>Communism is bad!
>For example.........
Communism is bad!
>For example.........
Every proposed means to reach that goal has, upon implementation, resulted in disaster.
>For example.......
Every communist state in history
We can totally trust this select group of government people to distribute resources equally and fairly and not succumb to the natural order of greed and lust for power
Until God himself comes down and evens out all of our shit you can fuck right off
I didn't know Venezuela was a classless and stateless society with common ownership of the means of production and free access to articles of consumption! Thanks for enlightening me
marx didn't even believe in his thoughts
That's inherently a lie. Communism has the biggest state control in any system. Otherwise just dissolve your country bro what could go wrong, surely people will just do your communist thing.
--Ask a leftist--
>Why is capitalism bad?
"Rich and powerful people are greedy and exploit the weak"
>Why then do you think communism would be better when you give the same people guns?
Still waiting on the answer.
It's not a Communist state. It's a democratic state with Socialists in charge.
>A square is defined as a 2-dimensional shape with 4 equal sides and angles
>That's a lie! Every square I've ever seen always had 3 dimensions and 6 different sides!
It only even comes close to working when the people are homogenous in some major way. But a completely homogenous people is pretty impossible. At the individual level, we are all different. And that's a good thing. For communism to truly work, we would have to be literally robots, which makes everything meaningless.
>abolish your state
>no longer a country
>neighbor invades because land isn't held together by a legal framework
We don't live in huntergatherer times, you nigger. Communism will work when there is a zombie apocalypse, or global catastrophe that forces small communities to have to work together, while eliminating the need for currency, but as it stands, no such situations exist outside of the fucking wild bushmen communities of Africa and the lost Amazon tribes. North Korea tried to abolish currency, but went back on that policy and admitted it was a complete fuckup of a policy.
Go be a faggot at reddit, but please stop shilling your garbage here.
The Soviet Union.
And really, tell me how it's possible for communism to remain stateless and classless? Once you have a small group of people in charge of implementing the redistribution of money and resources, they are now part of a different class. They are the state.
>But it wasn't true communism
>But it wasn't true communism
>But it wasn't tr...
It will never work dude.
Classless Stateless society is like perpetual motion, it will never happen in reality.
Reminder that Marx's method of achieving statelessness was literally giving the state absolute power over everything.
Name me a communist state that became "stateless".
>Name me a communist state that became "stateless".
If you can't see the problem with that fantasy, then you probably shouldn't be allowed to reproduced.
Surely you can name a good Communist state.
Read OP's image, shit for brains.
> free access
Nothing is free
> common ownership of the means of production
"Muuhhh fabrics". Everything could be a mean of production if you know how to use it to produce something valuable to somebody else. So technically means that there is no private prorperty or that other people could take your stuff the second that you discover how to use it to produce something of value.
> Exploitation of labour
Because there is never a compromise between two parts.
What? You worked hard to create a big stage so your 5 daughters can sign a chorus?
Can I use it to play with my band for some shekels? What? I can't because that's exploitation and rent seeking? O crap... We are going to need to take common ownership of your stuff.
Jeezzz, It's amazing how such a perfect system completely collapsed every time that was tried.
c'mon grow a brain Sup Forums
Name a successful communist country.
Most of the companies are publicly owned.
However only small fraction of the population owns it.
It obviously would require a transition from capitalism to socialism first. You need a powerful state for that, and this state would be "democratically" elected to help seize the means of productions. Not sure how tf you're gonna do this but history has shown that eventually the state would have to allow for market-based economy.
for example north korea.
communism usually means killing half the country so its bad.
Communism is impossible. There's always going to be jobs that nobody wants to do and unless there's some larger body, whether it be companies or a state, assigning people to those jobs through some means, society will collapse
>Venezuela laughs
wait no
>Venezuela starves
there better and more accurate
I guess if you want to lose weight (and your life) communism is really great.
How many Cuban flags have you seen here?
Communism is shit.
There is no such thing as a communist COUNTRY, you literally brainlet.
Want to know why a cashless system can never work watch this
Nobody can do that for you, sorry.
>I...it wasn't real communism!
Because many states have tried and failed to implement it, all resulting in disaster.
This is like saying "We should try to swim to the bottom of the ocean" and then just because everybody died trying, you're claiming it's somehow a good idea because it's never been "done right".
>never been tried
You idiots never fail to amuse.
Why you support comunism? Dont you know history? Do yo think that in a comunist revolution youre gonna be in a position of power? Dont you know that you, useful idiot, are the first people that are killed/send to the gulag by the comunist regime because you will be disappointed of the comunist regime and you a danger?
A classless and stateless society is pretty much anarcho-capitalism.
So its imposible because common ownership is something that cannot be achieved because humans have feelings and feel atached to non sapient things. And the problem of specialization will arrise, so you can't keep current technology and the world will regress. Is like you don't live on this planet.
>My ideology cannot be critiqued because despite numerous attempts to enacts it's stated goal it has been impossible to put into practice.
huh really made me think.
Will became a danger
Humans always organize on hierarchical class systems. Going to communism through socialism what actually means is that there is a lot of disenfranchised people on the old system, generally low lifes and criminals, that can be used to overthrow the old hierarchy and it's aristocracy to put in place a new hierarcht and aristocracy.
Every time that communism was tried the aristocracy, bourgeoisie and capitalists were overthrown and replaced by a militar caste generating a new class system.
Dodging the question.
Highlight a successful implementation of Communism.
For example
>every single time
communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff
>communist college professors
do they really exist? my professors are not communist, but they constantly critique capitalism and I am studying economics, that doesn't mean they are communist though.
If it is stateless, what difference is there to anarchy? There is literally nothing to stop people from turning communism without a state in a lawless shithole
>R-r-real communism hasn't been tried
Humans are not completely altruistic beings. They are inherently selfish which is why communism is and always will be morally egregious.
Every time it has been tried it has devolved into an autocracy or dictatorship, with a political elite that are more "equal" than the others.
The working class is more often than not exploited worse than before the "revolution". The anti-intellectualism that drives off (or kills) people in high educated positions usually leads to a decline in infrastructure, public services and production.
An equal distribution of resources ensures sub-par performance from workers, unless enforced with threats and violence, reducing a potential working-class utopia to simple slavery.
This is exactly where the communists attack your argument. There would absolutely be no borders, no nations in Communism, resources would be shared and divided equally to the people. I honestly don't know if this is even possible and pretty much sounds like a fucking pipe dream.
Capitalism is part of the population happy, while part of the population is miserable. Communism is the entire population being equally miserable.
>They've never tried MY type of communism that I have in my head!
>don't worry guys we won't have a red terror when we institute communism (even though every communist country experienced brutal mass killings of innocent people right after the revolution)
>don't worry we'll magically remove human corruption, its not like the government and party members will lord over us
umm no, sweety, do you know that we are going to put a proletariat dictatorship first to make sure the population get used to it and then our all powerful dictatorship will disband on its own ad everyone will be happy ever after?
I can't even
You don't get the fundamental facts about humans, it only works in theory. In practice if everything belongs to everyone, nobody cares for it, people just want to take and nobody wants to work and everything gets fucked up.
Not to mention that it would have to pass the first thing wrong about communism, which is people in power take everything for themselves and leaves little to the rest.
Get some real life education, kid.
>i don't know what communism actually is
You're literally doing the
>but that wasn't real communism
meme, we make fun of that around these parts.
Thank you for finally admitting it.
Communists really should never be tolerated. You should all be named, shamed, and eliminated.
if your type of gomunizm is different to Lenin's nutsack then explain how it would be different, how would you go about it to not fucking give all the power to a few cunts in Moscow?
noone is going to read your retarded propaganda, nigga. It's all lies anyway.
The main point is that personal property exists in the communist society
fascism is killing anyone who makes your people sad
as long as it is approved by the comrades!
who are totally not a state or state-like in any way
you are owned by the people, therefore, the people own everything you have. Don't lie.
>any object acquired through working is yours by right
>a businessman who purchased a building with the money he earned working does not own that building simply because he doesn't necessarily perform manual labor in it
Fucking retards.
who owns the country?
>a guy buys a slave with money he earnt working
>he owns that nig legit
though tbf I wouldn't be surprised if folks on here wouldn't mind slavery (so long as it's not happening to them
Reminder that the jewish butchers in charge of communist russia in the beginning brutally killed the best and brightest in the comunity in order to make them helpless slaves to their new overlords. The nkvd and cheka were full of the most depraved and disgusting individuals in history like Lavrentiy Beria, who was killed like a dog after stalin died because even other communists realized how evil he was.
The problems arise in the process of getting there.
A country/nation cannot remodel its entire economy and society from capitalism to communism overnight. The most problematic part of communism is how you get from a non-communist system to a communist one without having to deal with mass unrest or even bloodshed.
ALLEGEDLY, the endgame of the USSR was what you posted in the OP. But it ultimately became a corrupt state capitalist shithole.
It is true that communism -as Marx envisioned it- has never been tried. That doesn't mean that it is a good system. More than anything else, it means it is an unattainable system. Mostly because it is undesirable.
Beria cried before he was executed.
A fitting end.
I'm against slavery of any kind, and of any creature. Robots however, can suck my dick.
Tzar Nikolai sure was so bright, why else would have he dragged Russia into ww1?
Communism in a nutshell: "if I can't be rich, NO ONE CAN BE RICH!"
Even if you could remodel it overnight it's by no definition a "just" system.
A communism system by definition end up transfering resources from the most productive members of the community to the less productive members of the community.
That will always arise conflict.
And the less cohesive a community is the more conflict will arise.
A pseudo-socialist system can be implemented in a highly cohesive and heterogeneous community. The way that the national socialism tried to implement it or the way that Sweden implement theirs.
Add some drop of international multiculturalism and everything goes to hell.
No, you`re just not allowed to exploit the commons.
Kek, exactly. It's an ideology promoted by the weak who want to violently tear the strong down to their level so they can suffer alongside them.
North Sentinel Island
So what is an example of Communism?
Communism is good and has been successful on a large scale
For example.....
thats the thing, if we can all have robot slaves then we can all live like aristocrats
and robots probably *can* suck your dick, in fact that'll be the biggest market for them for domestic use in the near future
>Give all citizens a lobotomy
>Perfect classless stateless society
Members of the clergy were subjected to particularly brutal abuse. According to documents cited by the late Alexander Yakovlev, then head of the Presidential Committee for the Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression, priests, monks and nuns were crucified, thrown into cauldrons of boiling tar, scalped, strangled, given Communion with melted lead and drowned in holes in the ice. An estimated 3,000 were put to death in 1918 alone.
According to the Chekist Karl Lander, the Cheka in Kislovodsk, "for lack of a better idea", killed all the patients in the hospital.
"it became a common practice to take a husband hostage and wait for his wife to come and purchase his life with her body"
not a large scale like a country, but the early Christian church was if we believe Acts, and families are typically quasi-socialistic because it's not normal to charge your kids for their meals (((((((unless))))
>things that never happened
That's a very dishonest example. Why would you provide a country that has a completely different political system than communism? Venezuela does not come even close to what communism is.
Well. The succ have subsided after several years of marriage. Perhaps it's time to outsource?
I have a sneaking feeling that feminazis are gonna try to ban sexbots though.
>but what about...
I don't give a shit. They traded an autocrat for a totalitarian government that wanted to destroy the Russian people and their identity. How was lenin or stalin in any way better for the average person than a Tsar?
the elite running the show who are supposed to quit but never do
Nice meme, you sure showed communism!
For one they werent German aristocrats.
They were juden aristocrats.
How the fuck does a nation that's still getting over being ravaged by communism have posters actually defending it
>classless stateless society
The trouble with you commies is that you work entirely with theory. When you look at the world you see things that you dislike and want to eliminate, you don't see the building blocks of what we have to work with to try and build a better world. Your perfect world that you have in your mind's eye can't be built with human beings. You go from your theory of a communist society, chop it up and then declare that these constituent parts are humans. They aren't humans, they are figments of your imagination.