Got my DNA back... am I a subhuman?


Get back to africa nig nog

>Finnish 0,0
Yes you are.

0,2 is literally nothing.
Ur good imo.

Allowed in etno state


Pretty bad desu

since there's very little diversity of genes, you're probably more prone to diseases and disorders. You should strive for fitness and health within your future family line.

you do know those genome test things are complete bullshit? they don’t actually test your whole genome - they only sample parts of it - and the labs have been found to be lazy and getting results mixed up all the time.

yeah but not this time it located all the family members that had it done, and I knew alot of them. so its legit. Father was adopted, so no way it could have found them any other way.

curious what the North African is, i thought middle eastern would of been the same. I know sub Sahara is groid


If you were a chick probably hot. With just a drop of the asian blood.

The bogs got your family

Your DNA is fine. It is the fact that you asked the question that makes you sub-human. Cheers!

Prolly related to your southern european DNA

>Balkan 1.5%



unfortunately yes my friend

I've heard of instances where they often say you have at least some african heritage just to fuck with conservatives.

>am I a subhuman?
Yes, the statistical artifact of African DNA is highly relevant and means that you are literally a nigger.

>Balkan 1.5%

oh dear..

Whiter than you maghretoid

Go back ro balkan wah are you doing in shit usa you are serb 100%

>ashkenazi Jewish

How is this app called?

well it looks like my dirty italian ancestors got MOORED at some point. Can I collect gibs for this? Do I need to discard my slave name?

Literally a Jew.

That's the highest I've seen.

Damn near full blood jew, How many Gentiles do you employ?

It is Berber or kabyle ancestry, it's quite alright tbqh, it is still a caucasoïd ancestry.
Pic related is kabyle I believe.


wow didnt even know that was a thing

>100% pure Serb
Come home whyt man.

Do you have your foreskin? IF you dont you cant into ethnostate anyways