Based black science guy tells how it is.
He be right.
Based black science guy tells how it is
So an homophobe sexist antisemitic country?
"In nature, mass wins."
- Neil Degrasse Tyson
Africans have the IQ of retards.
Dont forget racist
Anyone remotely familiar with the law knows that this is a stupid idea
Rationalia sounds like one of those made up names that black women give their children in the USA
Will your constitution be enacted based on evidence?
Niggers yet again would make things worse for themselves
You should be focusing on his comment, rather than his ethnic background. He is hinting at something much larger to come or the so called global Zionist state that has been trying to/has engulfed the world since it's roots were laid long ago by an eternal being.
haHA user ur so funny and insightful. thank you for contributing
The only place you end up after taking the redpill is Zion
This implicit policy based on the weight of what evidence?
Blacks aren't allowed in rationalia.
Weight of the evidence says that this will make for a more peaceful society.
He would be excluded from his own imaginary country
How predictable, the nigger without foresight want to base a country upon ''evidence'' yet don't even bother to think for a sec to also put a amendment that stipulate that falsifying evidence is a capital crime.
Nigga hasn't realized he would be ousted the same day his fucking joke of a country would be founded
Lmao then the first law would be : No niggers allowed
What evidance do we have that his brain exist
>All policy shall be based on the weight of evidence
So Neil deGrasse Tyson is pro-gun?
I agree, which means no niggers allowed
Also racist
It's like Black Science Guy's intellectual development and real life experience stopped at the Eleventh Grade.
Which is, coincidentally, when Ayn Rand's blatherings also have the most effect.
>All policy shall be based on the weight of evidence
>niggers get expelled from society for being violent low IQ subhumans
Rationalia sounds pretty fucking based.
>black science man is first person to be virtually lynched
Sounds good to me.
Listen to this man.
There's no way a Constitution based on scientific evidence is worse than a steaming shitpile authored by slaveholders.
Let's start with crime statistics.
Even Thomas Jefferson said it should be re-written every 15-20 years.
>how do we deal with the crime problem
>massive evidence to support the fact that niggers are criminals thus we must have no niggers in this virtual country
>black guy
two things that never go together.
GTFO nigger
Law isn't based on math or evidence, it's based on feels - otherwise you end up with stupid shit like this:
>19 out of 20 people agree - gang rape is great.
>Evidence can be manufactured
Evidence that is white will be discarded, in fact .any Black's think rationality is white supremacy. On top of this le based middle class rarionalias will vote for Africanization because they have never been exposed to the ghouls.
Rationalia will will collapse into a third world shithole in 20 years like any lobertardian society would, you can't outvote 3 billion Afro communists.
Ev8dence supports slavery being best labor option for the economy
but mr. greasy, that means no more spinning ball bullshit in the school
It's pretty much rewritten every time the supreme court makes a judgement.
how much does evidence weigh?
yes all soyboys should live in vr
his tweet might make that a reality
Everyone, support the hell out of this comment. Bonus points for having alt-right iconography.
>Why is the alt-right so supportive of fact based lawmaking?
Publicly pushing eugenics?
Or with science for that matter. Imagine applying that attitude to medical science - "we don't know of any harmful side effects, so we'll just put it on the market."
Can he even be said to understand science when he doesn't understand the applications and limitations of it?
Provide evidence that this system will function better than the current one.
is he ok?
When I want a virtual country, I play an MMO
That's actually perfect. Evidence says the Third Reich was the best at eliminating undesirables, so I'll set up a perfect replica. The constitution doesn't say what the goal of the state is, so I'm free to do what I want.
Go ahead nigger, make my day.
Man you faggots really hate based black man. Sup Forums is Rationalia already. He can't be so stupid he doesn't understand. Imagine being an intelligent scientist who also happens to be black in this degenerate society. What kind of glorious prophetic laws might we see?
The right-wing retards on this site are just mad they wouldn't be allowed into BASED Rationalia! Praise Science!
The evidence pours in and it turns out we need to gas the lizard people
Sorry, rational thinking is a western and masculine way of being objective, and thats problematic.*
*Race Class & Gender; An Anthology 9th Edition.
He wouldn't like that.
how about just a place where i dont have to live near your fucking kind nigger
>Actual science proves the left is irrational, self destructive, and communistic
>Zion funded leftist science says nuh uh
Evidence made up by propagandists? Sorry.
That shit is retarded.
yes. plz pay me 20k/y to seng\g\\d\vobsosooaoo
How many people have to die before there is enough evidence to change the law? If weight is what counts, how valid does the evidence have to be?
This guy clearly isn't a scientist.
Dumb nigger.
How many people have to be killed by lightening before we make it illegal to play golf?
>im such a smart guy i make a broad general statement that won't hold up to scrutiny but no one worth listening to would ever argue it
So, will that place have policies based on the evidence that blacks commit proportionally more crimes or are we just ignoring evidence we don't like?
Is that evidence weighted factually or emotionally?
Well. I don't take orders from niggers. I do not care.
>we kick the niggers out instantly
you are mistaking propagandia with rationalia jackass.
>tfw you can hear hillary crying... "if that fucking rationalia wins... we all hang from nooses"
>all policy based on evidence
*destroys all evidence of opposing argument*
Wow this works great I guess because all the scientists who said global warming is fake have had their work discredited and destroyed so this must be the policy we should follow!
Viva rationalia!
Homosexuality would be outlawed
Blacks would be walled off
Women wouldn’t get to vote
State religion would be revived
Jews would not be allowed positions of influence in media and politics
Let’s get this shit started, Science negro.
but he thinks we live in a simulation so nothing really matters-
thats why AI is racist and sexist because it makes decisions based on pure yea lets do it.
FPBP nigger science entertainer btfo
Can you imagine the conflict when, based on evidence; black people get banned from attaining citizenship? Or when refugees get banned from being granted asylum?
I would pay top-dollar to see this
>Based black science guy tells how it is
What gender will you choose anons?
pure evidence
Someone should tell this guy about nationstates.
you would know
Your honour, I call the seven billion people who never saw me kill that man.
Based on “evidence”, who would be allowed to vote in Rationalia?
This is so fucking basic bitch when it comes to policies that it is baffling that le science black dood does not address it by going full retard rationalist.
I completely support Rationalia. My policy proposal is that all blacks should be rounded up and humanely killed off because of their much lower IQ scores. Considering there's no rights or protections for any groups in the Rationalia constitution, all that matters is that the black IQ score is lower.
When is Kekistan declaring war with Rationalia?
My body is ready
explain this
Evidence: blacks commit 55% of the murder.
>at birth, dark skinned people are sent to jail immediately
He is a fucking shill idiot.
People dismiss evidence they don't want to hear. That's why there's more than 1 juror in a fair trial.
I don't think he really wants that
This guy is always reaching for levels of cringe previously thought unimaginable. He's so reddit it physically hurts.
And racist.
>science can determine morality
evidence doesn't matter if your impartial judge is on the take
What he means is,
>All policy shall be based on the weight of evidence
>that I or people like me have determined to be true
Racism is the opposite of evidence-based logic, since it purports to judge one person on the actions of others.
Science vs Science™