Ask a retired CIA officer anything


fake and gay

Are traps gay?

Do you guys actually glow in the dark?

Are traps gay?

Are you CIA?

Is it flat or hollow?

why do you guys target seemingly harmless humans who have never hurt anyone and are poor as shit?


How much of the MSM is compromised by the CIA?

Was Hunter S. Thompson a CIA asset?

how many Jews have infiltrated the CIA?

How do they get you to glow in the dark, do they like dunk you in the glow goo or do you get irradiated?

Post proofs like last name or black sedan

Were you recruited or did you approach the Agency first?

The CIA’s primary mission is to collect, analyze, evaluate, and disseminate foreign intelligence to assist White House, the President and senior US government policymakers in making decisions relating to national security. This is a very complex process and involves a variety of steps.

Are you a mod?

How do you live with yourself, knowing you're complicit in the murder of thousands of people throughout your whole carrier? You have worked against your own nation to serve multi national interested and are now mooching off the same people you helped destroy.
So again, how do you go to bed at night?

Why do these people think Jews are trying to kill them off? They have no evidence. Absence of evidence is evidence of absence. It's just natural selection. Whites are just... Dying. And there is nothing anyone can do to prevent it. Whites are done, but not because of the Jews. Because of nature.

Why WOULD you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?

Ya'll gangstalk GATE students?

Why do you glow in the dark?

Are the tattoos piercings gaugings and hipsters a CIA demoralization programme?


Retired, 1999.

what were you the janitor at the cia?

Did you retire due to age or were you forced out because of the don't ask don't tell policy?

Just how long is the training period at "The Farm", and who does the firearms and tactics training?

were you involved with project stargate?

>CIA officer anything.
Yea sure and I work for MJ12 and not a filthy neet

Which desk?

It's fucking nothing.
Was Waco Texas covered up by the Clintons as a favor to Reno?

It is needless to say, but I can only elaborate so much in this thread. As far as what is public record, Operation Mockingbird is relative to what you are inquiring.

>Dr Pavel I'm CIA

Am I allowed to bring friends?

Why didn't you stop your organization?

There is a high ratio of individuals with a Jewish background in the agency, at-least when I was present.

No only Emus

I imagine you've been here a while, what have we got right and wrong in your opinion?
What have we missed and what are we close to finding?
Also, any more shit on B clinton that hasn't come to light yet?

How did changes in government affect the organisation? Does it cause smaller departments to be reshuffled? What is it you used to do? How stressful was your job?

Oy vey goy, what a shocker though right, I mean who would have thought hand rubbing globalist kikes would go for power in the most covert operations of the US government

Post badge but cover numbers and stuff

>inb4 they take it away
Why didn't you kept a photo or asked someone to dupe it?

How much does COCAINE comprise the annual black budget of the C.I.A., and was the "crack" meme a deliberate vilification of the U.S. negroid population -- as hemp / marijuana was of the Mexicans and opium of the Chinese, before that...?

Do the higher ups fear that they day of the rope may come if enough people see them for what they really are? How many steps ahead are they, or are they behind what's happening today?

>like pottery
Do you glow in the dark, C.I.A. nigger?
Kevin Shipp sends his regards.

I was contacted by the Agency in 1973 and proceeded to serve as a Science, Technology & Weapons Analyst for 26 years.

Categorically, NO.

It is much more than that.

Ok, I ask because I am one of those targeted people. They also told me because "it's an issue of national security" and I'm pretty sure the only reason for this is because I was actually a muslim baby who was kidnapped. I'm not a terrorist, have never hurt anyone (unless I was defending myself and even then I only use martial arts) and I feel like a prisoner in my own country, which is America. It is the only place I have ever known and it is filled with the worst scum on the fucking planet wether its the mafia, politicians, some syndicate, the CIA, the FBI, or the NSA and even as I type this and as much as I grew to hate these people over the years I still would not go out of my way to bomb something or crash a plane. How would I even do that? I'm too poor to be able to do any damage. If your goverment would stop sending agents to intentionally piss me off maybe I wouldn't be so mad all the time and make you worry! Yes there are days when I feel like I could kill someone but it is fleeting and the core issue is not my emotions it is the fucking US dollar.

What's up Mr. Shipping, your doing a great service to our country!!

Culture (bad culture), not nature. Nice try Jewface

Still waiting for the proof senpai

>inb4 you're just samefagging with proxies until thread reaches 300


We will a get culled by the (((Elites))) via extermination swarm of weaponized nanobots, glow-in-the-dark-nigger desu?

Does this look "gay" to you, cunt?...

how was the pay?

I reached a point of financial stability to pursue other interests and hobbies Indefinitely.

Could you set me up with the local drug and weapons dealers you've no doubt got here in Oslo? Amphetamines and automatics makes a hell of a weekend.

Did you know what the NSA was doing and did you tell someone?

Jesus Christ schlomo, for once try not to be a fucking meme xd

Who the fuck told you about Project Stargate?

>Operation Mockingbird is relative to what you are inquiring.
you mean relevant? guys, this retard isn't former CIA. they only recruit the best and brightest with the highest academic scores. please don't fall for this absurd bullshit...

Where do you keep the aliens?

What kind of jiberish nonsence is that?

Why did the CIA get Obama elected twice?

Where exactly does your sense of pride come from?

Fuck YES!!

What is your lumen output in environments of insufficient lighting?

>The CIA’s primary mission is to collect, analyze, evaluate, and disseminate foreign intelligence to assist White House, the President and senior US government policymakers in making decisions relating to national security.

These days it seems the CIA does the opposite, trying to undermine the ELECTED president.

I'm pretty sure most of your job is an imaginary game to keep you on your toes and make you feel like you're doing something important but all you people really are, are actual terrorists.

May as well ask for the hell of it.

Was McCarthy right? Is America currently being ripped apart by the resurgence of subversive communist action within our society?

Does the CIA operate in CONUS?

There are preventative measures in-place to promote a sense of relative safety and peace for officers.

Teal'c told us all, you really shouldn't trust Xeno's

Keep it rational.

did they find dirt on you? create any?


what's your perspective on Sup Forums? do you think social engineer types like soros (media matters, shareblue) or JIDF actually hire people to shill here to try to sway poliitical opinion? how infested do you imagine this place is with agents from various agencies?

My position fluctuated above and under 6 figures.

Well if you ignore all of what I just said we restart and say I'm just some poor nobody why am I being targeted as a matter of national security? How does that even remotely make sense?


Observe the fruits of the happenings. There lay your sin.

I bet you can't reveal a single thing everyone here already knows

How accurate are 007 Spectre plots compaired to what the CIA does, and has been involved in?


Does the CIA gangstalk gate students?

What's the point of this timestamp?

How does this prove you were in the CIA?

not fake, just low level cia

Hell yes they do, its plain as day!

post a pic of your business card or ID with your name covered

It was all in those released and highly redacted CIA files. What sort of psychic landmine is humanity capable of?

yes very fag

paint by numbers?

>the quintessence of the female form, embodied in a vessel cleansed of the roastie alloy
>evolution's opus -- augmented for perfect male pair-bonding
>"gay" .meme

See and ophthalmologist and then a lobotomist, faggot...

hurr durr obviously dumbass

This is a fascinating board. It truly speaks to the curious human nature. I for one am thankful such platforms of free speech are in service. That being said when a door is left open, any individual will certainly be inclined to enter and alter the fruits.

do you know about Bane?

ah yes, the notorious shill

Who did 9/11?

As a Science, Technology, and Weapons (STW) Analyst for the CIA, I applied my scientific and technical expertise to analyze foreign weapons development, weapons proliferation, cyber warfare, and emerging technologies. I worked closely with regional specialists, military analysts, collection officers, and other Intelligence Community professionals to provide accurate, all-source estimates of foreign intentions and capabilities to senior decision makers.

Let me spoon feed it to you gruel form, pea-brained Princip...