My Hero Academia verse Vs Hunter x Hunter verse

Who would Win?

Hopefully they would both annihilate each other resulting in two less battle shonen series shitting up Sup Forums.

Killua alone would slaughter all member of 1-A class.
>elite assassin vs highschool kids
No chance.

>Who would Win?
At what? Most annoying fanbase?

who would win on a "OH MY" battle?

in hero defense, its "oh my" moments start conflicts instead of solve them.

The strongest villain in MHA is basically the same as chrollo and with hisako being stronger than chrollo , that means hisako>mha verse

No one can beat the properties of both bungee and gum

The only challenges in the MHA verse are One/All For One, and hax Quirks.

It's been a while since I read HxH but couldn't a nen user just kill someone by forcing their pressure on them?

Can you stop making MHA vs HxH threads already.

Hisako>all might

We need to stop vs threads in general

Meruem alone could wipe out all of BnH in less than half a minute.

Mereum alone can wipe the floor with all of hxh

He lost to a bomb.

this is ridiculously one sided, even without people like Meruem taken into account

even Full Power All Might gets fucking shit on

There're both good.

Then how about HxH vs OPM(without saitama)

Can't Kids in HxH budge 50 ton steel doors? With the barest basics of Chi(Nen) boosting them?

pack it up bois

>a Show about elite assassins vs god-like enemies that debate morality, the value of society and good vs evil


>a show about children's who want to become heroes that have a child that have the power of "balls" that just want to touch girls breasts

BNHA was a mistake

His talking about in a battle

Guys like Killua would annihilate most of BNHA.

All Might and All for One would annihilate most of HxH. Perhaps Gon san, Meruem, and Netero could stop those two.

The quirk and nen system is too incompatible to make good matches.

Like would eraser head be able to turn off nen abilities/nen or would it only work on quirks?

Killua could tell Alluka to kill all the my hero acadamia characters or de power then and that's that

>If it's not edgy and ~realistic~ it's shit

>>a Show about elite assassins vs god-like enemies that debate morality, the value of society and good vs evil
what fucking anime is this

Ant King eats

>dude grey morality lmao
HxH are wannabe deepfags who are too lazy to read Nietzsche.

The villains of HxH would lose, because they would fall easily in love with the waifus of BnhA.

But that dumb.
Why would you make them battle. Keep this shit on tumblr.

Isn't this your third day in a row making this thread?

>Killua could tell Alluka to kill all the my hero acadamia characters or de power then and that's that
Nah, he would have become friends with Deku before that. Midoriya shonen is a good guy.

Uvogin and at least one other of the Genei Ryoudan could take All-Might
Hell, given the right circumstances even Shoot or Knuckle could take him down, assuming that forced Zetsu would work on a Quirk

>read Nietzsche.
>get depressed

You need to have a deep understanding of the post-Hegelian tradition to understand HxH.
Hell, it's almost impossible to even try to graze the surface of CA's plot without being familiar with the works of Baudrillard and Derrida.

>shota with cosmo vs marvelfag self-insert

Hunter x Hunter.

so basically bnha vs hxh would be won by whichever universe has better nuclear weapons. thats nice and boring.

>bungee and gum

How many BnH characters would lose to someone with a gun? Stain was basically human in physical ability and was able to out ninja his victims while taking attacks.

>Who would Win?

Whoever implants 120+ year old insane old men whose only known motivations are to fight strong opponents with magical mini-nukes the most.

Give it a rest, loser

>who would win

Fucking HxH can't get the dicks out of their asses. They're the ones who constantly shit-talk about BnHA.

The hunters, surely...

>The strongest villain in MHA is basically the same as chrollo
KYS Chrollolet


Most of students suck but the top tier characters like All Might and All for One +A few other pro heros like the Jeanist guy and Endeavor would put in a lot of damage for HxH

I would actually give it to BnHA-verse. Mostly because everyone in BnHA has a superpower, while I doubt even 1000 people in HxHverse know Nen.

Although I guess that HxH universe wins if you include Dark Continent creatures and Chimeras. Chimeras with knowledge of Nen and abilities assimilated from BnHA humans would explode in power pretty quickly.

Netero, Meruem, Chrollo, Hisoka, the royal guard, Kurapika, Killua and Gon-san could each take out MHAverse by themselves.

>Like would eraser head be able to turn off nen abilities/nen or would it only work on quirks?
It's been established it only works on quirks and even then not on all quirks.
>Killua could tell Alluka to kill all the my hero acadamia characters
Killua can't make malevolent wishes without paying the price iirc

Tatsumaki rapes

>Although I guess that HxH universe wins if you include Dark Continent creatures
considering the dark continent is apparently toriko tier fuckery and a guy like Meruem would be a literal ant in it, including them would turn this into a spite match

HxH >>>>>>> MHA