For Christians and Muslims:
Why did God create prostate pleasure? No one here can deny that every man, without exception, feels pleasure when something rigid touches the prostate. Even when shit goes through the prostate when you're shitting.
For Christians and Muslims:
Why did God create prostate pleasure? No one here can deny that every man, without exception, feels pleasure when something rigid touches the prostate. Even when shit goes through the prostate when you're shitting.
Some really kinky hipster chick got me all fucked up and stuck a vibrator up there one time. It was a good time.
Hello, I am homosexual and it is not enough for meme to have other men shove their dicks into my asshole. I must convince the entire world that my behavior is morally righteous and should even be praised
>when shit goes through the prostate when you're shitting.
My dude, you should word that better.
for the edification of our holy clergymen, of course
...because god is a fairy tale, and the fairy tale only covers so many points until the catholics have a pope meeting about it to decide what it means.
To make poops feel good
God testing us to make sure fags don't get into heaven.
I don't get the hype around the prostate though I'd rather just get a blow than a finger up my arse.
Isn't that what causes pee shivers? tell everyone how you do it to yourself now constantly because it's so awesome.
This and to make farts tickle which creates the psychological basis for finding farts and poop funny.
It will make it easier to find homos on the day of the rope.
How, exactly?
They will be the ones fingering their own assholes in an effort to stimulate their prostate obviously
Maybe to ease the discomfort of shitting.
To make shitting feel good lmao
It's to make you sin so you can fuck off to hell.
No assholes allowed in heaven.
Hahaha. I'm sure it will be blatantly obvious, as prostate stimulation fans always do it in public.
Gosh dangit OP I need some more pic related
But why only men? It doesn't make sense.
I've come just from prostate stimulation. It was fucking awesome.
Because fuck wahmen
Do you understand what a prostate is?
Am I the only straight guy who fingers their asshole in the shower? I always shit beforehand and sometimes I get shit on my finger but it's worth it
Get off this board and go back to /lgbt/ where you belong
H m m m m
how's the frog fuckery goin there rabbi rebecca finklestein
Mfw when I walk down the sidewalk and no faggots are publicly fingering their assholes
Get off this board
A lot of sin is pleasurable in the short term, this isn't news.
The butthole is for straight guys too, asshole.
good one, user
reee cut your dick off for me says the serpent flag and the woman and the jew
Only because you haven't had both at the same time.
nobody cares what you shove up your ass, they care about what you want to shove up the asses of the little boys, and the trap pills you're trying to feed them
women don't shit
The pooper was not made for intercourse with a woman
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
>my body is sinful
mr gnosis man wearing barbed wire on his thigh. do you sleep on a board? onanism is failing to impregnate widowed sister in law. divine feminine stuff is worse. dey eat da pee pee. besides. "heteros" have anal
Kys fag
God created prostate pleasure so that guys could enjoy taking it up the ass.
Hi jidf
Women lay huge turds. their assholes are larger and built for anal sex .
im going to bed. nobody knows nothing. frog whoredoms and freud are what youre discussing. bye
>being this denial
All men feel prostate pleasure. It doesn't matter how much you deny that
Should I cherish this or should it’s memory haunt me to my everlasting shame?
Because humans were made to fool around with both sexes.
That's what I thought kike
Because homos can't resist telling everyone about their degeneracy.
Over stimulating your prostate leads to increased prostate cancer probability.
The prostate is part of the reproductive system. Of course it’s supposed to feel good. And no, you don’t reproduce by getting men and dogs to shove their dicks up your ass. You are just being a faggot at this point and someone should take your prostate away.
Did you read the wikipedia article you stole this image from? The prostate is what passes seminole fluid to your urethra. It is one of the reasons orgasms feel good. That doesn't mean you should use the small part of your anus to simulate it.
muh 2k year old jew zombie god didn't mention it in his book written by schizophrenics and snake oil salesmen, therefore it doesn't exist. Checkmate athiests.
When you grow up and get a girlfriend, ask her to stick her finger in your butt while she blows you.
Abstinence to not dwell in lust. It's the test by Allah SWT whether you'll obey his command like Adam was or you will succumb like Eve eating the forbidden fruit.
If you can't even follow the simple command by Allah SWT, how will He would grant you help and wishes?
Lads how do I get my qt doctor to give me a prostate exam? I want to guarantee it would be her and not some Pajeet
>Grug like when he put finger in poopy hole
>it make Grug feel real good
>Grug no understand why sky father makes it but say it bad
>Grug no understand
Fun fact - the clitoris is the only organ in the human body who's only function is pleasure.
Just because your prostate is accessible via your anus does not mean that's it's intended purpose. The anus is not self lubricating and often bleeds during rectal intercourse. Tell me how that's natural you degenerate.
This is the same faggot on the same vpn.
I think the fluoride is starting to affect Ashkenazi IQ levels. They're getting easier to spot
Prostrate exam takes about 3 seconds of actual fingering - it an't gonna get you off.
How can you tell?
>t. your typical schizo /x/ poster
Let me ask you this: if god made man and loves us all unconditionally, but is willing to punish us for letting our girlfriends finger our asses, and that punishment from our loving creator is eternity of torment, what kind of shit is that?
It's a muscle that is needed to pump semen out of you during ejaculation you fucking retards.
My ex wasnt feel good about it after i squizeed my juice in her eye.
there is always too much cum after that. But shit is good. Good.
It's supposed to be stimulated by your own muscles and the erect penis pushing back on it before and during ejaculation
if skydaddy or evolution intended/selected for men to have anal sex they wouldn't have made tearing, hemorrhoids, fissures so common. And before condoms anal sex meant having shit impacted into your urethra on a regular basis.
I've heard the theories about "wasting your competition's seed" but that's fucking nonsense, males could fertilize an entire female population or a large tribe singlehandedly and if you really wanted him gone murder or maiming of the genitalia would be the way to go. Not to mention that having a sensitive prostate would select AGAINST the owner.
I can elicit pleasure sensations by poking a certain section of my brain with a screwdriver.
Tell me Sup Forums, what is so wrong about this?
My asshole feels great after i blow a big fart. Doesn't mean I want something shoved up there.
Kys, degenerate.
Based God works in mysterious ways. Or perhaps your understanding of the infinite isn’t complete? Little kids who love cookies don’t understand why they get in trouble when mom catches them sneaking into the cookie jar.
Was that Vatican approved rhetoric?
Prostate pleasure is for straight guys, too.
>Why did God create prostate pleasure
he wanted to please the priest of the one true master faith
Its not gay to let your gf put things in ur butt
sauce or fake and gay.
Fuck yeah, it is!
Women doing prostate massage is the best sensation I've had in years.
Jizz certainly takes the scenic route wtf
God created prostate pleasure so he could fuck you faggots in the ass bloody raw and dead.
My boyfriends penis curves upwards and let me tell ya sex with me on my back is amazing cause is just constant prostate stimulation
and you don't know what you're missing.
Prostate stimulation os definitely not a fag thing.
Please, ask for any women do prostate massage in you and blowjob. You will cum like crazy
vaginas prolapse too and have vaginismus. therefore hetero sex is unnatural
Women don't have a prostate retard. You faggots are unbelievably stupid.
Im sure some people say fucking farm animinals is also enjoyable, are you advocating for that too?
S _ _ _
hi eve
>No one here can deny that every man, without exception, feels pleasure when something rigid touches the prostate. Even when shit goes through the prostate when you're shitting.
You just answered your own question - God created prostate pleasure so that it feels good when you shit (because shitting is important).
Now if you think Humans have some sort of biological predisposition to anal sex how do explain the plethora of STD's which often result from it?
Can you at least admit that "god works in mysterious ways" is a dump-all when you can't explain religion? Because it's not logical? If you were a god, and you created a world and 7 billion people, wouldn't you just say "Hey guys, you guys go ahead and fuck whatever makes you happy. I've updated cock tips to be sealed unless willed, and no sperm comes out unless you want it to. Prostates are ninety percent more sensitive now, so every turd is gonna give you a shuddering, etrectionless orgasm. I also reinforced both men's and women's anal parts and women now also have a prostate. Fuck away!"
I would.