What the fuck?

What the fuck?

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>Who run the world?
is that correct? I'm ESL but it sounds wrong.

It is wrong

Nah Boi data righ! Dun b lit on dis 4 dey b righten sum wires U isnt know

The feminism used to mean Man = Woman (How it should be)
Now its Woman > Man

It's a song reference where Beyonce is the leader of an all women clan in a post apocalyptic world, you all are autists with no pop culture whatsoever.

>(How it should be)

ITT triggered autistics

Shut up nazi faggot

Nazis supported women equality though.


So? What happens if you say it?

I don't know. I'm scared to do so, like some black van with tumblrites will show up at my house and drag me away.

Looks like its some blog post tier propaganda.


Imagine being such a dumb, useless, weak gender that you need and enjoy stupid shit like that.

It's called ebonics you filthy racist and it's a perfectly valid language that normal people speak!

Oh my god it changes every time.


>Man = Woman
>the former is a mostly rational being that fulfills itself in life by creating, building, and exploring, which makes them builders of civilizations
>the latter is a mostly emotional being that only value derives from having a wet hole between legs that makes babies
Top fuckin' kek user.


It can be kind of correct, but it assumes odd structure.

Couldn't that just be tongue-in-cheek?

No. Nazis were pretty damn rigid about gender roles. There was like one woman total in the party leadership, and societal role models also were very gendered and rigid until the collapse started.

>nobel prize laureage
>at 17 years old
I smell bullshit. No one is withy of such a prize at such a young age. Children at 17 are barely aware of who they are, what the fuck is this? Let me google this.

Its some dumb beyonce song quote

>nobel "peace" prize
>some old gymnast

Yes, they really do run things. Meanwhile the heads of all the banks and lobbying groups are men.


>is a Pakistani activist for female education
>the youngest Nobel Prize laureate
>In early 2009, when she was 11–12, she wrote a blog under a pseudonym for the BBC Urdu detailing her life during the Taliban occupation of Swat.
>The following summer, journalist Adam B. Ellick made a New York Times documentary[3] about her life
>She rose in prominence, giving interviews in print and on television
Ohhhh, so she was essentially a child that was found by a journalist who smelled a juicy sob story to squeeze some value out of and then she was paraded through mass media as some kind of hero because
>muh muslim
>muh grill power
>muh diversity
>muh war refugee
This shit is so transparrent.


Women do run the world.
Men build it.

Wow, she wrote a book:
>I am Malala - The girl who stood up for education and was shot by the taliban
Jesus christ, look at her milking the victim status to the fullest.


No, women consume most fo the world's products and services, that's not the same thing as running it.

Ya. Well, there are women with some power (Bank: IMF's Christine Lagarde, Lobbying: All women sponsored by companies to represent them in US congress).

>Malala’s shooting was staged by intelligence agencies. The officer told the reporter that the whole shooting incident was a stunt planned by Pakistani and US agencies to pave the way for the Pakistani army’s invasion of North Waziristan: “It was all a drama,” he explained. “It was staged so the Pakistan army would have an excuse to invade North Waziristan.”
Really activates those almonds doesn't it? Especially considering how she originally rose tp prominense via the Jew York TImes.

wtf does this have to do with technology

>Member of National Assembly Jamshed Dasti said on Sunday that teen activist Malala Yousufzai’s meteoric rise to fame was nothing more than a “drama” orchestrated by the United States to disrupt the government’s efforts to initiate peace talks with the Taliban.
>Member of National Assembly Jamshed Dasti said on Sunday that teen activist Malala Yousufzai’s meteoric rise to fame was nothing more than a “drama” orchestrated by the United States to disrupt the government’s efforts to initiate peace talks with the Taliban.

It kinda is beacuse it's a major tech giant spreading jewish propaganda. But I'd say mods would be right in deleting this thread.

Ah, the second quote was supposed to be:
>TTP central spokesman Shahidullah Shahid had said the 16-year-old had done nothing to deserve the Nobel, which went to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) for its work to rid the world of chemical arms.

(((google))) strikes again

>Lobbying: All women sponsored by companies to represent them in US congress

aka go here and do this, not in a position of decision making

And the imf isnt a bank

>Nobel Peace Prize
How can anyone be unironically convinced this prize has any sort of real value? Obama won is simply by being a nigger, then a year or two later proceeded to destroy Libya.

Google are SJW, what did you expect?

Its a song lyric, everybody calm the fuck down.

>Heavily praised and internationally renown so-called woman’s right advocate Malala Yousafzai is far from what she says she is. Moreover, contrary to popular belief she is not a heroic person. Rather, she is a coward, a cheat, and a fraud.
>She is a Jew – Yousaf being a Pashtun way of spelling Joseph – not a Muslim or any other
>Here she is in the hospital, a supposed victim of gunshot wounds, one of which, as is acclaimed, ripped through her throat.
>What is covering her head? Is that a traditional Jewish Pashtun scarf? It’s not a likely dressing in a hospital environment. No wonder no one other than the pre-screened could get anywhere near her.
Jewish tricks, every time.

Also, mods, can we move this thread to Sup Forums? It would be better suited there.

>google is a tech giant meme

google is an advertising company first and a tech company second. i wish Sup Forumstards would understand this and get the fuck off this board

"Hey Google, who run the world?"
"Who run the world?"

maybe I should start a search engine and quote songs that promote aryan male supremacy, I'm sure it'd be okay because it's just a lyric

>sound Caucasian
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Caucasian, is in fact, whites, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Indo Europeans. Caucasian is not a race unto itself, but rather the ethnogenesis of the various peoples of the Caucasus formed by Georgians, Armenians, Chechens, and various ethnicities as settled in the mountains.

Many Humans posess genes of the Caucasian race, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the Indo European race that is widely spread throughout Europe and America is often called "Caucasian", and many of its people are not aware it is basically the Indo-European race.

There really are Caucasians, and these people are seeing them, but it is just another part of the species they are from. Caucasians come from the Caucasus: the mountains range in the planet where other races also live. The mountain is an essential part of the race, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete Kavkaz population. Caucasians are normally found in combination with the Slavic race: the whole race is basically whites with Caucasus added, or Rus/Kavkaz. All the so-called "Caucasian people", are really Indo Europeans.

>get shot in the head by Taliban while on a bus
>Nobel peace prize

Meninism uprising WHEN?


She doesn't look shot in the head here

>genuinely believing conspiracy theories

If you know the answer is plural, it might be correct. If you don't know the answer at all, "who" should be used as singular and have "runs" instead.

No woman is advocating for more females working in mines and oilrigs or any other shitty and dirty earth job.

>genuinely believing conspiracies don't happen
>genuinely believing false flags haven't been used many times in history to start conflicts

>IWD event at my building (40 floors) next week with speaker from California
>2 (two) RSVPs so far

You need decent upper body strength for such jobs.
Any retard can get into IT.

>using the phrase false flag unironically
l m a o
that's some good shit

this also:
>"conspiracy theorist" is a derogatory term invented by alphabet agencies to discredit anyone who opposes their propaganda as insane
>flat earthers were also founded by the CIA in order to group them with the "conspiracy theorists"

keep this up and Israel might pay you 1 shekel for your efforts.

>Malalalalalala 'If you disagree with Muslims they will become radicalized' Yousaf
>a fraud

I'd be shocked if that was true. SHOCKED.

oh boy, a shekel
i'll add it to the pile i get from being a crisis actor and staging false flags across the globe for my good personal friend soros

>that nose
i think she is a crypto-jew.

>jewish looking girl with no life accomplishments in life whatsoever nominated for a nobel peace prize
I wonder who's behind this happening...

>be Muslim
>get shot
>win prize
She is fucking hideous too

That image is the wrong way around. I've seen practically nothing about any of these subjects irl, but have been subjected to years of it from Sup Forums spilling over into other boards.

Are you Hungarian or something?

Wait, are you telling me that you actually watch stantions like CNN and go to places like facebook or twitter?

Australian. Exception is the Trump hate which people here have a bizarre obsession with

>Who runs the world

It's because of the amount of American media consumption here. He's a hot topic with a lot of US comedians, so people parrot it here. Same thing happened with Bush come to think of it.

She doesn't deserve a Nobel Peace Price because what she did does not perpetuate peace. To get a Nobel Peace Prize you have to:
>done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses

All she did was stand up for womens rights. If anything she created more conflict by speaking out against the Taliban. She didn't do shit to create peace.

It's not correct at all in standard language, don't confuse him

HAHAHHA based google

I sprayed my beverage over my keyboard, lol

What board is this from?

why are flags broken

>nobel prize
It's literally just a "we like you" award.

I tell you who run the world. It be da white patriarchy.

We all know that a diversity hire wrote that sentence.

From Sup Forums.


they say that life is a comedy instead of a tragedy if you're smart enough