by the late 40's for that matter)

so the number does not change. Nor has the method of murder and disposal - it was always known that people died in the labour camps (often violently) as well as disease. And the method of gassing (using gas vans, exhaust fumes or Zyklon B) was known from 1945. That has not changed. Nor has the mass shooting. and disposal - many buried, many cremated, that has not changed.

so what are you talking about?

all this is well documented. your hysterical, undocumented,non historical ranting makes no sense.

I am happy to discuss your ideas if you want to do so.

why do you say this? the evidence is overwhelming - they built gas chambers, they used them. Not just at Auschwitz, and not just using Zyklon B. Have you done no research on this?

It literally is the surrogate religion of the atheist commie jews

They built delousing chambers and they used them to delouse. There isn't a single Nazi document referring to extermination.

Okay, sir, please put down the tinfoil and hold you hands in the air. We are not going to hurt you, but it is time (past time) for your medication.

Cheese eating surrender monkey!
There, that's my argument and contribution to your most enlightening discussion! Allons enfants pour les juifes!

you have not heard of the Posen Speeches of Himmler?

On 27 March 1942, during the height of the war, Goebbels wrote into his diary one of the most explicit recorded references to the Nazi genocide of the Jews:

«Aus dem Generalgovernement werden jetzt, bei Lublin beginnend, die Juden nach dem Osten abgeschoben. Es wird hier ein ziemlich barbarisches und nicht näher zu beschreibendes Verfahren angewandt, und von den Juden selbst bleibt nicht mehr viel übrig. Im großen kann man wohl feststellen, daß 60 % davon liquidiert werden müssen, während nur noch 40 % in die Arbeit eingesetzt werden können. Der ehemalige Gauleiter von Wien, der diese Aktion durchführt, tut das mit ziemlicher Umsicht und auch mit einem Verfahren, das nicht allzu auffällig wirkt. An den Juden wird ein Strafgericht vollzogen, das zwar barbarisch ist, das sie aber vollauf verdient haben. Die Prophezeiung, die der Führer ihnen für die Herbeiführung eines neuen Weltkriegs mit auf den Weg gegeben hat, beginnt sich in der furchtbarsten Weise zu verwirklichen. Man darf in diesen Dingen keine Sentimentalitäten obwalten lassen.»

«The Jews are now being pushed out of the General Government, beginning near Lublin, to the East. A pretty barbaric procedure is being applied here, and it is not to be described in any more detail, and not much is left of the Jews themselves. In general one may conclude that 60% of them must be liquidated, while only 40% can be put to work. The former Gauleiter of Vienna [Globocnik], who is carrying out this action, is doing it pretty prudently and with a procedure that doesn't work too conspicuously. The Jews are being punished barbarically, to be sure, but they have fully deserved it. The prophesy that the Führer issued to them on the way, for the eventuality that they started a new world war, is beginning to realise itself in the most terrible manner. One must not allow any sentimentalities to rule in these matters.»

>oy vey, the proof is so obvious i don't need to give any goy


There is no point discussing anything with you. You actually believe that everything they tell you is the truth. Well let me tell you this if it did actually happen, first at least come up with a decent story to explain the death count and second we're all glad. Jews are parasitic race who only live to destroy cultures and civilisations. We like our culture, traditions, nation and race as it is.

well I am actually Irish, just living in France, but I do like a good Comte.

now go back to your "special" class and pay attention, and remember to try to make eye contact.

This is supposed to be proof of genocide? But he doesn't mention killing, it's not clear whether he's implying killing or some other "barbaric punishment", and he explicitly says 40% are being put to work, so they can't have been killed.

what do you need?

Why is Sup Forums so addicted to pretty little white boys

are you? indeed? well good for you. and your last name? lemme guess

>I got btfo by the overwhelming evidence so let me use my last straw - saying the Jews deserved it

Love how all the Holocaust deniers behave in a pattern, always... the same pattern. Like you guys are a hive-mind. Pretty much only because you never bother to do any research but just copy paste random info or infographics from denier sites, without knowing they are debunked. Some even decades ago.

I can't put my tinfoil cap down. It's a natural barrier, called THOUGHT/thinking. I bet your facts didn't tell you that one! 'Due unto others as they do unto you,' I think it's high time for you to sleep little one.

listen UN, I have a lot of other shit to do than to research what's never happened and have been lied about for 70years.
only real proof is this - if this shit really happened and it is so well documented and researched then why oh why will I go to jail if I question even the smallest detail.


Very good point sir!

Actually they never officially built the gas chambers.

Where do you see anything where they clearly design chambers?

The awchwitz camp plans listed their ‘chambers’ two and three as morgues, ‘gas chamber one’ the experimental chamber was part of the original Polish barracks complex.

Your losing me with what appears to be intentional misleading comments meant to be consumed by people less knowledgeable in this subject.

now, Go awayeh, or I shall taunt you a second timeh! :plurp:

You don't get jailed for questioning, but denial.

So by your logic communists also never committed crimes because the denial of it is forbidden by law for example in Poland?
Holodomor never happened just because the denial of it is forbidden in Ukraine?
Armenian genocide never happened because the denial is forbidden by law in Armenia, Cyprus and was even in France?
Rwandan genocide never happened just because the denial is forbidden in Rwanda?

It's pretty much only forbidden to deny the Holocaust in countries that suffered from the Nazi regime.

Also nice that you admitted that you have NO clue what you're talking about.
Another perfect example that Holocaust denial comes from historical ignorance. You BTFOd yourself, congratulations!

>There is no point discussing anything with you. You actually believe that everything they tell you is the truth.

no I don't. But I have yet to see a single argument from anyone who denies it that has any credibility at all. if you can supply one - red pill me.

> Well let me tell you this if it did actually happen,
it did

> first at least come up with a decent story to explain the death count

what do you need to know - three million Polish jews were rounded up and many were shot, many gassed, many worked or starved to death. 1,5 million or more were killed in the Eastern front, mostly with gas vans and shooting - many by enthusiastic locals taking part in the pogroms. the Latvians and Lithuanians were especially co-operative.

half a million Hungarian and Romanian jews were transported to Poland to the camps they died in. Mostly gassed with exhaust fumes or cyanide, many died in the labour camps.

Yugoslav authorities had a little side line in killing jasenovac camp may have killed a hundred thousand, of which only 20,000 perhaps were jews, but it all helps to get to the total

that gets you to about 5 million. the historians estimate that 5.6, to 5.7 million is the real total (some say as low as 5.1 some suggest a little over 6) so the remaining few hundred thousand - the various camps, adn killings that are all well documented.

it really is not hard to get to those totals.

just ask yourself what happened to the jews of Lodz, and then think about it.

or check the census data - pic related


I'm not saying I deny it happened you kike parasite. I'm saying I don't know thanks to your lot the truth will never get out about what actually did. It's irrelevant to argue about it either way if it did happen its because of how utterly disgusting and depraved the jews are and if it didn't just how utterly disgusting and depraved must you be to make something like that up? All I know is to never trust Jews or anyone who defends them. They all deserve to die. Be sure that next time we will make auschwitz look like Disney land.

It's the same as when you prove to jews less than 6 million died and they are offended and horrified because they WANT 6 million to be dead, you can't win.

It did happen, see hofle telegram and all the operation reinhardt decodes, search specifically for odilo globocnik. Also hear it from an S.S man himself, he requested not being shown so the guy kiked him and promised whilst using a hidden camera. There's 7 parts on that channel.

Where are your facts? You're assuming I'm a nazi? Fortunately for you, I'm not, i'm not affiliated with any man made ideology/political party.

Love you too, bucko, but that's just circle jerk. Holohoax is the only lie that has been globalized and protected by law in more than 1 country.
I can still question Holodomor, Armenian genocide and commie commited crimes in any country that is not the victim. not so with holohoax
still DOA

It doesn't matter if it did or didn't happen what use is their in arguing about it. Eitherway it doesn't change things now and either way the jews come out are the demonic race of rats they are.

You'll never know because you're blatantly stupid.

Where are the bodies UN bro?

Where are the multiple ash fields of 6 million people. Think about that everyone reading, really think just how much remains 6 million should leave. A whole city worth of people vanished and all they have to prove it is several thousand pairs of shoes and kike spectacles. Several thousand not even 100k items, a long way off 6 million.

I accept personally that around 300k Jews died in WW2 due to mistreatment and murder, but no where near 6 million.

It’s a lie that is so overplayed it diminishes the true crimes of the Nazis to irrelevance.

More Russians died at the hands of Germans.


>he doesn't mention killing, it's not clear whether he's implying killing or some other "barbaric punishment"

such as ?

If 40% were taken as slave labour, when they were sent to the labour camps, what happened to the 60% who were "liquidated"? what does "liquidated" mean?

you can really read this and think he meant they were sent to holiday camps with bunnies and pony rides and swimming pools?

Another thing: the Final Solution is acknowledged to have been a gradual process. Hitler may have wanted all the Jews to die from the beginning, perhaps more as a fantasy at first than anything, but it was only late into the war, and after some degree of acceleration that extermination became government policy, partly because they started panicking once the invasion of Russia and the Eastern Front started to eat away at their potential victory conditions. The Holocaust was not quite premeditated, even if it was sanctioned by the Third Reich and its ideology - it was a bureaucratic spiral. The same way war becomes more and more brutal and desperate.

One thing I think is Sup Forums rightly diagnoses and flees from cultural myths. Many surround the Holocaust. It’s the nature of any large historical event, especially one with so much cultural impact and political value. But Sup Forums confuses this pop-cultural plebeian delusion with some sort of institutional conspiracy. It cites self-published and irrelevant amazon books with ludicrous claims (holocoaster, masturbation machines) as evidence of the illegitimacy of an entire historical narrative. It correctly disputes the accuracy and conduct of the Nuremberg trials but fails to recognise that so do historians, and that historians do not think the Nuremberg trials provide, in themselves, an accurate narrative for the Holocaust. It makes fun of soap and lampshades, which is atrocity propaganda, but doesn’t notice that it has long been recognised as such by institutions, courts and historians dating back to the 50s.

>I can't refute the evidence which prove the Holocaust happened but I'll still say it's a lie

But its not though?
There is no possible way 6 million j*ws were exterminated in concentration camps.
I believe they tried to rid Germany(not the whole world) of the jew problem, but what was the point of shipping some to Palestine and some to camps?

nope, not jewish either.

but have fun spewing ad hominems instead of engaging in any factual debate.

There was never any residue of Zyklon B found at any camp, nor any stores of Zyklon B found at any camp.
Says everything has been debunked, offers no hard evidence.
Are you afraid of accepting truth, or something?
>It's pretty much only forbidden to deny the Holocaust in countries that suffered from the Nazi regime.
Incorrect. It is an offense punishable by incarceration and/or deportation in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the DPRC (of all places).


Furthermore, a lot of ashes can't be found anymore as it's scattered. Due to pre-war censuses we know how many Jews there were. The migration variable is excluded when we look at the worldwide population.


Holocaust denial laws
These laws are much younger than Holocaust denial itself. Most of them were made in the late 1980s or 1990s. During most of post-war history — more than 40 years — Holocaust denial has been legal in all countries of the world. It was only in 1990 that the French government enacted the Gayssot Law, which declares questioning the scale or existence of any crimes against humanity a crime. This was the first European statute explicitly outlawing denial of the Holocaust

Most of these laws outlaw denial of all crimes against humanity, not limited to the ones committed by the Axis of World War II, but also explicitly (as in Poland, Slovakia, or the Czech Republic) or implicitly including crimes by Communist regimes, and other crimes often emphasized by Holocaust deniers. Only in Romania is the law limited to Holocaust denial. The Israeli law is the only one of these laws actually mentioning Jews.

Currently, there are 179 countries, and several autonomous territories, without any law or judicial precedent against Holocaust denial. This list includes all of North and South America, Africa, Oceania, Asia (except Israel; as if any Holocaust denier would want to go there in the first place) and 37 of the 50 countries in Europe. On July 8 1986, the Israeli parliament passed a law criminalizing denial of the Holocaust. In 2007, The European Union approved legislation that makes Holocaust denial a crime punishable by jail time.[109] The laws against Holocaust denial do not even cover the areas affected by the Holocaust; genocide denial is legal in the former Yugoslav states, Greece and several other countries where the Nazis abducted Jews during the war.

The European Parliament has also rejected a directive to criminalize genocide denial. In Canada's R. v. Zundel trial in 1992 they acquitted Zündel and declared Holocaust denial to be protected by the Canadian Constitution.

How so, based off what? I give you evidence and you deny it? I haven't denied any presented evidence from one of your colleagues now have I? Keep indulging me ignorant one.

This is what the ancient Greeks and Romans looked like.

Again all of this is moot once you understand the havara agreement of deportation of the Jews, to Israel, ended when British navy started sinking German shipping in the med once they declared war.

Why establish a transfer agreement while planning genocide.

Holocaust defenders always try to keep these discussions in areas where they can spam Nuremberg confessions in your face.