the one with ricky vaughn, i want to see ricky get assblasted
Does anybody have the strike and mike episode?
Ricky actually did p good, Striker got kinda assblasted
BTFO Ricky NatSoc is the way forward
I think it's a really important episode for people to hear, so I'm gonna share it just this once
Thank you bby
The TRS have turned inwards and stopped growing, and that can be seen at how everybody there attack everybody else.
It's always somebody else fault, but never that the TRS guys have stopped coming to Sup Forums, proffering to jockey for positions withing their shrinking base.
It's sad, because I had hope for the guys.
>I think it's a really important episode for people to hear
Ricky is a piece of shit MAGA sperg that only attack other pro-whites, so why bother?
Ricky and Eric both make valid points, about optics cucking and movement moral in general.
I don't like RV either but it don't mean he's wrong about everything.
I'd be nice if not all good podcasts were about american politics, desu.
The Nord front podcast is pretty good. Maybe that'd be more up your street.
Thanks cunt. No way I'm donating shekels to Kike Enoch the fat fuck. Just want to hear Striker's hot takes
Eric striker push that women are property, and that is divisive shit we don't need.
Both Eric and Ricky is pushing their own ideology and attack fellow pro-whites, rather that attack the anti-whites, so why bother to listen to somebody that is not going to be a part of the pro-white movement in the future?
Show tits
Show tits slut
>I'd be nice if not all good podcasts were about american politics, desu.
Did you try to listen to the live DS they had?
It was just stupid USA USA USA shouting, when they were not shouting NIGGER, NIGGER, NIGGER.
The ones before that wasn't anything better, because it was all about the Florida shooting.
Fash the Nation is another podcast that is just MAGA now, so I stopped listening to that as well.
yeah, the last tds was fucking terrible
Based paypig.
I'll hide you in my attic when the NEET uprising happening happens.
The utter retardedness of the TRS fan these days.
We are going to become the new majority by pushing that women are property, because that will work in a society where women can vote.
Listen to Europa weekly, it's better than anything on therightstuff.
I usually enjoy TDS but I only made it about half-way through that one. And they didn't even give us an episode last Friday.
Get ya tits out cunt
>Hurr durr if you don't attack women you're a roastie.
I think probably because of setting up their party travel etc.
yeah, jesus christ -it was really fucking bad
I don't know how they managed to turn this retarded, but my guess is that they listen to the ones on the TRS forum, not understanding that the good posters have been pushed out by the ideologues.
The homosexual stand they have is stupid as well, because abused heterosexuals don't turn homosexual as they claim, they stay heterosexuals, but become damaged for life.
If they had turned homosexuals it wouldn't have been so bad, but the hetero victims often kill themselves outright, if they don't use drugs to ease the pain, and kill themselves this way.
And the TRS guys don't understand why they have stopped growing?
You don't even bother to effortpost on Sup Forums, instead trying bullycide the ones that don't agree with the TRS dogma?
What did you do after this, run to the TRS forum and told everybody that I said tits or GTFO, so you could get your pats on the back for being an edgelord?
One example of Striker's delusion, is that he thinks Angela Nagle will come on his podcast, when he demands that women should be property.
Exposing this Virus is more important and spreading the info.
>Hurr durr if you don't attack women you're a roastie.
Yeah. But it's worse that the TRS-fans don't even bother to bump their own threads on Sup Forums, because that is proof that they now stay in their own forum, where they can gang up on the heretics that dare go against the groupthink.
That might feel good, but it's not going to bring in new listeners, and it will slowly purge people from the 504um, until only the edgiest edgelords are left.
The DS forum suffers from the same, btw.
Feminism is bad, I agree, but painting women as the abusers, when they feel like victims, is kind of stupid if you want people to think you have the solution to society's ills.
40% of men, and 25% of women will die single in this shit we have of a society in the west, but exposing feminism, in stead of coming up with solutions, will solve everything?
I hate most TRS shows. I listen to FTN and come here to steal free Mike and Strike to hear Strikers take. In regard to the Striker thinking woman should be property, obviously that is retarded. But on the other hand trying to appease them won't work either. Looking from the outside in, my honest opinion is that I think American nationalists won't be able to win via the political process. The only way this will end is in violent conflict. So in saying that I really don't think Strikers views on women matters that much.
You can listen to Stormfront Radio live each weekday from 9-11 and you can even call in at 8447692944. Had it with TRS post dox daze. Still triggered over Ghoul being a faggot.
Hi Don
Striker and Dr. Duke Thursdays are amazing as well!! Striker hit it out of the fucking park on the 1st of this month!!!
Is that a Laura from Michigan caller reference?
>Exposing this Virus is more important and spreading the info.
So who will be exposed, when the TRS crowd stay in their own forum, rather than argue with outsiders?
Nobody of the big brained nibbas bother to post on Sup Forums, and they never bother to interact or give a like to some nobody on Twitter, probably feeling that they have risen above this now.
This is not how you grow a movement, but they all behave this way, last time I looked at their twitter profiles.
It's after all the job of the little people to give likes to the big brained nibba's tweets, so they rise to the top. If the big brained nibbas had given a like or answered the tweets from the little people, they wouldn't be big brained, right?
awful voices and sound quality
No it is a reference to me knowing that you are Don Black shilling your shitty radio show
How about waiting with the woman question, until we have secured a future for white children?
One thing I have pushed, that is working on leftoids, is telling them that their movement have been coopted by rich people, and that ethnic communities are the only way to stand up to capitalists. An atomized society is after all the wet dream of the corporations.
Do you agree that it really bad, that we are left to bump TRS threads on Sup Forums?
At least he is here shilling his show, if you are correct.
Voting doesn't matter. It is mathematically impossible for us to win through votes. Females are politically useless for us.
>didn't provide link to show
I'm just a fan and can be hilarious at times if Don stumbles for a good 30 seconds or Father Francis falls asleep and snores every 15 seconds. I'm surprised that Dr. Patrick Slattery isn't brought up here more, given his appearance on some Bloodsports thing. I'll make a thread or something around the time it comes on at 9:07 est when the "Ride of the Valkyries" starts playing.
You're not understanding what I'm saying. There is no future. Start a family, raise children with WN ideology, train body and train using weapons and acquire good land with vantage points/good access etc. Go full preptard because the future is not going to be pretty. Learning basic combat skills and preparing compound and storing food will put you in better stead then probably 95% of the population and may give you that slightly higher chance of survival.
An intolerant minority can have a lot of political power, and people become pro-white by being exposed to divershitty.
>There is no future.
White people flee from divershitty, and non-whites don't matter if whites are intolerant, so I disagree.
What would happen if Putin opens up Siberia to white people?
They're doing fine, movements work in pulses. Right now they're consolidating power, which isn't a bad strategy. The big meetup they did was a very good idea.
Anglin's crowd are starting to do this as well with the Stormer club thing. This was really what we needed from the beginning, networking. The far-right's problem has always been networking, and especially after Atomwaffen went fucking nuts, it's become clear that this is essential moving forward.
>They're doing fine, movements work in pulses.
I don't buy that, because they have not banned the purgers like Ricky, so they must think he draws in people, rather than push people away.
>Anglin's crowd are starting to do this as well with the Stormer club thing.
The DS suffer from the same shit as the TRS forum, where good posters are driven away by the virtue signaling edgelords.
The DS forum are perhaps worse, as the normal posters don't even dare to give a like to effortposts, while they shower likes on shitposts like "Spencer is gay, lol."
Azzmador is involved with the Bookclubs, and he don't tolerate dissent, even when it comes to stupid memes like "white sharia", so I don't see a future for them either.
>and especially after Atomwaffen went fucking nuts
Atomwaffen at least posted on Sup Forums, something that is obvious below the big brained nibbas or their networking underlings.
If the plan is to take back your country via the political process then taking the "Ricky Vaughan" approach is the way to go. 99.5% of people aren't going to vote for a politician thats platform is "White Sharia now" and "Gas the kikes race war now lol". These people have spent too much time in their online alt right/WN echo chamber and have lost touch with reality and how normal people (AKA the cunts you need to vote for you) think and act
>If the plan is to take back your country via the political process then taking the "Ricky Vaughan" approach is the way to go.
The plan was/is to get whitey to understand that they are being genocided, and let politicians looking for votes adapt to the changed political landscape.
This is working, if you look at Denmark, Italy and the Trump election. Trying to build a movement with policies don't work, Sweden being the prime example, as this gives the old media an enemy they can attack. Supporting Trump after he has shown himself to not care about white people, is like supporting the Sweden Democrats, instead of attacking the anti-whites.
>99.5% of people aren't going to vote for a politician thats platform is "White Sharia now" and "Gas the kikes race war now lol".
I agree with this.
Do you agree that it's bad that none from the TRS are on Sup Forums, preferring to stay in their own echochambers?
Thanks man. I think people are too quick to give up on Ricky and call him a maga cuck or whatever. He has good critiques that should be at least considered.
>He has good critiques that should be at least considered.
We don't need yet another critic of the alt-right, we need to attack the anti-whites. The only thing Ricky does, is purge people from an ever dwindling pool, because nobody bothers to bring in new people when they don't get any likes from doing it.
Nobody from TRS have bothered to post in this thread for instance, because it's their status within the 504um that matters.