Dilbertman and his girlfriend

Is Scott Adams the most alpha man in existence?

He's old as fuck and this is his girlfriend.

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it's called money.

She looks like a narcissistic whore but that's still impressive PERSUASION.

More and more, I believe that scott adams will be the final boss for the alt right.

>long lonely life
>no heir
>lashing out on twitter at an advanced age
so so based, dude. i think you should know that she has two children with a previous man.

Sanpaku eyes. He'll turn up dead one day soon

Not bad!

If you have a nice long schlong or shekles (perhaps both) you can easily get thots looking such as that.

apparently he knew her when she was a little kid and we she turned 18 they started dating, and yeah, having a bunch of money helps.

His exgfs are also hot

So alpha kek

>so so based, dude. i think you should know that she has two children with a previous man.
>apparently he knew her when she was a little kid and we she turned 18 they started dating, and yeah, having a bunch of money helps.

She had two children before she turned 18? Blimey, some women are REALLY serious about preserving the white race.

Daily reminder I am a virgin and have never been with a woman

makes you wonder where the father went

It's not just about the money - it's about being successful, being a standout guy.

What she's doing in that webm gives me redflags

would dump

She's virtue signaling to her peers she thinks he's a joke. That smirk in the end was her laughing at his apperent obliviousness. On his end hes just waiting for death.

well done dilbert man..... well done....

>his girlfriend
He probably hired her to pose as such.

no it's literally all about the money.

i mean yeah, but you some old dude and a chad have the exact same amount of money, the woman's more likely to go with the chad, unless the old dude is old enough that he's about to die and leave everything to her

hot tho it cant burn, even when i put my legs ON her vagina i can feel the heat inside. my gf age is 22.

biologically speaking only thots are capable of making those facial expressions

Beta cuck scott is there for now :)

I'll put a fiver on she's a CIA handler placed to control him. This is bullshit but I believe it. He'll be dead within the year through poison build up or (((heart attack)))

That's why rich women fuck the pool boy.

u maybe right user.

Who the heck is driving this car

He's driving in England. Don't you know palm trees are native to the British isles?


>He's driving in England. Don't you know palm trees are native to the British isles?
Actually there are plenty of palm trees growing on the south coast of England, mainly in touristy places like Cornwall

His girlfriend is literally a Dubai porta-potty from Instagram.

alpha's have lots of money you pin dick slope. it's part of what makes the alpha

>It's not just about the money
Oh my sweet summer child

>left the (((workplace)))
>made millions lampooning the same workplace
>lost his voice but got it back
>called the 2016 election correctly
>shows off his abs on twitter
>bangs his 18 year old neighbor with big tits

He’s living the life.

>gets reamed out by an old man

I wish young girls wanted to make fun of me like this.

He is.
The video is mirrored and he's an old fuck so he's got his hands at 5:35 instead of 3:45 because he can rest his arms that way.

Could be the father, was likely fucking her before she turned 18

It's definitely the money. A guy can't land a girl that hot on sense of humor alone.

Yeah, she turns the camera to him, then makes a face like "look at this disgusting old cuckold I have to fuck," then turns the camera outside "but I get to travel to nice places."


You think that because success is usually closely tied to money.
But what women really want is a man who stands above the rest, the best indicator of that is success and money, but it's not the only indicator.

DILbert man.

He's a smart guy, and he's up to something.

Daily reminder that you all will be ‘old fucks’ one day. Better hope you have as much money as he does when you’re his age.

Asians disprove that.

What's he up to? He looks like a creepy old fuck desu


Joke's on you.
I plan to die at 50 TOPS.

he was one of the earlier "famous" trump supporters

Yeah but they won't marry him

Oh shit - time to take the "persuasion filter" he talks about seriously. There's still time ....

How old is this?

He basically considers himself something of a PERSUADER and talks a lot about Trump events in relation to how the public may be reacting to them. He claims he only really cares / does it because he thinks Trump is hilarious. I think he's basically correct on 99% of everything and I'd suck his wrinkled old dick if I could.


persuasion filter is absolutely real

I can't help but see this as a bit sad, honestly. He's just too old for her, she's just too young for him. If they were just fucking, then okay, good on him for charming a slut as an old guy, but they seem to be in a relationship, that is where it turns sad.

This. He's towing out Seth Rich again.

She looks like she's secretly into niggers.

if Scott is so alpha,
why does he OP Sup Forums threads?

How is the political?

Dilbert fucking stinks. Cartoons in newspapers are generally shit, but Dilbert is especially unfunny.

Dilbertman is a political figure.

really? I think some of his cartoons are hilarious.

strong taste I'd love a go at that slut 10



Well he's rich.
Also he's a pretty cool guy.
Become rich and you will get such a gf. Not being a dick is nice but optional

She looks retarded.

Probably a gold digger

Fucking disgusting man

Damn, She is hot

five five of truth. Scott Adams is a blessing to our country, and I've opened up countless liberals/normies to the idea that Trump isn't what the (((news))) says he is by opening with "so a guy more liberal than Bernie Sanders- for instance [insert Scott's views on abortion or free education or other bullshit personal opinions here- so that super liberal guy taught me Trump is a mastermind, and he called trump winning the election in August 2015!"

Someone needs to tell him that repeatedly saying how he has "fuck you, money" is bad persuasion in getting me to donate to his patreon kek

persuasion is literally the only reality. Humans are 90% irrational and most, if not all of your views are based on irrationality. You just don't think so because of your evolutionary survival mechanism: confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance

Forever sideface.

You can't even read, Ching Chong.

Once you take the Adams pill there is no going back. You will gain immeasurable power, but you will lose your soul.

If he doesn't put a baby in her, he's a massive homosexual gay queer faggot.

If you got the dough you can have a Ukrainian girlfriend that looks like that, too.

He's a greater Beta.
He has money and some amount of social status and fame.
I don't even judge this. If she gets pregnant, she will have legal standing to get child support and other stuff. That's good in the larger scheme of things, as it forces successful people to procreate, and is therefore eugenic.

is she Ukrainian?

she looks like a sand nigger her name is Basham

Nice pair of dilberts

1/4 sandnigger, some grandmother of hers was a coalburning thrash whore

no he is not alpha, she is with him for money

Why would you want a Ukrainian girlfriend? So she can just squat on your face?