Call to make Catcalling and Flirting Hate Crimes

>Wolf-whistling, catcalling and acts such as "upskirting" should be treated as hate crimes, an MP is set to argue.
>Labour's Melanie Onn says a change in the law would give women the confidence to report unwanted behaviour in public.
>Ahead of the debate, Ms Onn told the Grimsby Telegraph: "I've been told by police that women don't necessarily report these incidents, such as men standing far too close to them on public transport."
>She also said it could include "someone who catcalls a woman in the street or follows a woman out of a shop to chat them up when it is unwanted... this change would give women the confidence to report these things".
>"These things might be considered 'banter' or flirtatious but, if they are received as unwelcome in the way it is delivered, then it can be tantamount to harassment, even in a one-off case."

Apparently being attracted to women is misogynistic:
>[a pilot scheme]... defined misogyny hate crime as "behaviour targeted towards a woman by men simply because they are a woman".

>"Would a man who does this be happy if it was their sister or mother being a victim of it? They might feel angry that someone treated a woman they know so well as an object."
I'd tell them to grow a spine and stop whining.

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Please do it I want to see just how far into the depths you will go while maintaining your classic British attitude. You know the one.


My goodness, can you daddyfags rape your kid daughters more for fuck's sake. Or less. Whichever one fixes their brains.

all men should live in the outland

Wait you've got to be shitting me.
Did she really fucking say that men standing too close to women on PUBLIC MOTHERFUCKING TRANSPORT is sexual harassment, and that they should go to jail cuz of it!
Dumb fucking cunt

I could actually get behind this.
>Any form of advances that men makes on women is now a crime, literally rape
>Men are now afraid of women, just ignore them, play some vidya or whatever
>Women now have to make advances on men
>Any women that makes advances on a random stranger will be considered a whore, best case scenario they are pump and dump material
>Where have all the good men gone >:(
>Women go insane because there's nothing worse for them than to be ignored

>[a pilot scheme]... defined misogyny hate crime as "behaviour targeted towards a woman by men simply because they are a woman".

You don't understand. Those laws aren't made agains desireable men. Women want any kind of attention from Chad Thundercock, that's why they dress slutty and behave so. The attention that comes from betas is unfortunate side effect, and that's what they want to outlaw.

>Call to make Catcalling and Flirting Hate Crimes
Well, she isn't wrong. Only thirsty af betas do that. Being in a relationship is about being sensitive, and taking a woman's desires into account.


uhm come again what now?
are these people living in a looney tunes episode or wtf is going on?

Can't wait to use the equal treatment laws to report women for being in my personal space or asking me to do shit for them. It's harassment I tell you. A hate crime. Just because I'm twice your size doesn't mean I'll move something heavy. Stop objectifying me, bigot.

>such as men standing far too close to them on public transport.

These retarded bitches. Being on the London Underground during rush hour is like being in a sardine can.

>making it illegal to treat a woman like she is a woman

We need a war, stat.

Does this shit actually happen? Has anyone here seen someone catcall or wolf whistle? I am 25 and live in a large Scottish city and have literally never seen it in my life

These sort of laws could redpill Chads too. At some point they have to realise the risk outweigh the reward, even for them.

Well it is usually working class people and builders and stuff who engage in this kind of stupid shit. The whole thing is spoilt middle class women waging a kind of class warfare against working class white males (you know it won't apply to browns, who are the other people who do this shit, and are much more aggressive in "harassing" women).

i never talk to women anyway

this could be racially motivated policing desu

She argued elsewhere that if women like it then they don't have to report it to the police. Basically she wants a new crime that’s only a crime when a woman feels that it’s one. If she likes it, no problem. If she doesn’t then it’s jail for the man.

This is because they don't do it when other men are around. Generally happens when women are on their own or with a group of females. Used to happen to my gf when she went running, but never once when i was with her.

This is it entirely.
They want to outlaw 'unwanted attention'. How is it defined as unwanted? Well, it comes from a guy they don't wan to fuck.
How can a man tell if his attention is wanted or not?
SURPRISE! It's all in her head.
Women literally want to send men to jail based on their whims.


There is the problem that some women like it because they crave attention, and some women find it unpleasant. But it is fundamentally not a big deal, and the fact it is even thought of as something that needs to be dealt with legally just goes to show how heavily distorted the concept of law has become over the past 100 years. This didn't happen overnight and it is all part of the general redefinition of law that has taken place.

It is also absurd for a law regarding verbal communication to depend on preference

Let them do it I wanna see them in ruins, and if I want sex I'll just bang hookers from now on.

As if the author of these sorts of articles have ever dealt with catcalling or flirting. Let's be honest here.


These idiots are the dumbest of them alö in europe. If these morons never existed the UK would still be 95% white.

>being attracted to a woman is crime

They keep forgetting to mention that they hate being catcalled or having the attention of men they don't like the look off (which is 80% of the male population), but chads are fine and would never be prosecuted.
Women need to be stripped off their political rights, shit like this only proves they don't deserve it.

I like that she's decided to be the final arbiter of what is and isn't "unwanted behaviour in public". Should we make people who smell, walk in into others because they're texting or talk too loud criminals too? It’s just another case of wanting the world tailored to her female middle class sensibilities.

Men have a problem and they have to adapt. Women have a problem and they demand the world be adapted to them.

Just curious, have women ever had to give up anything (in terms of human instinctual behaviour) for the sake of civilisation?

Calls people a beta. Sounds like a beta.

>being attracted to a woman is crime

The saddest thing is that women who think like this get numale allies to drive their agenda. One of the defining traits of modern soy infested numale is that they seriously feel guilt over being attracted to women, and harbor resentment towards men who are able to enjoy female beauty without feeling like a literal rapist.

The frig is upskirting

>defined misogyny hate crime as "behaviour targeted towards a woman by men simply because they are a woman".
Man, I gotta stop the hate crime of opening doors for women. At least when I do the same to elderly people they don't get the idea of being offended by it.

Womens liberation was the single biggest mistake the West ever made. Especially giving them the vote.

Literally nothing good resulted from it.

Taking low-angle candid photos or video of girl's underpants.

Good, now when their is some kind of rescue going on, due to some tragedy, no longer will women be the first ones allowed to escape. They can be held back and die like a man.

Women that hasn't been cat called wants to ban it for jealousy reasons

Silly user, laws don't apply to Chads!

Silly, silly user.

but.. where's the hate in this?

It's exactly the opposite to hate with this, because it happens when people see someone they find attractive and thus like.

I know these people have no understanding of language and words, but come the fuck on.
These ACUTAL Nazis need to be stopped.

>Also we should call the left nazis because they try to surpress everything and free speech.


Nah, I like the danger.

T. Chad

For some reason I read this text with a poo accent.

They wouldn't be able to enforce it anyway, as it would disproportionately target minorities

Or simply because the law is way too vague, basically every instance of catcalling would require a witness who clearly heard and saw the perpetrator to whistle towards the woman and not at something else. It would simultaneously be ineffective at what the law is supposed to do, while eroding freedom of speech and freedom of expression, paving way for much stricter nanny-state laws. If you go the path of censorship, ironically minorities and then women will be the first group to suffer from it yet they're the ones most pushing it.

I don't think they even care about enforcing the law. They just want to make ideological point.

Every girl wants to be cat called. They just don't want to be cat called by guys they find unattractive.
>If they find you unattractive and you do it, you are oppressing them.
>If they find you attractive and you DON'T do it you are oppressing them.

You can't win with these whores.

I want a leftexit, all lefties/sjws/pet migrants move to one half of the country, everyone else to the other. Impassible border. I'd love to see how quickly 100% leftopia would go to hell.

just came to think of it...

could you call this a...

Absolutely agreed.
A decade ago, I'd have argued until I was blue in the fact that this was nothing more than ignorant hateful commentary.
A decade of facts has a tendency to take the wind out of rhetorical sails, if one cares to pay attention.

no you don't get it

its all about lowering white birth rates and ending Europeans period

this law would be designed and applied to white English men only

its to discourage white men from approaching breeding age females to ask them out because they could potentially have white children

In what world are cat calling and wolf whistling in the same league and up skirting?


>If these morons never existed the UK would still be 95% white.


I have literally never seen a girl no matter how beautiful get "catcalled" or similar in the streets/shops, only in nightclubs which should be fair game basically.

what universe do these lefties live in


This is not a man/woman issue. Sup Forums sounds like Reddit in this thread.

I'm an average looking guy and I've actually been catcalled before by girls. Didn't think anything of it. Heard them wolf whistle and looked over and two whores wearing sunglasses were checking me out and waving at me. Stared at them with a blank expression until they went away, lol

In their own imagination. In which everyone righteous agrees with their every thought and whim.
Sadly, social media gave that internally dissonant insanity chamber an exterior voice.

Not saying this to humble brag, just wondering why it's a problem for women at all when it's literally nothing. Even if they had started following me and asking to see my ass or whatever I would have just told them to fuck off once I got bored or scored with one of them or something. Who cares. Fucking roasties.

do it faget. I don't talk to people anyways so it won't affect me.


Please, pleasepleaseplease PLEASE do it!

The withered old corpse of Britain needs to go up in a glorious blaze.

In the UK a crime is recorded as hate crime if the accuser felt it was a hate crime. So even if the accused isn't convicted of a hate crime or even a crime, it still goes down as a hate crime in the crime figures. MPs then use those figures to push for more and more laws.

Because it's yet another victim badge they get. You're right - it means fuck-all in the grand scheme of things, but it's a way for them to pretend to be oppressed while secretly enjoying the attention of either the guys, or the women who virtue signal to support them.
Do not apply logic to a woman's thought process.

The bitches getting cat called never say shit. The jabba the hut muther fuckers who never get any attention want this shit.

Make fucking catfishes punishable by a year hard time no probation.

>tfw talking to women becomes a hate crime
>tfw women virtue signal after theybdeport their (((Muslim))) rapist
It's highschool all over again.

>these are the descendants who colonized the world

how low can you get bongs?

doesnt sound like bragging or anything m8, i mean every guy who isnt la creatura-tier at least has girls slap their ass or w/e at the club

this guy has it right

I'm 38 years old and live in a major city. I have only ever seen people whistling or cat calling in movies.

>TFW you get sent to the gas chamber for practicing your bird calls.

what a lovely video.

Have you ever had the misfortune of coming into contact with a hen party (bachelorette party)? Take guys who push their luck with women and put them next to the women who are part of one of those and the guys look tame be comparison. It doesn’t help that they’re usually ugly middle aged hags.

Well, at least your politicians are concerning themselves with the most pressing issues that really matter. Surely, Muslim population will abide by these new laws when Islam fully takes over. This bitch totally won't be gang raped and won't have a broken bottle shoved up her uptight asshole.

90% of the time it's niggers that cat call women.

>"Sir, you are charged with making cat calls at women in the streets of London. A very serious crime. How do you plead?"

>"Your Honor, can we be real for a moment? This is the UK. There are no females worthy of catcalling in this entire country."

It happens a lot in Brazil. We are monkeys though, so no wonder. It's extremely common for a woman to be walking in the street, and then some brown or black either catcalls her, tells how much he would like to pound her ass and then laugh, or they are driving a car and either honk at them, or scream something sexual at them.
Multiculturalism is great

Just to complement it, I never saw a white guy behave like this, hmmmm

Why grow a spine and deal with a trivial issue themselves when they can demand the state nannies them instead? The state to them is there to ensure their personal comfort and the expense of their freedom and our freedom is a price worth paying in their view.

Women are a waste of time.

We should start a campaign to rename rape to "love crime" and watch the feminists explode with anger.

Unsolicited empowerment. A rapist is just trying to make another single mother, after all.

We should start a campaign to show precisely which racial groups commit the vast majority of rape, and watch the feminists and sjw-type heads' explode.
How can a Person of Color(tm) commit a hate crime or rape, after all?

I'm shocked: a company that didn't demonise men to try and sell more and appear 'woke'.

Well, UK is a perfect example of a nanny-state, don't you have streets where you can be fined for swearing? Thats the dystopia what I'm talking about.

And make hiding obesity in dating profile pictures illegal while they're at it.

>wolf-whistling, catcalling and acts such as "upskirting"

These people are honestly sort of clever. They lump shit as dumb as catcalling in with creepery like upskirting to slowly make things more and more bad seeming.

But only shitskins catcall, so what's the problem?

No such thing as "hate crimes." Only crime. The "hate" enhancement is legal bullshit. Kys.

Conflate a few tame things with a serious thing and pretend they're all the same. It's their go to tactic.

>woman wants to make law that will affect minority males in greater numbers

Why are british women so racist?

Shitskins won't be charged with anything. Landwhales will howl at unsuspecting passrby white men and accuse them of "hate crimes". Soon they'll make it a "hate crime" for white men to even exist.

chad thundercock here. would you believe me if i told you that ive rejected women i wanted to fuck even when horny just because the ego trip was better than sex? story time:
>be me
>friend brings me to bar for local metal bands
>unbeknownst to me, he told one of his female acquaintences i was coming - basically blind date setup
>he introduces us at the bar
>she is a solid 9 ane i want to hit it
>she sees me and gets a big smile
>something about her confidence just annoys me
>very politely say hello to her, make a few seconds of small talk
>bartender hands me my drink
>"well its very nice to meet you!"
>walk away
>see her face collapse in the most delicious way in my peripheral
>start chatting up some grill who's only a 7 in front of the stage
>glance her way later and shes looking at her drink all depressed
fellow chads ITT, you know the feel im talkin about

cat calling is not allowed on job sites. Some job sites even have a restriction on the number of seconds you could look at a woman.
All it takes is one cunt to send an email to the organization or newspaper for all sorts of dumb shit to happen.
Only spics, niggers, and arabs do this the videos of women recording this prove that.
In stereotypical american television it is always in nyc which is full of low class italians. Maybe some truth to that.

>a "hate crime" for white men to even exist.
This is the end result of inferiority and jealousy.
White men created this society - one that is so safe that women can bitch, piss, and moan all day instead of being fearful for their lives.
So they do.
One so prosperous that there is enough wealth to go around - even for useless shitskins pouring into the country by the millions.
Neither women nor shitskins could have created this society - only white men. But since we've given both groups power, they're clamouring for white men to be toppled and destroyed.
For the very people who gave them this society to be villianized, imprisoned, and discarded.
And white men are fucking allowing it to happen.

#metoo has something to say about that.
>You don't believe her? you must be racist sexist bigot.

based chad does it again


lol chink tourist on segways wtf.
top comment
>I wish sweden was still like this

How do you think the "1 in 5 women were raped"-statistics happened? They lumped in sexual harassment along with actual rape and physical assault, as if they were the same thing.

>You don't understand. Those laws aren't made agains desireable men. Women want any kind of attention from Chad Thundercock, that's why they dress slutty and behave so. The attention that comes from betas is unfortunate side effect, and that's what they want to outlaw.

Also being approached by beta males (80% of males) is disgusting and horrifying to a woman, because there is a reproductive cost.

Over time, women who were seen talking to males would be perceived to be slutty and not worth investing time in. This would harm the reproductive chances of women who were OK with interacting with males, even males who had a crush on them.

Women who were dismissive to beta males, aka ordinary men, would be more likely to pass on their genes successfully. This is why unwanted attention is to excruciating for women, even though no verbal or physical abuse has occurred.

Wolf-whistling, cat calling, upskirting are all actions that an immature cuck would do

Act like a man, not a faggot