Catholicism is the only religion for white traditionalists
Catholicism is the only religion for white traditionalists
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Catholics are heretics by the way. Virgin Mary wasn't a virgin. Jesus had brothers. It says so in the bible. Just show that Catholics are illiterate.
You realize Jesus was born first right?
Yeah I never undesrtood the "Muh edited and updated version of Bible is the correct one" meme
I'd rather have my religion run by people who look like me, come from the same culture and speak the same language. I'd feel no connection to some foreign dudes in Rome. I would not be surprised if your next pope isn't even white.
i'm confused on your image, considering it is christians who believe all are equal in christ and pagans are either shitty wiccans or devout white ethnonationalists.
Anyways, your cartoon about gay interracial sex has finally helped see the light that christ is risen.
can you name a single church that believes in that, preaches that, or effects policies that promote that?
No, you can't. Christianity is long dead and the only people that really follow your ghost jew are boomers (dying out), egalitarian whites (morons), and shitskins.
>Jerome, Athanasius, Irenaeus, Cyril, Gregory, John Cassian are illiterate
wtf i love pastor jim now
Why do you worship a jew though?
You mean the religion that relentlessly proselytized across Africa and South America because they don't see race and value number of followers above the nation? It only worked when it was a de facto European faith, but that was only the case due to technological constraints.
That's the problem with the kike derivative faiths. They're globalist and expansionist at their very core. At least other religions placed emphasis on their local populations and didn't try to spread themselves to subhumans. Christianity and Islam both praise conversion as the highest virtue by vilifying non-participants. Even Judaism does it in a much more twisted and exploitative way, which is why people ridicule modern Christianity for its jew worship.
No matter what excuses you make about the Bible admonishing racemixing, this outcome was inevitable the moment you claim everyone is equal before God and that we need to go to their countries and converse as a religious duty.
Jesus wasn't a Jew.
Then why does the Catholic church push for DIEversity in Poland?
What race was Rabbi Yeshua then?
>I would not be surprised if your next pope isn't even white.
It could very well be a nonbinary otherkin.
>I suck the dick of other christians, so pagans must be sucking the dick of niggers
The virgin mary was forged I think to give a subtle motivation to the men to defend what is holy. Having women that you consider pure with such models.
It's not a bad thing unless you're a pleb with no interests in the political influences of religions but it goes to show how religious texts are altered.
Christians are the ones that want to help people and bring everybody in
The word "heretic" literally means someone who deviates from the official catholic teaching. It doesen't mean "someone who I disagree with theologically" contrary to popular belief.
t. majority spic, nigger, and chink religion
Come on white man go back to your ANCESTRY.
Other than on pol in real life christian interest groups are always in favor of multicultural bs
They allowed the muzshit to sing their prayors in the main church of Quebec city after the shootout.
Fuck off with your deus veult bs.
And that's not to speak of the slave mentality embemed in our cultures. Leading in big part to the SJW no border autists we have
Also. We had to take potato niggers in Quebec because of the religious authorities in we here.
"We need to help our fellow catholics"
Fuck off now we're full of dwarven mother fuckers with family names like mcauley
Catholicism is the most cucked branch of Christianity just look at the pope...
Convert to Orthodoxy or a redpilled protestant denomination
we had here*
yeah clearly its varg-style ethno-tribalism that is flooding the west with (sand)niggers. nothing to do with millenia of shilling about how we are all gods children.
> merkel invites rapefugees because 'muh christian duty'
> shes not even wrong
please tell me more stories about how redpilled joseph's wife's son was, user
yeah I don't get it either
if you want to stop be a slave, go be your true calling, Slave of God Almighty Himself.
Go to your nearest mosque, canadanon.
But I like music without chant and I would rather get water boarded than having to listen the arabic language.
>this is what christcucks actually believe
Not Catholocism, but Orthodoxy.
The Church has been restored, but people refuse to listen to the words of Christ.
This comic is some serious projection. We have christian charities trying to bring africans to the us and europe, all the while even every podunk church does mission work in the third world.