>Garbage Tier
Blacks, Mexicans, Irish, Abos, Amerimutts, mutts
>Low Tier
Arabs, Spics, Indians, South East Asians, Native Americans, Polynesians
>Mid Tier
Turks, Slavs, Persians, Mongols
>High Tier
Southern European, East Asians
Northern European, Central European
Racial Rankings
i'm fine with this
>garbage tier
>Heavenly gift from God tier
North Indians are high tier
Mfw high tier mixed with low tier
What do
>Mfw high tier mixed with low tier
What type of mutt are you?
what kind of meme image is this? outside of #5 and maybe the last one the rest are pretty damn white
Arab + Italian, with rare french surname who came who the fuck knows from
I fully agree, but the irish have produced great men.
Southern Euros should go into the ubermensch cat desu. And slavs aswell if us snowniggers are up there. Remember Tesla?
North African+Italian you mean?
Slavs midtear? You for real desu?
>northern euro above southern
every time a snowbunny makes one of these shitposts.
On average theyre pretty bad mate
How many have you raped until now?
slavs mid tier lol, you fucking clown
According to the bible, from worst to "best":
-Sodomites (fags)
-Beaners/spics/miscellaneous brown people
-Miscellaneous Yellows
- The white man
Kjv version
You sure?
many those are nationalities, not races
mongols are garbage tier like romanians.
Who accomplished more, Italians or Scandinavians?
Shit list.
Most of contributers from slavic countries are jewish...lol
Romanians are fucking based cuntass.
what the fuck, actual mexicans lower than fucking spics???
are you insane
>Garbage tier
Refer to pic related
>Southern European higher than Slav
Gas yourself.
garbage tier:
everyone else
lmao slave monkeys aren't worth dirt on Chinese or Japanese shoe.
Ehhhhhhhhhhhh kill yourself son of a whore
Technology is gay faggt
See my posts subhuman slavic whore women putas de mierda
Also, you're helping prove Sargon right with these types of posts. He said we wouldn't stop at an ethnostate we would start ranking people by purity.
Don't prove Sargon right.
As can be found in every study citing this. The people of Europe came to these areas to declare their discoveries.
>not shit tier
ty for providing us pink pussy rapebaby
>implying any of this matters at all
garbage tier: amerimutts
>not putting abos in a tier of their own as bad as possible
Slavs are Aryans (I'm not a Slav btw, I am Polish but don't look like a Slav)
Shut the fuck up shitkin
>tfw too smart to read
Southern Europeans look like shitskins and Germans are a mix of all tribes (Slavs, the Nordic, Anglos, Romans, Celts
god tier
1. Germans
2. English
3. French
4. Italians
good tier
5. Central euro d.g. swiss, czeches, dutch, hugarians + tsarist russians and merifats , canadians
6. high tier middle east - persians - iranians, syrians
7. slavics + nords, scots and welsh
8. Spanish, portugese and greek ( mutted in the 7 century by arabs )
9. nips
mid tier
10. poles & communist russians
11. Kazaks
12. SEA asians + koreans
13. half chink - paki breeds - e.g. uzbeks
low tier
14. Irish
15. Indians
16. Romanians, balklans and turks
17. Aztecs + south americans
18. ethiopeans, modern arab egyptians, north african arabs
19. Chinks
20. Pakis
crap tier
21. North american indians + eskimos
shit tier
22. Niggers
23. abbos
kikes are a mix breed, of turks, arabs and euros.
Kill yourself cumskin
I am Irish/British/Scandinavian
What does that make me
>God Tier
high caste hindus
>Mid tier
lower caste hindus
>Low tier
everyone else
user i hope you dont mind me practicing some math
1+5+5= 11/3 3.67
mid tier
Bretty gud
I'd raise central Euros to the top tier though. The Swiss and Austro-Hungarians at least.
>when there’s literal feces outside your home
>when there’s literally no roads
>getting your hand chopped off by your dad for masturbating
>literally being molested every time using public transport
>being so overpopulated people sit on top of trains and people get crushed under the rails everyday trying to board
>literally be known as the creepiest race among women
>have meat hanging from roof outside rotting because Indians have never heard of a fucking refrigerator or even fucking salt (???)
Sounds like quite the utopia
>God tier
Poo in loo
>Mid tier
Poo in designated street
>Low tier
Poo on self
they've be placed in shit tier above niggers.
Pygmys are inconvienient to kikes because they are by far the most distant species of human relative to all others.
Men about to 5 foot tall
woman about 4 foot
females become fertile about 7yo and get pregant give birth at 8.
go thru menopause at 24
most die of old age at around 55.
there's no way the kikes can integrate these humans into the ' all humans are the same race' meme. There's also zero use for pygmys wrt kike agendas. pygmys can't be used to invade and mix race with whites. Its impossible to brainwash white females into fucking pygmy males.
So the kike policy on pygmies is to exterminate them. Silence in the kike media about them. Most people don't know they exist, let alone that they are being exterminated.
that very prohibited dont consider people in the ranks of cow
everyone else
FIFY, brethren
You'll be right at home in Calabria.
SHIT TIER - GOYIM (i.e. you)
>garbage tier
that hurts because a part of me thinks it might be true.
>jungle east asians
>not garbage tier
Fucking Sup Forums weeaboos
All Indians are low tier user
Uber reptilian: Albanians
>Implying Monkeynegroes are Slavic
Your hands need to be chopped for the garbage you typed. Filthy masturbater. Bestard bich
Flag seems appropriate
>Shit tier
>God tier
Everybody else
Nice try nigger.
Wow that convinced me. I guess African Americans are Germanic as well.
Accept it fag, everyone knows the Slavs mixed with swarthy paleo-balkanites which resulted in the Medieval Balkanites who then got raped by Turks. Nice history!
>6. high tier middle east - persians - iranians, syrians
Found the Persian shitskin. You're a fag
:,^( u hurt my fweelings
>6. high tier middle east - persians - iranians, syrians
typical western nigger lovin fuck
your country is a living hell, replete with diseases and hygiene of confinded animals. Enjoy your plague, typhoid, rabies and malaria.
How many human bodies floated past your house the last flood?
The only thing positive is that at least Indians will weak immune systems are being weeded out of your genepool.
T. North Indian
found the kikes shills with orders to decry syrians and iranians. How come u didn't decry russians? you want to get sacked? hope your rabbi didn't see u fuck up.
>acceptable tier
Finns and estonians
>Genocide today tier:
Everyone else
You're obviously a Muslim shitskin. Russia is white, and Christian. Anything in the middle East is shit tier m8.
Fuck the state of the UK today.
What does having both Italian and German make me? Is that mutt?
> Alp*noids
> superior to Souther European masterrace
> Look like literal nogs
hey rabbi what your doing here?
> you are not right white SAGE
> Central European "men"
> Der Untermensh
Where do balts belong?
He's a jew.
How about this?
the author of that jpg hasn't red ways that are dark. you aren't pilled on chinks until you've red it. they are the niggers of asia
fuck those cunts in the pic.
dirty, stinky, evil rapist brown cunts.
where i live we get a lot of shitskin that the kikes import. I've met them all. pakis, iraqis, indians, niggers, and most recently syrians. syrians are good people, in fairness they are half-shits like greeks and spanish.
and hooknoses like yourself can't convince people on the ground like me to group them in with every other shitskin.
ireland is in northern europe tho
>turks above anyone or anything
>Northern European, Central European
Forgot us Maoris
-t. Grzegorgz Grezgorgwizesnerkzsky
can u ID these teams?
what white women think:
god tier- blacks
mid tier- arabs
low tier- whites
garbage tier- asians