4/chan mods

Are no different tha CNN... they cannot take criticism.. and think that they can’t be held accountable for the shit they allow to be posted even though they don’t follow their own rules!.. mods remind me of Maxine.. I’d
Love to talk to some of you but you’re fuckie, And just ban... kinda like a political party we're all aware of.. kinda wondering of late who bought 4/chan...


Some of the mods here are extremely gullible and I take good advantage of them.

OH shit mods btfo



This is on page one!

Political according to mods...

delete 4(((chan)))

Sup Forums more like ccn which stands for cuck chan nigger

This too is political according to 4/chan.

Being this much of a newfagg....

Been here for quire a while.. I’m not different 4/chan is

I’ll eat a ban, fuckin pussy


How is this political?... I’ll listen if you want to defend it but I don’t see it... I’ve been (((banned))), served my time.. I’m still wondering why..


How? I can’t seem to get past my animosity.. people posting clear shit, and I get banned “ cause it’s in the rules!”

You’re part of the problem,

Go figure

>Been here for all summer

Instead of posting on topic content you're sitting here whining about moderation which is against the rules, Sup Forums is a private site and a privilege not a right, a privilege that the moderation can revoke at anytime for any fucking reason they deem fit, don't like it? Fuck off to reddshit

Fuck off faggot

No, you fuck off kike.
If you're getting banned on Sup Forums you likely deserve it