Syria General /sg/ - Eyes is the sky Edition



>Latest interviews with Assad*NEW*

>Live MAPS

>Fan maps

>E Ghouta Mar 4
>Afrin Mar 3
>Yemen Feb 26
>Idlib Feb 25
>Random Feb 12
>DeZ-Bukamal Feb12

>Lavrov on Syria

Devs March 6
>Raqqa; SAA reportedly creates new formation by the name of Al-Sanadid Al-Jazzera Shield, designated for service in Raqqa province
>E GHouta; SAA takes control of Al-Muhammadiyah from FSA affiliate militia Faylaq al-Rahman
>Syrian flag was seen hoisted inside Hamouriyah city by civs in E Ghouta region
>E Ghouta; Jaysh al-Islam continue to hold on to Ar-Rayhan despite 3 day SAA offensive against them
>SAA impose full control on al-Asha’ari farms outskirts to the west of Hawsh Asha’ari town, town expected to fall soon
>Rebel defenses slowly collapsing as SAA in al-Muhamadiyah town advance toward Aftris and Hawah Qubaybat
>Latakia province; RuAf conducts airstrikes inside militant-controlled city of Jisr ash-Shugur, targeted bases belonging to the Turkistan Islamic Party
>Russian transport plane crashes at Khmeimim airbase, kills all 6 crew members and 26 passengers
>Unconfirmed reports emerge that Syrian Kurdish forces are contemplating an offensive against Turkish-backed rebel groups in the Manbij region
>Israeli report; Ru has withdrawn all of the Su-57 fighters it stationed in Syria several weeks ago back to bases inside Russia


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I'm guessing that is Hmeimim AB?

>The absolute state of Syria right now

Sorry for thinking youre a kurd than, there was an iraqi kurd here some rime ago

>mfw SDF falls apart since the Kurds all went off to die in Manbij and Afrin and the arabs all turn out to either be pro assad or ISIS tier warlords


>Lankastan on the brink of a Race war
Hope the resident Lankans are ok :(

First post best post

Isn't it supposed to be Eyes in The Sky?

No worries dude

War is extremely unlikely unless the muzzies have a massive weapons stockpile hidden.

Whats your oppinion on ghouta operetion, i gotta say it is going way better than i ever expected it to go. My goncern was deeb.
Afrin is going fucking nice too

aye fucked that one up

What's it's name in Arabic?

I wanna try to google the recipe ;3

Thank God
Faster ranil fucks off faster we can rebuild the country

Well, imagine my shock...

A. Are you the Lankan in S.A at Uni?
B. If so What are the Chances of Sri-Lanka going full Burma mode with the Muslims and buddhists killing each other?
C. In Sri-Lanka which Religious group do Christians get along with?


مرق الفاصوليا الخضراء=Green beans broth

Yeah, this is going better than Aleppo. Considering they've bled thousands of troops on minor gains like the Ain Tarma meat factory and vehicle station I was expecting Mosul tier blood bath for the Assadists. I wonder what tactics they're using, I remember someone mentioning force concentration and from the little footage we got it seems that way with several tanks on a single point followed by a swarm of troops.

Whats the Political scene in Sri-Lanka Like?

A. Yes,Flinders
B. Naw we arnt gonna remove muzzies anytime soon
C. Christians go along fine with everyone
They don't bother anyone
Please don't listen to fucking garudian posts

Pretty fucking messy
Nationalists got kicked out 3 years ago
Making a come back as the liberal party is failing to anything right

Why does this guy make my internal anti jew alarm go crazy ?

Yea i was expecting mosul tier bloodbath too. I genuenly thought tigers would suffer so many cassualities that they would have to disolve after the operation was done

it rightly does

Oy vey it's annuda shoah

Ok i dont want to keep hassaling you mate so ill make this my last question/post/request

Can you give me a one sentence quick rundown of the groups in your parliament?

>my internal anti jew alarm
Why didn't it go off in September 1980?

Top kek


Ewwww disgusting. The slwomo guys give me a terrible vibe too.

I wasn't born yet.

>Syrian operation: Lafarge faces probe over Isis payments
Cement company is alleged to have paid off jihadis to keep a plant open

I wouldnt use words, "Nationalists" or "liberals". Current gonvt, is very socialist and bunch of silver spooned village idiots. The other gonvt (Rajapaksa) are more National-Capitalist

What do you want to know? i am "redpilled" coolie.

>I wasn't born yet.

Makes sence.

On a side note, is there any tention between the veterans of the iran-iraqi war and the current pro-iranian officials?

Also, how does the government alance between being virtually allied to Iran and getting gibbs from the US of A? Not to mention the 100 billion american bases on iraqi soil?

Nigger I'm not the iraqi lmao

I just sorta wanted to know what each of the groups in your parliament stands for (or at least claims to stand for)
Thus why i posted the Wiki article that showed the Parliament and all relevant parties

>Russian education

What is the Eternal Anglo's goal?

>UK export regulators gave the green light to sales of £2.3 million worth of ‘telecommunications interception equipment’ to Turkey in March 2017

>Criticism of the Turkish government has completely vanished from print media and television, and now the intelligence apparatus are increasingly focused on using methods of online sleuthing and censorship – such as the services and technology offered by Surveillance Group – to track down and destroy the last remnants of anti-Erdogan activism in the deepest corners of the internet.

My guess would be they want to support Turkey to remove a variable in their wider Middle East strategy, led by the Israelis and Saudis. I'm sure you noticed your own media was chomping at the bit for war with Iran only a couple of months ago. Erdogan wants to pursue neo-Ottoman nationalism and shell Kurds, so he is a known quantity.

Fucking phoneposter.

UPGG or what ever real name is UNP
Western loving privatizing every thing they touch cucks
That's a bit dated
UPFA is the current leaders party
It's a absolute mess but used to be the center party With more socialists policies
>UPFA pro mahinda
Is now SLPP and is a nationalistic socialistic party and is who is support
Mentally challenged commies that did alot of shit in the 80s like burn schools down
Tamil party
Others are beyond irevlent

>Russian education
to them you're all sandpederasts

>next UN meeting

>East Ghouta residents take to streets to demand militants leave town
BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:20 P.M.) – A large number of civilians in an East Ghouta town took to the streets, today, to show support for the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), Damascus Now reported.

According to Damascus, the residents of Al-Hammouriyah carried the flag of the Syrian Arab Republic through the streets of their town, while chanting in support of the government and army.

The residents of Al-Hammouriyah also called on the militants inside the town to leave in order to avoid any hostilities in this part of the East Ghouta.

>video in link

Ranil is trying fucking selling everything the govt owns
UNO does that everyone they fine power
My3 is just staying true to somewhat center left party base and throwing money into wrong parts of the rural area
Farmers need more money to help with the drought

Aren't you the same people?

Like Ukrainians and Russians?

Two fake states created in the west, but the same people inhabbiting both?

Thoughts on pic rel? I just hope Haftar along with Ivans will mop-up the militias, restore some-what of an order&law 'n shit, and then Colonel's son will run for president, will win it and we can have Libyan Arab Jamahiriya again.
R-right guys?
Tripoli user, where are you...

Ignorant AND smug about it

I have a feeling Saif will get Jew'd before he gets into any significant position of power, after all the whole point of the wests campaign of regime change was to destroy the Qaddafi legacy

There will never be a race war. Everyone is brown here, if there is one its propped up by outside forces. Problem is people here treat muzlm as its some kind of race.
Evangelic Christians are the fucking worst here. I am not going into it. Brought up with christians values but not on this island. Being christian here is like being part of a stuck up social class.

>muzlm as its some kind of race.
Because those fuckers act like being Muslim makes them part of a separate race
And lol yea
That's because most Christians are filthy rich family's from the burgers during colonial times
Ever being to the Dutch hotel in Colombo
Those cunts own half of the fucking city

>Qaddafi legacy
And we could have unironic King of Africa who would most likely keep the niggers away from Europe and kept them on short leash...
Fuck this gay earth...

Dude its not my problem you morons couldnt stay inside Turkey and had decided instead to become colonies of the west (that you remain as of today)

learning to hate america is like learning to hate your parents when you are 15. you're still gonna be raiding that fridge, and you still expect them to let you live with them until you're good and ready to go. it's like shadowboxing your own inability to take responsibility for yourself, since you know that you're unable to care for yourself without them, and it bugs you.

grow up.

>Colonial times
I must have forgotten that part of Manifest Destiny

Iraq is currently divided on both subjects, if not most subjects... the Veterans of the war and a good chunk of people hate Iran but alot of the Shia and some other groups are pro-Iran

The same groups are also, devided on the American thing. The ones who are pro-Iran don't want anything to do with America and the others are either indifferent or want America to stay for now

So, basically, you're the ukraine

>ISIS launches new assault on Syrian Army near key city in Deir Ezzor
BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:38 P.M.) – Forces of the Islamic State terrorist group have launched an assault against the Syrian Army and allied paramilitary groups along the western shore of the Euphrates, targeting government defenses near the city of Al-Mayadeen.

Military-affiliated sources report that ISIS militants attacked Syrian troops at the hilltop of Tal Ar-Rahbeh which commands a considerable field of view over Al-Mayadeen.

The terrorist onslaught is noted to have been launched out of a large section of yet unsecured desert space in the western countryside of Deir Ezzor province.

At the present time, Islamic State forces are upholding their attack against government positions near and on the Tal Ar-Rahbeh and are noted to using light and medium weapons.

According to Al-Masdar News journalist Ibrahim Joudeh, such attacks by ISIS against Syrian Army positions along the western shore of the Euphrates take place on daily basis although some are a little more vicious than others at times.

Are those blue cylinders bombs lads?

lecturer brought up that project last week, one of the biggest civil engineering projects ever with the aim of making Libya completely independent of the outside world, a lot of it was done by an Aussie company apparently.
What a visionary

no lad they're generators for the bakeries ready to be delivered

Honestly i want Russia to spread it's bases more than i want America at this point... America has been nothing but trouble since WWII, but it was the only alternative for the Soviet Union... Now my concern is what comes next if Putin goes away...


Lol .burgers are pretty cool
Nice people

And it's not gonna be solved anytime soon... Just like Ukraine

Jump to 2.44 minute for your answer

Polish engineers were also helping. With this and general infrastructure there, in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Egypt...
> making Libya completely independent of the outside world
Oy vey, how antisemitic!

It's additional fuel tanks.

>that jumper

we USMC now

Mi-8 just crashed in Chechnya
the ABSOLUTE state of Pidorashka's "air forces"


Well, then...

Good, good. Death to R*ssia.

Wonder where he got it from

ABSOLUTE state of Russki "pilots"

Кoмaндиp вoздyшнoгo cyднa: Bвepх! B-o-oт.
Bтopoй пилoт: Ceйчac-ceйчac.
КBC: A ты вни...
BП: Booбщe фигня кaкaя-тo!
КBC: He, нy я тaк пoнял, ты хoтeл этo... A ты, нaoбopoт, вниз.
BП: Лaднo-лaднo, пoтoм paзгoвapивaть бyдeшь. Я имeю в видy вce ocтaльнoe. Taк, кoнтpoлиpyeм вce!
КBC: Bce, вce хopoшo.
BП: Bce, cкopocть нopмaлизoвaлacь.
ABTOИHФOPMATOP: Cкopocть cpaвнить, cкopocть cpaвнить.
BП: Oп-oп-oп … 390!
КBC: Кyдa вниз-тo?! Кyдa ты вниз? Зaчeм вниз?! Кyдa?!
ABTOИHФOPMATOP: Cкopocть cpaвнить, cкopocть cpaвнить.
BП: Дa пoтoмy чтo, чтo хopoш *******, 200 cкopocть, *****!
КBC: Bыcoтa! Bыcoтa! Bыcoтa!
ABTOИHФOPMATOP: Terrain ahead! Terrain ahead! PULL UP! Terrain ahead!
КBC: Bвepх!
ABTOИHФOPMATOP: Terrain ahead! Terrain ahead! PULL UP! Terrain ahead!
КBC: Bcё, ******!

Nice proxy.

Its already 9 dead pigs! Hooray!
Lol. This is not a secret pidorashka equals brainlet.

US complaining about Nork murder is a perfect illustration of the absolute state of the American mind
>kill Osama without trial
>complain about other country killing without trial
>issue might be that Kuala Lumpur fucked up security, but that's smth for them to complain about, not US
>coming immediatly after Moon shows more success in fullfilling his promises of better relation with Norks

And remember, rice, it ain't as good without rice... Nothing ever is...


>Turkish forces within 7km of Afrin city
BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:55 P.M.) – The Turkish-backed rebels scored a major advance in the Afrin region of Aleppo, today, after another short battle with the Kurdish-led People’s Protection Units (YPG).

According to pro-opposition activists, the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) managed to capture the strategic Kafr Janah Military Camp, which is located just north of Afrin city.

The Kafr Janah Miitary Camp was the installation that the pro-government National Defense Forces (NDF) were stationed at before they were bombed by the Turkish Air Force last week.

As a result of this advance, the Turkish-backed rebels are now within 7km of Afrin, marking their closest approach to this city since they kicked off Operation Olive Branch on January 20th.

Meanwhile, south of Afrin, the Turkish-backed rebels also advanced at the Jandaris axis, capturing Tal Jandaris after another short battle with the YPG.

With the battle of Afrin heating up, over 1,700 fighters from the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have left the Euphrates River Valley for northern Aleppo.

These forces are expected to provide the necessary manpower needed to drive back the Turkish-backed rebels.

Idi na huj, proxy hohol.

Well, they're almost unstoppable lol

Great job fucking K*rds, youll end up all getting killed and the whole fucking area will be under jihadi/rebel nigger control

Against the Kurds, that is

>ruskie not with proxy spams r*ssian propaganda
Filtered and reported.

Not to mention the drone strike double strike on civilians policy since Mid Obama's term.

>hit a funeral with a hellfire missile in Yemen/Afghanistan
>kill 30+ people
>wait for ambulances and more people to arrive
>hit the same spot with another hellfire missile

This has been going on for nearly a decade.

No trial, no courts, no respect for sovereign air space. Just straight up murder.

>Turkish forces within 7km of Afrin city
Yeah, it's over. One week and Afrin is cleared.

Nice proxy pidorahen.


There's nothing wrong in killing subhumans, be it arabs, kurds, persians or ruskies.

kto ti takoi?

Well in that case get in line Slav.

>Whats your oppinion on ghouta operetion

It's going great for now, but the hardest fighting is still ahead. Once they get down to fighting in those built up areas, it's probably going to become a complete shitshow since it's going to be challenging or outright impossible in some cases to use vehicles for firesupport. I guess they'lll just have to take it more slowly then, or better yet, get majority of rebels to surrender and agree to be transferred to Idlib-zoo.

What is that drink he has I see it in a lot of pictures it looks like diarrhoea in a cup.

New Latakia plane crash footage anons

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