How about instead of trying to save White South Africans we let them be butchered then use the facts to point out that it will happen here once we become the minority in the hopes it will wake people up.
How about instead of trying to save White South Africans we let them be butchered then use the facts to point out that...
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no ones saving anyone sitting around and bitching on the internet
Thats not a terrible idea actually. The whites of south africa are basically niggers anyway, so nothing of value will be lost, and we can still turn them into martyrs
Blacks were native to the land
> divided and concurred by whites
> apartheid abolished
> Black majority white minority
What did you think would happen?
I'm with you OP.
This shitstorm has gone way too long.
Sorry our SA bros but you're going to have to sacrifice if we have any chance of fighting back as victims
>kills all the farmers
>run out of food
nigger logic
I'm down with that
Not saying I won't fight, but to die for a whiter future isn't a bad death
>hoping people of your race die just for propaganda
sounds like a shlomo tactic
youre a cuntyoure a cunt
accelerationists are such brainlets
Because (((they))) will use control of the media and academia to rewrite history, so either it never happened or happened differently. See how they handle Rhodesia: I had never heard of it until I came here. See how they handle S. Africa right now: farm murders are conspiracy theories.
yeah that worked great for zimbabwe. The west really learned their lesson after that clear example.
Is SA actually that bad?
Apparently you don't know how strong censorship is.
Oh wait you are a bong. Of course you do.
>to die for a whiter future
No, you’ll die, and the rest of the whites will just give up and die too because the Jews told them they were guilty for being white.
It's literally marxist style martyrdom.
Lefties can't rationalize that marxism is used to create radicals. Their body and minds are all being used as a giant martyr.
Excellent idea Mein Kaiser.
Not if we take a stand by insisting they conform to our civic society!
Liberals don't care if the whites in South Africa get genocided, liberals are advocating genocide of whites in SA. Letting it happen is only letting them win. The only good part would be watching all the niggers starve and watching the left blame it on racism.
Please no
You're either black or have lost your fucking mind. Kill yourself you disgusting idiot.
Nothing is taught about Haiti. No one remembers or cares about the several million Germans that died just months after WWII.
Whites dying in SA will only be celebrated because "they don't belong there" or some stupid bullshit, the mental gymnastics will be supported and pushed by Jewish media and praised.
Why the fuck did i come here and read these stupid comments. How fucking dumb are you?
Mate. There were heaps of tribes roaming around north SA. There were no tribes in Cape Town and the southern point when the Europeans started their trade outpast.
Not only that, there was not one majority African tribe. You can't just lump them all together as Africans and claim it was all their land. They were literally fighting each other for fucking centuries. Not only that but don't underestimate our (((friends))) and the role they had in building up the slave trades. (I've intentionally referenced the wrong book because I don't have the proper book on my phone. This book is about the overrepresented Jews in the American slave trade, but look at Jewish slave traders from Portugal and Holland as well)
No because it would be admitting that you don't really care about whites.
What could be done is play both sides.
If the genocide truly gets going, one side will heavily publicize what's going on and will push for bringing white south africans to safety - meanwhile the "other" side will try to obstacle this and push hard against the liberation of south africa's whites, aligning with (((their))) interest and "accidentally" exposing what's going on by going too hard with the narrative. the first side will then try to expose the "other" side to the normies, thus radicalizing them.
oh yeah because you're totally going to save them, the mighty Sup Forums army
>in the hopes it will wake people up
...and that's why we don't do that instead.
You would think that white people would be smart enough to see this shit coming and pack up...oh wait..millions of south africans got the fuck out after apartheid because they knew that they would never have a chance when the blacks took over.
>set up a system where minority whites are in power, world forces them to end system...never expect the blacks to chimp out.
I guess white South Africans are getting a taste of their own medicine for betraying the Palestinians
How confident are you that normies can ever be woken up? Indoctrination is permanent. The sad truth is that violence and strength are the only options whitey has anymore. There are no peaceful solution, no democratic solutions, and most definitely no convincing based on facts, truth, reason and reality.
Finnbro is correct. Apathy is a motherfucker.
White people will cheer it on since South Africans are evil oppressors or some shit. White people are walking off the proverbial cliff and doing it with a smile on their face, stop trying to save them. Let them die as they wish, let their families be slaughtered in front of their smiling faces.
Imagine being this dumb and making a post about something you dont even know the basics of. Lurk moar and post less retard
>let's let the Dutch die
>claims to want to save wyppo
Absolutely disgusting
Once they are fully demoralized they are useful idiots. They aren't people you may reason with.
Think of them as NPCs that have been programmed to disagree with you at all costs.
Palestine was a Roman province, not a country!
> How about instead of trying to save White South Africans we let them be butchered
We could do this for the whole white race until none of us are left! Ingenious plan Brit! No wonder you assholes have no rights.
That casus belli will never work, Africans aren't guilty of anything they ever do, they will go ahead with the slaughter and they'll be ignored by the media because saying bad things about colored people is a taboo for the current year's liberal media.
>smug genocide talking points that make absolute sense if you are a brainlet heh muh moral highground
oven yourself paki nigger
>1 post by this ID
Getting tired of this slight shit.
Yeah, because seeing White Christian Yazidi's being butchered woke them up.
Fuck, but YOU, my friend, either have share-blue's cock 14 inches up your soy-boi-pussy, or you're an actual paid shill.
Remember, when the last white man in Africa dies/leaves. It will create a refugee crisis that makes Libya look like your neighbour Tyrone knocking on your door to borrow a cup 'a shugga.
There are 1,000,000,000 Africans geeking out an existence as is. Where do you think they will go with the inevitable collapse of the continent?!
Do you really think the farm murders aren't (((authorised))) Where else does America let an opportunity to bring (((democracy))) go to waste? ONLY where the outcome better suits the NWO and the extinction of the white race. YOU'RE NEXT!
I thought that's what we were planning on doing anyway and at the moment we're just raising awareness so the leftists watch and take notes as well.
...or are any of you actually doing something to save white south africans or calm ethnic tensions in South Africa?
Taking 30 seconds to sign some internet petition so someone else does something does not count.
"If this is to be our end then I would have them make such an end as to be worthy of remembrance."
...The eight year old girl offered the farm-murderers her ‘piggy bank’ to PLEASE not shoot her father. They executed him with a shotgun in front of her.
white people will never be the minority in the us because even if all the races mixed evenly the result would be mostly white and in the free market of genes white people genes will spread the most.
>we let them be butchered
There was never any other option anyway.
Some farmers will take up arms, blacks will see whites killing blacks, all whites will be very quickly lynched in the chimp-out of the century. 6 months from now we'll be posting pics of dead white kids.
Liberals and the EU will cheer for it.
because south africans arent trying to kill everyone and colonize everywhere user., why do you think there's no history of the south african invasion of anywhere ever?
I'll see you on the range
I'll see you in the pub
We can empty a few clips
And grab ourselves some grub
While foreign tongues debate our fate
For the a profitable way to save the day
And the savages pile up outside the gate
You and I must sit and wait
Bright eyes from darkness peak
We are not greedy, our existence meek
Yet still they shall take to keep
Wariness be this country's cross
Where life taken is no loss
Be us proud
Be us loyal
Be us wise in our toil
With dawn's rise
We shall strike
With the world's eyes
We shall teach
With Sun's demise
We shall sleep
Once more the white man's burden
Once more
For blood and soil
That's not how an insurgency plays out.
what did we do to deserve niggers, there tho one reason i know there is no god
stay safe user
Because the media will brush it under the rug
I was honestly hoping for Sweden to collapse, but their niggers are killing themselves
Lmao should have shot the dumb bitch first
Sweden is already dead and cold. When your woman proactively get Blacked. You can throw in the towel.
white people in the west who aren't already outraged at the state of SA will see it as the black taking back what's there's. most people see the whites in SA as invaders who have oppressed the poor blacks in nazi-esque fashion with their horrible apartheid regime. either they will say the white genocide there is not applicable to europe and the US, or that it was the whites' just desserts for their invasion and oppression. if you think modern whites will see an SA white genocide as a wake-up call, you're delusional.
kys faggot. your not helping
Let's be honest, killing niggers is not illegal in SA, right?
I mean what's the difficulty here,do they have white-guided spears?
>use facts
That don't work against liberals honey-pie
I like your positive approach user. Kill em all!
because why should we turn our backs on our people. where do we draw the line, let our people suffer so we can use them as political pawns to further an ideology. thats what niggers and liberals do we should be above that its morally objectionable to let whites be slaughtered because of their race alone.
>let's use this as an example!!!!11!1
This won't work. The Democratic party in the US has the removal of whites as one of their basic tenants. Even white democrats know this but continue to vote for them.
You can't convince these cucks.
Why should I help though?
How are we supposed to save you, South Africa?
I agree with what you say.
Tell me though, were the Boars peaceful colonizers? Give me redpilled history of SA.
>yes... let the aryans die
Nice, but let's not forget hectors last fight. Just as moving.
You'll make national news by posting something racist online...
You kill a black because you hate them you'll make the history books
"Better to fight and fall than to live without hope"
stay strong brother, if need be get out don't let yourself get taken in by those niggers. they are turning into zimbabwe 2.0 they will be begging whites to come back once they start starving to death.
Best way to save SA is to go to to Africa, use our body of knowledge to build blast furnaces/foundries, chemical plants, and oil refineries. Cast engines for construction equipment, forge guns and other parts, make explosives, and fertilizers for food, put a blockade on all the ports of SA. Starve and genocide the negroes (because slavery is wrong) and chase them out to the North. If the war goes on, then it will call for more drastic measures
what if we save them and then pretend 7 millions of them died
Is there even enough time for that? Isn't the land grab supposed to happen in august?
nobody will do anything about whites being killed off is SA and i couldn't care less
whites should just leave and let south africa turn into detroit
>we let the white Africans die to show the world how we’re oppressed.
>we let the white Europeans die to show the world how we’re oppressed.
>we let the white Americans die to show the world how we’re oppressed.
>we let the world die to show the world how blacks are oppressive.
If all those white SAs die then lefties will see it as a shining example of how white people take it while lying down. No ones did fiddly squat here already, what’s another truckload of ded whitebois?
downright machiavellian
They are learning from the best
wtf am I reading?
It makes sense in the most jewish way I could imagine (the easiest way that doesn't directly affect you).
You should be ashamed if you think that's an acceptable solution.
>kulaks think they can appease the rage of the workers with something like money
She deserved it.
This is no longer a regular political situation. This is a guerrilla war. Standard political discourse or give-and-take is no longer an option.
South Africans need to unironically start killing white leftists if they hope to survive, both because it neutralizes or removes an enemy faction and because leftists love violent movements so it will swell their ranks. Leftists love violent Muslims, Mexicans, and niggers because violence is the only language leftists speak. Exercising that kind of power will counterintuitively bring you allies or at least shut them the fuck up.
They do not need to be talking anymore, they need to be gathering intelligence on the movements and patterns of vocal white leftists and execute a bunch of them in quick succession. It doesn't have to be brutal yet, but it does have to be swift.
This will not only send a message, but it will signal a start to the end of normality. A round of assassinations will a) make this real for everyone who has isolated themselves from the effects of rampant niggers, and b) make people fear speaking out against, ratting on, or reporting intel on white SA militias. Remember, this is not a normal political situation where peace is an option; this is a guerilla war.
If you're a South African and your reaction to this is:
>but that's mean
>that sounds crazy
>that will backfire
>I'm scared to take a life
Then you are not prepared for a guerilla war and should flee or kill yourself
The land grab is just an act of aggression by the negro brain politicians. If the crop failure leads to targeted violence to Afrikaners for known reason (negros blaming whitey), then it would be in the best interest for the international white community to reinstate the apartheid. The worst case scenario is if the international community take pity on the plight of negros and supplies them with weapons, food, and other supplies. That Afrikaners sell them selves short for a few years in exports of precious metals and allow commerce to occur for diplomatic purposes. Once economic factors are accounted for and regional dominance is asserted, Afrikaners can resume negotiations.
The ANC is favorable to internationalists because of their vapid corruption, they will short change themselves in granted land rights to corporations if it means that a single person can get rich doing so.
Oh just like what happened in Haiti and Rhodesia, eh? That worked well for us. Totally jewed the shit out of them.
Dude how fucking lost are you.
>implying we have a politcal climate
Fucking spoiled dipshit doesn't understand a dictatorship
>white leftists
Dude what!
The afrikkaners are well armed. They're going to violently secure lands. Not going to look good
They need to organize. Volkisch militia patrols. Clear self-defensive actions will draw the lines faster than anything else. It will demand an official response, which will probably be repression and force whites to take a side. If patrols interrogate armed bands and put down farm raiders, it will bring things to a head. In the American Revolution it was the militia of Massachusetts and its repression that compelled the colonies to unity and independence.
Kristallnacht didn't come till after power was seized.
There are no regressive left whites. Only white apologists.
Lots don't care (mainly english speaking whites) and then there are the Afrikaans people. And if you look at them a lot of coloureds (mixed-race) are included that are discriminated against as they are not black enough.
We will wait till the race war starts. Most whites have at least 1 gun and almost half have millitary training. We will be fine.
Half have military training.
>Great stat very accurate
Hoe op aarde het jy die aand van die lang messe oorleef
Can we have Trudeau bring them in? We could certainly use some more farmers. Unless Trudeau's only concerned about bringing in shitskins.
Almal van ons oupas hulle en ons pa's het landdiens gedoen. Die vrouens ook. Ons kan skiet en my pa het my n ding of twee geleer.
Ek het dit sien kom. Want ek hou my oë oop. Hou weermag en polisie beweegings dop. As wit mense daar weg kom dans dit die begin.
I'm so fucking tired of the bastards here on pol sitting on their ass and talking shit about other white people's misery. While some of you here are either hoping rhat everyone white in SA dies and others are LARPing as militia man or survavalists there are actual people in SA trying to save the white of that country.
If you want to help stop LARPing on this shithole of a website and start spreading the petitions or donate for oeganizations that are actually doing something for the white africans, such as AfriForum
They can't honestly say white SA's are invaders and simultaneously say blacks in Western countries aren't invaders.
We should use this logic to try and redpill libshits.
>british man killing white africans that was part of their empire because its racist to intervene
take fucking charge and save them you fucking asshole
Because what differentiate us from niggers and other sub-humans is empathy. While it may be a weakness it is also a great virtue.
You fucking nigger.
>no political climate
Ya, sounds like violent defense against a kleptomaniac dictator is your only option. This is called a guerrilla war. When you get into shoot outs with government backed niggers on your land, that's already a low intensity war.
When it heats up to high intensity, your chucked urban white leftists will turn on you and virtue signal to the rest of the world. They'll invite the "international community" to kill YOU for being genocidal colonizers. When this happens, you'll surely lose. Not only that, but they'll rat on your leaders and report on armaments and defensive positions to the government or UN.
You need to prevent that from happening, so you need them quieted by conversion, threats, or death.
Boers and Anglos have a history of success in guerrilla wars against hordes of Africans so you can win yourself some territory or maintain your farmland if you can win. But you will not win without a consolidated white population. Conversing does not work with the left so you need to show them how serious you are.
dit was nie n compliment nie damduiker jy suig aan propaganda se voel vir so lank jyt all visie verloor.
Eerste die ouer suid afrikaners wat bo 70 is kan lank al nie meer in meeste kondisies lewe sonder hulp nie, so die idee van n toppie met n R15 is bietjie snaaks
Tweede ons ouers self is al vakdap gedrink en ge-gout en het Parkinson in hulle moere in wat die bitterheid van lewe het die ras omswem en bele
en die laaitjies van vandag is die grootste sag klein pieperige meisies.
Kyk na Oranjeville daai mentaliteit werk nie