Noticed how shitlib shill/bait threads have almost completely disappeared? But instead we have booty-bots shitting up every thread?


This board is much more enjoyable now but something is up.


>t. Shareblue
yawn, acting like a nutjob won't work here.


>i wonder who could be behind this psot

>muh jewish world domination guyz amirite?
No, looks like you've just been found out Shill. Creating conflict is one of your premium tactics.


Shouldn't you be sucking paki cock streetshitter? Or is this the best and brightest JIDF has to offer now?

Look at all those Kangz. Wakanda 4eva

I think they realized how useless it is against red pilled anons. Many migrated to 8 chan and whatnot. They couldn't stop us, but can we stop them?


The shilling isn't gone.

Ironic sliding is ironic.

I don't know. I also don't know when they will be back. But for now I really enjoy Sup Forums again. This is all very strange.

Yep, confirmed shill

How's it feel being exposed?

But the constant stream of niggerthread/racemxing/anti-alt right/leftypol type threads are completely gone.

>shill/bait threads have almost completely disappeared?
Look around ffs!

>This board is much more enjoyable now but something is up.

Sup Forums died due to reddit cancer. this is the afterlife.

All I know is if you visit that link you're fucking retarded.



Shill detected

This happens like for a week a month, all the bots are being reprogrammed and supplied fresh amerigoblin memes

no it isn't. every single thread has a flat assed white girl with someone asking for the vid

some liberals are actually just racist. there are a couple things that are preventing them from being as active. 1 of which is the situation in south africa.

i would imagine many white liberals going to south africa only to find there isnt any fucking farm land any more and the boers were slaughtered years ago would never be believed. no they would have to see for themselves and end up sex slaves being groomed by dirty old black guys in seedy parts of south africa

Acting like a niggerfaggot makes you look like a shill.

Notice how all the shills are american, are we sure that mutts arent just actual libfaggottransmixedniggerlovingcuckjews?

You are joking right? There might not be as many slide threads (for now) but Sup Forums is still infested with punny redditors and faggots. Give them a few hours and Im sure some more nigger dick threads will crop up

It's easier to weed out the Kikes by assuming every meme flag is an Israeli shill.

I'm not wrong, check the fucking catalog. Since months we had a stream of constant anti-white propaganda/racemixing/anti-right-wing/demoralization threads which is now more or less gone. I remember (((them))) making 5 threads a minute.



My mix tape is actually pretty dope.

Isnt it obvious? They realized they were making people's life more productive

Talking points for today were based around the "blue wave" out of Texas, problem was Cruz outperformed the entire Democratic field in primary votes even though he was running uncontested.

This explains everything. Also, take a look at all the threads on Sup Forums that are porn related. The same shit over and over and over and over, aside from the furry circlejerking threads. All these porn threads are bot threads that push a cuckold-like agenda, even if it doesn't initially seem like it.

>What would you do? (wwyd?)
>Pics youre not supposed to share
>Cock/cum tribute (Some guy jacking off on pics you send him)
>Fake incest threads
>Girlfriend/wife/ex (Fake as fuck)
>Any other thread has some guy posting his "girlfriend."

Mind you, a botter doesn't just make a thread then abandon. He sits and waits for bait. If you call him out early on during a thread's creation, he bails out and deletes the thread.

Pic related is the true source. Also, notice how the flag that posts all the ass posts is a Russian flag. Mind you, it's not Russia's initial fault, but the fact that there's a great deal of porn industry Jews in Russia, as well as botters who'd do anything for a few rubles.

>If you call him out early on during a thread's creation, he bails out and deletes the thread.
I have used that method too, when we had times when 5 anti-white, anti-Sup Forums threads a minute where posted. The threads then quickly made it to page 10, never bumped again. But that kind of shilling is gone for now.

It's either Russian or Thailand. Clearly a VPN/Proxy.

All the shills on this site are Jews.

>But instead we have booty-bots shitting up every thread

I've noticed this. On every redpill-type thread these bots pop up. They're an attempt to get guys distracted into masturbation and off these threads that would redpill more people more efficiently otherwise.

I'm sure you remember if a WW2 or right-wing thread is made on Sup Forums, all those porn threads slow down and the faggots flame the thread heavily.

it's automated shillbots that repost everytime their shillpost is slid

You sure faggot?

i'm triyng to find the vid for pic related, anyone got the link?

>many such cases

>They're an attempt to get guys distracted into masturbation

See this image then look at the related threads listed. There was also a far-left operation called "Project Normalize" launched a few years ago.

They are not directly anti-white threads, more or less pro-white in terms of STOP BEING A FAGGOT

Shills don't post anti-soyboy threads, or anti-non-white threads

Dude, he replied with the mutt meme. I think your triggered the Jew-in-the-loo


And as you see, folks, the link in the image is to some porn-related source. This correlates with this image here.

>be shitskin
>not realize that very few Americans are actually mixed
>not realize that most of us are totally unaffected by this

How good is 8 chan is it safe to use? Sometimes I feel like Sup Forums is questionably safe to use.

These threads get reposted over and over, it's kikes divide and conquer tactics.


Yeah what's up with the spam in every thread asking for sauce?

Most people say this to get traffic there, because most of their boards are dead.

This might shed some light. Bottom line if you see a post by a meme flag or a leaf, just leave.

agreed. this is a coordinated attack.

Big shit is happening. Muh Russia narrative is imploding. One of their orgs probably had to change it's mission to suppress the normies from hearing about it. They're just wasting their time here.

Oh ok thanks.

Both Sup Forums and 8 chan are honeypots.

Anon5 threads and /fag/ threads are why. Some really good information.

Hey man that's not true. I'm a leaf but I'm a redpiller.

anons are being more disciplined and not replying to so many bait threads. Helps that the newfags get bored and leave as well.

>Toronto, Canada
every fucking time

when i see a leaf OP i dont even other

Any where that's safe from shills and still has good politics like Sup Forums?

Shilling doesn't exist. It's all trolling

This could be it, like they closed one of their shillingfarms

This is correct, folks.

Remember the time we had these spammed threads on how to beat Google by downloading this program? Remember how they all had AnCap flags? Remember how the source which showed the creators of this background-ran program to all be Jewish? Remember how it was nothing but a scheme to download a data-mining program to mine for crypto FOR THEM? And who was behind it? Jews. Even /ptg/ a BOT thread and the elephant in the room is run by Jews.

this too

Don't be so quick, man. I plan on posting threads in the future and wouldn't want people not to comment because of my flag.

>big shit is happening
Says Sup Forums for the 25000th time in an increasingly desperate attempt to feel relevant and useful while absolutely nothing happens

/ptg/ got hijacked

That was never finished. Stop spreading bullshit.
Also there are already bots in the wild.

Nope. Just post from a secure connection or stop giving a shit.

The bots are mine. I'm shilling my site to get some extra traffic, and this works quite well. It's that simple. I also have bots spamming Sup Forums too.

Shill detected. Things progress slowly

Political Correctness is a religion of trolling though, it's just lulz and enjoying inflicting misery on decent people.

Okay, Bettendorf.

All leafs need to be ip banned

you first

>MaNuAl OvErRiDe

they are still here. Just using a different method. Succumbing to porn will make you depressed and they love when you feel depressed.

look at this shit.

even in fucking /sg/. At least some are waking up.

One more tidbit of information on this. Major ISPs are in on this.

>when mods make threads
day mods are faggots, night mods are chaos controlled

they have run out of material trump has done such a good job and they forgot that no one cares about a shooting outside of the first 2 weeks

so what you are seeing is the usual shitposters minus the shills and shareblue... hell even the NRA shills of buy muh 1500 dollar jacket have fucked off

forgot pic

That is 2 months old, we are talking what's going on now


Has nothing to do with Trump. Trump is just a political punching bag for bread and circus purposes.

>t. leaf

Sup Forums is an alphabet company

You're literally a shill

I don’t feel depressed when I watch porn. It’s more of a “Hey we’re here look we could shut this entire site down if we didn’t need it to see how to control both sides of the Politcal spectrum “

Post pics of you directly tinkering around your site's main page. If true, for fucks sake man you activated my shill radar.

Listen retard, I told you THE BOTS ARE MINE. They're in every single thread.

Yes and no. Remember that this site is International, even if it did start in the US.

Go to my site, and I'll make a message pop up.

What message (under 30 characters) do you want me to post?

>muh jewish world domination guyz amirite?

my filter list says jewish shitposting is on normal level. fuck off kike

It has more to do with the no fap popularity increase. Now if you start no fap and end up watching porn you will feel disappointed at the end because you failed no fap. Really psychological shit they are pulling here. But I guess a common denominator in both sides of the political spectrum ( that being porn) in order to have even more control over the masses does sound about right too.