I feel dumb for realizing it now, but when Joseph used the ripple to fire the coke bottle's cap...

I feel dumb for realizing it now, but when Joseph used the ripple to fire the coke bottle's cap, was it foreshadowing the ripple causing the volcano to explode at the end of battle tendency?
also jojo thread I guess

No. It's just a coincidence. Araki wouldn't remember it for that long.

I don't know. I think he plans the beginnings and ends, and some important events in the middle, but fills the rest in.

For Parts 1-3 and 6, at least.

And then in the end he forgets what he was supposed to do for the ending and goes wild

he makes everything up as he goes along.

I played a jojo roleplaying game the other day and it was by far the worst thing I've ever done, it was so bad it turned funny at the end.
We got rolls so bad that we were trying to kill narancia for like 4 hours, and he was in the ground, bleeding.

No, since can't foreshadow for shit. He tried to foreshadow Sandmans sand powers two times but NOPE.

He's suddenly turned evil, has sound powers for some reason and is called Soundman even though we clearly see his tribe calling him Sandman at the beginning. He clearly changed his character since he didn't know what to do with him.


There's a theory about that soundman being an alternate sandman Valentine pulled out of his ass.
It's just a theory

Didn't Valentine get his abilities long after the Sandman fight?

Valentine had D4C for a very long time.

He's been a stand user for years

Araki can't remember things past 2 or 3 volumes, that's his secret.
Remember that annasui was a girl?
Well Araki sure as hell didn't

He also changed Annasui's gender in Stone ocean.

>That part during the Santana fight where Joseph pretends to lose his arm

I'd really love to hear him talk about how he comes up with the beginning and endings of his series.
>So first, Dio is adopted by Jonathan's father and becomes a vampire.
>And at the end, he grabs a fucking ROAD ROLLER out of fucking nowhere, while time is stopped by him, and throws it on top of Jonathan's great grandson

Like, seriously. How do you even come up with such stuff?

Sandman was written back when Part 7 was it's own manga unrelated to JoJo outside the references.

He was never meant to be a stand user before then.

Araki doesn't plan ahead. He just writes whatever seems cool at the time and the story ends up where it ends up.

Definitely not for part 6. He said that he asspulled the ending at the last moment

>first fucking chapter
he also floats some sand into someone's eyes the next chapter

part 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> part 2 > second part of part 3 > part 1 > first half of part 3

Sorry but Joseph being a memey little fucktard does not come close to what Kira brought to part 4.

I don't know about the full ending but the way Emporio talks to Jolyne at the start makes me think Araki originally planned it to be the second "loop" per se. Meaning Made In Heaven's cycles were probably planned or meant to be more relevant but not executed as originally planned.

Now instead of waiting for the part 5 anime start reading the manga.

I started on it but I haven't made progress lately because I'm reading several other manga. I plan to finish before the anime comes out though.

Not stand related.

Yeah,I think that's pretty much what Araki said too.
This. Part 5 is the best. Except for that deus ex machina at the end

I didn't mean that part 5 was the best, just that he should read the manga now that he's caught up and there's no more anime news so far.

Part 4 is my favorite of finished parts but part 8 will probably in the top 3 just going by what we have so far

>Except for that deus ex machina at the end
Dumb meme.
Requiems were established to be broken as fuck, and it was well established that whoever acquired the Arrow would pretty much auto win the fight.
Part 5's ending is unironically the least asspull-heavy ending of the entire series, aside from maybe Part 7.

That's bullshit. I'm guessing you think Pocololo's stand isn't a stand as well? Dumbass.

Possibly, but that doesn't mean that he wasn't meant to not have sand powers.

Has Araki's memory gotten better

He apparently can't remember how Speed King looks and draws it differently every time it appears. Plus if anything it'll be worse since he's releasing chapters monthly instead of weekly now.

It changed again in the 15 cover, it's just a bit hard to see because of the size of him. The nose detaches from the goggles in it.


Maybe. Maybe not. But I like that head canon, so I roll with it. Death of the author and all that jazz. That's how you lit analysis, right?

Seemingly. He's actually planned out most of Part 8 so far, and while there are a few minor details he forgets the main story beats have been consistent. Some plot elements are even set up deliberately to look like shit he forgot but they end up being important later on. It takes fucking forever for the payoff to happen since it's monthly and there's still heaps of unanswered shit since it still has ages to go and 69 chapters in we're still getting important plot points and characters introduced, but it seems like he knows what he's actually doing this time. He still can't settle on a design for the main villain's Stand though, it changes slightly every time it appears.