Post your score

Post your score.

Also having:

Politics objectively boil down to looking at where the problems are and trying to solve them according to the means available.

Society should be organized around a king

Get on my level





Would post results but not at computer. Recently did another again to see how much I have changed since I started going on Sup Forums. I have become more nationalist, conservative and ecologist while picking up pragmatism and missionary in addition to monarchism that I had before.


>Capitalism 90%
Imagine being this much of a brainlet






why are so many white brits teens commies and socialists

rate plz pol

>Jews want communism not capitalism

Because we have an education system


i highly doubt that



Ok then OP.



take your astrology tests to /bant/


Oh no looks like I'm a fag


why is the thumbnail the CNN image?

They're fine with either you mong, international socialism and international capitalism both put the same people at the top....the INTERNATIONALISTS.

sometimes the Sup Forums spaghetti code messes up

you can also edit images in such a way that it exploits the compression/resizing algorithm, but this isn't that

That is strange.


If regulationnism isn't 0% then you are a commie faggot.

>regulations are communism!
>also completely ignores the existence of a communism - capitalism slider

You aren't too bright are ya?


How can you be that undecided

I can live with that.

Is all that nationalism score I see on pol just larping or true?
>fatherland in 95% of the pics

Did I do good?

>all that communism

it's what binds us all together, nothing else is as shared as our nationalism

Internationalism would be better for progress, if it weren't for the nigs who apparently can only chimp out



>literally no arguments
My "progress" is not the one you claim your (((overlords))) of the secret reptilian elite want to destroy your already impure race

Is this good, bad, or what?


Nice flag

>Not being the chad essentialist

>being the virgin regulationist

>not being regulationist enough to keep the jews at bay

>not being the jew

What's the second characteristic?

If you mean the 'motto', it's fatherland, order and revolution
If you mean the badges in the bottom, they're pragmatism and something about believing there's a global elite with a secret agenda (i.e. da j00s, the illumineorty or the Bilderberg group)

So, what do you believe who runs the world?

Complotism vs Knowing there is a small group that obviously runs most of the world is kinda different tho

I don't believe a single group runs the world. I do believe there are societies (Bilderberg; Banks; elites; Eurocrats; UN) with an agenda and objectives. Each group has their own.

Also this

True, but I guess that is more of a fact than a belief atm

This is the future flag.

It's not that I'm unaware of the thought lines of modern economics. Why is it always argued that austrians must be unaware of these modern theories? I have taken college level economics courses and yet I still find myself doubting the reasonable implementation of things like quantitative easing.

Did you really manage to get so little from your compulsory education that you are unable to find reasonable doubt within it? I'm just wrong?

You and I see economics as playing different roles. In your world, the role of government towards economics is to seek to push the productions possibility frontier outward. In my eyes, government has no place making wagers in order to facilitate this, due to imperfections of their information. It's not that I do not understand the ideas of increased efficiencies and reduced externities through government intervention and Keynesian concepts, it's that I doubt they are capable of being implemented properly, and you, speaking as an economist, are able to completely avoid that conversation! If economics leads you to take on loads of debt and you still find yourself with a faltering economy, you are able to throw your hands in the air and exclaim, "Bad information! Improperly executed!" while protecting your underlying theory from criticism. Just like the communists.

So I want you to speak as a politician, instead. Have the courage to say not only that prominent modern economists subscribe to Keynesian principles, which I have to concede as true, but go further and say that you trust government to properly implement it without fail; or that imperfections in implementations by governments still produce better outcomes than Austrian style economics.

Make a statement like that, honestly and seriously, while keeping Greece and Japan on the forefront of your mind.

I can't do that, so I don't believe in it. But I guess I'm just a brainlet, unlike you and your ability to regurgitate what's been shoved down your throat.

into the oven


>The questions assume that your are a citizen of a multi-parti political system and a market economy.

Am I missing something, or does this not make the political test completely meaningless for anyone who wouldn't want that kind of society?

If you prefer a non-democratic system, then it's pretty much impossible to follow he guidelines of the test and get an accurate answer- since the implementation of your preferred regime would require the replacement of the current one, your answers would show a preference for things like action against the government and revolution. In reality, if you're preferred regime was in place, it would presumably be completely against revolutionaries.

Try the spekr







'merica, ma family and country.

for some reason every test I take comes out Fascist...
any fags want a free helicopter ride?

humanity work order

large amounts of gray area

absolutely 88% fascist



>Pragmatism : politics objectively boil down to looking at where the problems are and trying to solve them according to the means available.

>Monarchism : society should be organized around a king.

Quite impressed, despite many of the questions had shit wording.

Commies fuck off

About what I imagined with the exception of Communism and control market. In my defense a tard wrote and worded the questions in such a way as to increase the levels of Communism and Control Market in the results of keks

what a suprise
