Nigger encounter thread? Does anyone have any Nigger related stories that prove niggers suck?
live with parents
hurricane Irma's coming
we live in Florida
head to New Orleans in case it hits our house
decide to do tourist shit to pass the time
head to diner
not too hungry so I just order fries
all employees are black
ask waiter "can I get an order of fries?"
"I don't know, can you white boy?"
waiter, bus boy, cook, and dishwater dying laughing
20 minuites later and no fries
ask again
Can I get some fucking fries?
"ugggh fine"
nigger walks back and tells cook to make fries
30 minutes later I get my fries, employee glares at me while I eat. I pay and begin to leave when I hear "Da Fuq? Nigga where my tip? You didn't tip me becuz Im black!"
Nigger encounter thread? Does anyone have any Nigger related stories that prove niggers suck?
Other urls found in this thread:
> 13 years old
> went to one of the city pools with some friends
> got out of pool to take a piss
> while in bathroom a nig walks in, not weird I lived in a mostly black city
> nig starts leering at my white dick
> he reaches for my cock
> I step back preparing to fight, but his cracked out mind just has him standing there like a zombie
> go back in pool and tell my buddies some crack head tried to grab my cock
> crack head wonders out of locker room into pool area, my racist friend doesn’t like this
> after we’re done swimming we hide behind a car waiting for the nig
> when he comes out we jump him
Last week I went to BK to get some fries.
See Gang of Niggers loitering outside.
I ignore them.
As soon as I reach the door a fat Nigger bitch shoves me out of the way and slams the door in my face.
I'm too tired to care so I get in line.
I order and go to get soda.
same bitch shoves me again to get soda.
I get my soda and then my food and I leave.
As I'm leaving nigger bitch and her gang call me an asshole and say something about how I was in her way.
I ignore them and leave.
Fries were good but soda was flat.
Fucking Niggers.
Yup. This is the absolute state of their culture.
What would happen if I as a European calls someone a nigger in the US?
>Is called a nigger
>"Yo wat the fuck BITCH!"
Why is the first inappropriate when the other is not?
>Sup Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value like flys are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things but become angry at white and thing that’s it’s just a game to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them and whites here do the things they do as a way to trigger them
>so they start to playing the game that they assume is being played here
>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual insecurities)
>attack representatives of white interest politicians&e-celebs
I love the look on her face when she opens the door.
> did I just open the door the the SF zoo?
the nigger pill leads to healthier lifestyle.
you will avoid fast food, not because its bad for you, but because you just don't want to be around nigger employees
For a few months I lived in a very shitty part of the city. Not only were there blacks and asians, but there were Nigerians. Sad to say I felt safer around Nigerians whether they were muslim or christians. Nigerians immigrants were well educated and rich compared to their fellow countrymen they left behind and the American blacks. Immigrants to USA from overseas need to have motivation and political savvy to get here.
Anyway, I go to the convenience store and get pestered by a young black American man. He asks me where check cashing place is. Like I would know. I told him to fuck off. He saw the gun shaped bulge in my jeans and went the other way.
at least the SF zoo is a fun, family friendly, educational experience for middle class white Americans.
>employee glares at me while I eat.
I'm calling bullshit, with that flag you ate those fries cooked by blacks?
Are you stupid or what?
I have short and sweet sometimes annoying experiences with them but I tend to never be around them for more than 5 minutes at a time.
fries are fries syrup boy.
You have a lot to learn then.
I wouldn't have eaten those fries. I can't say for certain what I would have done, but I damn sure wouldn't have eaten the fries.
If you go to a classy restaurant they will cook your food after you order it and you do have to wait for it as a result. estaunts are not like McDonalds where they have a trough of lukewarm fries they'll just scoop some freedom fries out of for the plebs to go with one of the ready cooked burgers standing under the hot plate.
Waiters also need to jot your order down and take it to the kitchen in restaurants too, you can't simply rudely bark out "Gimmie fries!" in a restaurant and expect service. You can't expect a waiter to serve you with a smile as if it were Disneyworld if you're swearing at them either and the kitchin were probably laughing at you because you came in with your parents like a fucking child and ordered a single side dish as your only food. No starter, no main, no afters, just a single portion of fries between 3 people.
I'd be laughing at you too. You're pathetic.
>A nigger? A nigger cook
Why would you eat from there? The moment I walk in to a food establishment and see a black person behind the counter I walk out. Your own fault user. You reap what you sow.
u mad nigger
The waiter didn't write my order down, the kitchen was right in front of me and I could see the chef sitting on his phone not cooking, I didn't rudely bark anything, my parents and siblings were with me, they also ordered nicely, they were treated terribly as well,and I'll order whatever the fuck I want you tea sipping cuck.
Did U enjoy the taste of that nignog spit on UR fires?
I was with my family, they wanted to eat, I wanted fries, and I couldn't care less about niggers at the time, I only recently accepted that whites are superior, my libtard parents haven't been black pilled.
The niggers who worked there were too stupid to figure out how to spit.
wow,a greentext sotry without greentext. Looks even more degenerate.
I've spoken to a real nigger only once, last summer.
I celebrated my birthday with a couple of friends in the park near the river where I rented an alcove with a mangal and made shashlik. Even though we had alcohol, I decided something was missing so I ordered a hookah.
And the nigger was the one who brought this hookah with the request taste additive, etc.
He said he was jamaican and he did have some african accent.
I can't say I disliked him. I would have really disliked him only if I saw him touching a russian woman. Other than that I just wanted him to leave.
I am very glad I don't live in South Africa or Brazil.
That oh so good special sauce.
Good scene
This. Just imagine the taste
>The waiter didn't write my order down, the kitchen was right in front of me
This was the problem. you Shout "I wunt der fries" out at the waiter randomly when they don't have their little pad out, you can't expect them to break with protocol and think "Shheeeiit, dat craker want dem poe-tadah fries. Ah had beddah get them fur him be-fo evreh-one else including the others on his table!".
Face it, chum, you broke restaurant protocall and the long wait for your food was your fault. The chef can't cook you fries if he doesn't have your order and if you've got something in a deep fat fryer or an oven you have to do something while you wait for it to cook, a quick burst of magicarp jump is as good as anything. it's only shallow frying or stir frying where you have to fuss over it while it is being cooked.
I work in a kitchen with no blacks and no hispanics. What race am I Sup Forums?
can confirm! as a pol-shitskin ive caused at least 3 white suicides with my coony-black babooney psychological warfare
Too sophisticate for a non-human... It could be labeled as a darwinian tool. The ones not giving a shit are the Boldest Ones.