On a serious note, what's wrong with communism?
On a serious note, what's wrong with communism?
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It's both impractical and antithetical to human nature, it really feels shit when you work hard and get no where.
Not much really, it's a very good system in theory and very successful in most applications. It turned Russia into a hyperpower for example in the 1950s.
Does anyone have a link for this video?
Sagely nigger
Give me half your shit.
Communism is like divorce law. Fucking retarded.
It just hasn't been implemented correctly
Yet in today's current economic system you're getting 50% of your paycheck taken from you only to subsidize feral niggers. How is that any better?
The only problem I have with Communism is the internationalism
It has never been actually tried.
>more like 25%
>what are roads and bridges an shiieeett
And it never will be.
you belong to the oven schlomo.
Say what you want about commies, they did one thing better then the rest of us have
Killing commies
I hate that picture and hate you for posting it.
>got me there
really nothing
It's sweet if you really like Jewish people.
It's impossible as all utopic ideas are. Avarice and greed get in the way, so does power and the trappings power brings. There will always be weak and strong, the trick is the powerful have to let the weak have skin in the game or else no one will go along. True equality as in communism, for example, is a total pipe dream. It can never work.
What exactly do you think.human nature is?
They won't leave me alone!
They're mad because the shit show is falling apart.
You either have freedom where people are not equal, or you have authoritarianism where everyone but a handful are equally not free.
no incentive to do anything
Fierce competition, like the rest of nature.
>it really feels shit when you work hard and get no where.
Bullshit. Coal miners get paid much less than bankers in capitalism, even though coal miners work harder and do more socially productive labor.
Under socialism, there would be no bankers, and coal miners would be paid a high wage.
It's cuckeeism, cuckold atheism.
Read the Gulag Archipelago
>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!
The author admitted Gulag Archipelago is a work of fiction.
Doesnt work in the real world
National Socialism sounds dope.
Taxes are theft.
Doesn't make Communism a good alternative.
Some faggot shoots up a public square.
Doesn't make the Bill of Rights obsolete.
Holy fuck, you Lefties are more retarded than even I appreciated.
I feel like this picture needs motion blur.
Sadly there's no video of that girl, but you can still braaap another day
>Posting in sage thread btw
No it has been tried but it has always failed before it even gets started.
Socialism doesnt seem to be de way to communism.
Abd you've based this on what observations? Most of nature is locked in mutual aid not mutual struggle.
Even Darwin himself said that in large groupings of animals mutual struggle is subverted by mutual aid; never mind that it's a spook it's just plain wrong.
Under Hitler there were still greedy bankers making money off other people's labor. They just replaced the Jew bankers with German bankers. Just an aesthetic change, not a fundamental one, that didn't fix anything.
top kek. Saved
It is based on idea that people are brothers and take care of each other which is far from reality, it's leaders are hyporits who when gained power used it to gain more power, it is immoral.
It’s actually loathsome to explain I suggest you read the wealth of nations by Adam smith and ask google why communism means equal parts of 0
North Korea, a National-Communist ethnostate, has 0% taxation.
Was gonna say those numbers wouldn’t be true because that implies a massive debt every year but o shit America
>From each according to his ability
communists arnt people
You suck at this. Go back to Shitheddit.
its fascist and steals everyones money, give me liberty or give me deaht
>under communistism ever1 starvz and dies owning nothing!!!1
>under communism every1 gets free shit from the government they don't desrve!!!1
>under communism the economy never increased, it all just went downhill. tsarist russia was so much more advanced than the soviet union!
Adam Smith would be considered a leftist today brainlet.
stay mad kid
Communism destroys the productive members of society, rounds them up with their families and sends them to forced labor camps where most die from poor conditions. The communist system depends on this slave labor since they have a population of lazy complacent idiots who need to be provided for as well as the bureaucrats at the top. Communism suppresses thought and speech and is totalitarian in its nature. It rejects the basic truths of human nature and seeks to establish a system of control, not freedom.
You realize that they were afraid to give Stalin real numbers AND they purposefully starved 6 million Ukrainians and all of the successful farmers, right? Moron.
Cooperation doesn't negate the fact that cooperating groups are competing with others.
Everything from founders to followers. Set to be gassed
I like communism. Because communism killed a lot of commies.
This is now a commie hate thread. Remember folks, supporters of communism have abandoned their humanity and reasoning and should be culled.
fuck communism
Sauce: every Soviet party card owner in the Kremlin.
Not a verified source though.
Fucking retard, it's been implemented a thousand times in a thousand places. Every where it spreads, a few individuals run everyone else into the dirt. So yes, it has been implemented correctly. It just sucks.
Communism is and always has been Jewish.
How many russians died/were killed? How did it impact their demographics? Was their power sustainable?
The system you are describing is socialism, hand in hand with communism. So it's not any better. It's the same. And it sucks too.
No under socialism everyone else would be brought down to the wages far below that of a coal miner
Bullshit. Under socialism, coal miners would be paid whatever the government administatora decide. And you can bet it won't be much either.
The only thing wrong with communism is that Americans don't know shit about it. The word 'communism' has nothing to do with purple hair, race mixing and welfare-mongering.
In fact communism is a way to live without money, sexual retardation, twisted mass-media and inhumane educational systems. It is also a way to do something without a carrot on a stick in the form of salary or false sence of security.
Communism is 'From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". The one should meditate over this statement for some time to understand what communism really is.
Can you be a miner?
Can I be a miner?
Can almost every able bodied person be a miner?
Can you, me or the vast majority of people be bankers?
Didnt Stalin btfo the Jews in his party? Ho Chi Minh btfod over 100k Amerijews. Seem alright to me.
You're a drone in a human ant colony with no personal freedom. Just 1 thing out of many I can think of.
>self reported statistics of a totalitarian dictatorship
Yeah I’m sure NK has bountiful food production also. It’s citizens are positively obese
Communism is only applicable in a post scarcity society, humans aren't intelligent enough to achieve that.
He said communism not liberalism you binary brained freak
>way to do something without a carrot on a stick
We know. It's a way of doing something with a gun at your back.
Speak for yourself.
Was Stalin /ourguy/?