What exactly is this gonna mean to Italy and the rest of the EU?
Italian Election
They will show the EU that it's okay to have national pride of your country and people.
It means that we are doomed to have yet another "governo tecnico" or a fucked up M5S or Lega led governments that would not accomplish shit since they need support from other parties with which they literally share nothing.
All of this because fucking terroni had to vote M5S since they promote universal basic income.
>terroni had to vote M5S since they promote universal basic income.
THIS, this.
So I guess that it's an unholy alliance between conservatives and national-minded socialdemocrats?
Or retarded M5S and some hardcore nigger lover communists.
Either way we are fucked, nothing good will come out of this election.
So nothing will be done regarding immigration and the EU?
It is hard to tell really.
A Lega led government might be able to do something, M5S was already in favor or jus soli so I doubt they would actively do anything to stop the nogs from coming here.
M5S are literally communists in disguise, they are even worse than fucking PD in my opinion.
They will make a majority to do another electoral law and then we will going to vote another time in a year. Southeners voted M5S because they are tired of mafia and the two /ourguys/ parties are both too young to have a local influence (both existi since 1 month and 3 years). So in South Italy if you dont want to vote for mafioso candidate or leftost globalist you only have M5S. Dont listen to divide and conquer shill.
man isn't it funny how italy was joined up in the XIX century and you still can see where the borders were through checking how someone voted. Not making fun of Italy by the way, same thing can be seen in my own country.
Italy (Italic people) were joined up in Roman times. Being divided didnt bring us any glory.
Terroni fucked over the country for gibs.
(((They))) need to pipe down the federalist bs talk.
nothing,we have lost
>mafia didn't infiltrate m5s
forza italia!
forza italia
not entirely true, most terroni never even read their program
all they know is that they're "the new party", and that all local candidates are trash regardless of the party
The M5S results are almost exactly the same as the old borders of the Kingdom of Naples.
Wouldn't it be better for Italy to balaknize a bit?
he, depends when you look at single constituencies
Please post more, because all i can see is still some boot kicking litter.
Are people from Tuscany faggots?
k, plurinominal constituencies of the chamber here
yes,also commies
that's because terroni have been gibs fucktard niggers since then
>south tyrol is red
germans are really the lowest and most disgusting subhumans in europe
why did the calabrese vote centre right but the rest of the south went M5S?
That's disappointing.
pls leave the EU
>pls leave the EU
pls leave the EU
>pls leave the EU
pls leave the EU
>pls leave the EU
They still trust SVP
after all SVP lead them to have plenty of gibs, be richer, lower unemployment etc
so there's some logic behind that at least
what I don't get is Romagna + central Tuscany
No bully pls. I voted Lega and so did all my family
there are some head of centre right from around that part of Calabria that still gets votes, I guess
My wife is from a little town called Vazzano which is in blue. I'm so proud of her right now lmao
>after all SVP lead them to have plenty of gibs
krauts are literal niggers confirmed
most of them are to incentive the creation of new families tho
(prolly they didn't want to rely on people from other parts of Italy coming there tho have the same population)
What is the problem with the Terroni? Aren't they your fellow Italians, Mario?
>contributi a fondo perduto
now that I found that page, I notice they don't give extra money to young couples anymore
so you might be right after all
Terroni proved once again to be nothing but leeches. The bait of reddito di cittadinanza worked well with those bastards.
They could have chosen Meloni or Tajani if they didn't want to support Lega, but Nooooo, a working Italy means no good for those omertosi and mafiosi di merda.
this, terroni di merda (i'm terrone btw)
polentoni are mad because their candidate salveenee didn't win, a proud terrone will be the new president.
with Salvini's help one day we will have their level of autonomy for every region, and they will find out how fucking mediocre and subhumans they are compared to the rest of northern Italy which is paying their (and terroni's) gibs
Thread theme youtube.com
i don't give a flying fuck that the next premier would be a terrone, but 5stelle, really? that alone sums up their tardness
Best Europeans: Italians, Romanians, Albanians.
I sure hope so, lad
>tfw know where it is
it's a nice village, too bad it takes fucking forever to drive there
>Romanians, Albanians.
i don't know about the ones that stayed in the mainland, but the ones in italy are 90% thiefs, drug dealers,prostitutes or illegal workers that do unfair competition to our companies
At the moment I'm bathing in the raw fucking ass hurt of this italian girl I've started dating, she's a fucking socialist lmao
they mixed with arabs and became low iq deadbeats
how u gonna have a country that looks like a boot what the fuck?
I hope she stays in the UK
these words have never benn truer....
>m5s goes to power
>they start disintegrating shortly since they have no clear guidelines nor the complete majority
>next elections lega is at 30%
way better scenario than
>lega goes to power and can't do jackshit since it's a 50/50 at best
>not leftist
>totally ignoring the asian and african invasion
Don't worry Paulo I'm working on her, her arguments are mostly just idealistic humanism and altruistic tendencies of wanting to help the migrants, she ironically of course hasn't had much first hand experience of them
>be Soros/EU/whoever
>Italian elections spelling doom
>make a new shitty party with no real ideas because it's not a real party
>posture as anti-EU and whatever else the right is to syphon votes away from them
>promise gibs to terroni
>terroni flock to them thinking they're voting for the anti-establishment anti-EU gibs party
>but the same people own the left and this new party
>you now got your usual europhile cuck leftist votes + the vote from the new party
>tell left and new party to unite to form a government
>new party is wrecked because they unite with the opposition but that doesn't matter because it has served its purpose
>win elections even though your side (the left) actually lost massively
Thanks a lot terroni.
>he pays to shitpost
Keep her there, don't bring her back
tbf I hope she stays too, her ass is beyond amazing
Does that mean that there is now an official border to where terroni starts ? Is the debate finally over ? Or are italians going to continue calling anyone living south of them a brown terrone manlet
Can someone give me a quick rundown on the parties involved here?
Why ? Are they liberals, refugees welcome types or are they just afraid that nationalists would their special status as a minority ?
>Does that mean that there is now an official border to where terroni starts ?
it was always there
>Or are italians going to continue calling anyone living south of them a brown terrone manlet
how else are you gonna call those fucking lazy gibsmedat niggers?
>totally ignoring the asian and african invasion
i'm not, it was you who mentioned them to be best europeans, and frankly they're not.
>Does that mean that there is now an official border to where terroni starts ?
It has always been south of the Po river, nothing has changed
as i said, they just want the gibs that SVP keeps asking to the state. They are no less than terroni, just richer because they can manage their (our) money
Who is Putin voting for?
you dont get to talk since your country is a bottom faggot
Odd normally, a capital is where a country's soyboys all gather, not so in Italy. Is it due to the heavy regionalization that prevents the rats from all going to one place?
A lot of albanians and romanians took their italian friends to work or invest in their countries during those last years
Meanwhile the gobement is too busy to accomodate more dindus
My sides
rightwing coalition - 37% (blue) : mainly forza italia (berlusconi) and lega (salvini) - salvini has the majority in the coalition
leftwing coalition - 22% (red) : mainly partito democratico (was renzi)
chaotic centrists - 32% (yellow) : single party known as movimento 5 stelle (was grillo years ago, is di maio now)
salvini is anti-eu, anti immigration and so on so forth you get the gist
m5s is a fucking mess and they change idea once a week about everything : their pm never worked a day in his life and you can tell they have no idea of what they're talking about. Got votes because is the (((anti-politics))) political party, similar to what happened in usa with trump campaign really
if you narrow the datas you could clearly see leftist parties got higher percentages in the biggest cities where people are wealthier. Not sure if they got the relative majority tho
Yo, all those native Italians in the other thread really know their pizza
Yeah I guess that makes sense. Infographs do details poorly. Plus maybe wealthy lefties vote for Berlusconi?
Thank you Giuseppe. I hadn't read into the Italian election at all and this gives me a basic idea.
Is the 5 star party trying to emulate what happened with Trump, only (((they're))) in control of it now? Is that what you would say is happening there?
It is a jobseeker’ allowance you massive retards.
What the fuck is this shit?
he's a based black man
He sounds like the Finnish bear meme.
he dislike niggers
>Kill nearly everyone in the Italian peninsula
>Screws up the south so much that even 1500 years later they still haven't recovered
Is he the Greek Hitler?
>fucking terroni had to vote M5S since they promote universal basic income.
Not entirely true. It's mostly because they are the only fresh option/pirate party after years of right and left buttfucking everyone.
Hell Berlusconi is still there after all the metric tons of shit he sold to Italians just to avoid jail.
People are tired man. Fucking tired of the same old faces telling the same old lies.
and yes.
t. Lega voter
1st show flag you coward
2nd Toni is /ournegro/ , id say for at least a couple of decades now, if you care enough to listen a few of his speeches he's a redpilled nigger ,black on the inside too, and i'm not talking about skin colour
not really
m5s was born in 2007 with the same premise : make a party which is in direct contrast with old parties since they could never achieve anything
so after 10 years of "useless politicians" you got retards voting for other retards hoping that inexperienced young people are gonna change the country for the best, based on the fact that they're not them
their political views are not new or anything, it's just an anti-movement, and apparently people love that shit
>Terroni voted for the party that promises free gibs for everyone
rly makes u think
>Not red
It's a miracle
>mfw Salvini already told the EU not to worry that he will not change the rules and basically not leave eu or euro.
nothing will ever change anons, nothing.
Congrats on turning Emilia Romagna blue. First time ever i suppose?
For the USbros Emilia Romagna is (was until sunday) something like Commiefornia, or even worse - San Francisco (Democratic shithole since 1928).
>actually trusting democracy for any change
calliggero, we do not have the money to sustain one of the highest unemployement rates in europe, especially if paired with terronis infamous lazyness and immigration.
Should use the money to create jobs, not to rake in gibs while "looking" for one.