The future mother of your children was a whore in her younger days while you were LARPing as an ultra nationalist.
How will you reconcile this?
The future mother of your children was a whore in her younger days while you were LARPing as an ultra nationalist.
How will you reconcile this?
Other urls found in this thread:
jokes on you, I’m infertile and never having kids
Future mother of my children is some poor virgin girl from countryside of Ukraine.
Getting a newer model.
It's not hard to avoid associating with these types.
Visa please
Hey this is my plan too
>not having a pure virgin blonde big-titted redpilled girl
I marry a virgin teenager so she doesn't have the opportunity to become a whore.
I agree!
most women, especially in poorer areas, lose their virginity by 13 or 14. the prettier they are the earlier they lose it
So I marry at 10-11, so what?
>joking around about sending nudes for a dog
>not even using her own, using another girl's
this isn't even bad desu
Not my wife. I married a 4'11" 85lb cutie who has social anxiety problems. I was her first date, kiss, first real friend everything. We have been married since 2010 and have two kids.
Ultra nationalist on Sup Forums x modern wyman
Still a better love story than How I Met Your Mother
You wish this was the future mother of your children.
>Not marrying a 12 year old
You a faggot?
this but unironically
slightly better
>one pic represents all women
Also they were obviously goofing around. You just couldn't tell because women aren't funny.
That is why women have to pass lie detector test before marrying me.
They should pass an aids test too.
How many wives do you have?
Yes, but if she is still a virgin, I would imagine there is very low change for her to have stds
None, but I am planning to take at least twelve.
how many chinese cartoon pillows do you have you japanese faggot?
>oh no someone had sexual intercourse with folks before me, this is terrible and affects my current relationship or their ability to be a mother because ????
The same reason I don't marry women who have killed someone.
Because Microchimerism and penis count is directly correlated to divorce rates because repeated casual sex breaks your ability to pair bond and makes you mentally ill.
Because the divorce rate goes up a couple hundred percent.
Huskies are a lot of work. I doubt that bitch will run him 3 times a day
I saw that shit on instagram too, I commented "women am i right fellas" and got instantly blocked.
actual statistics prove that pair-bonding in women is correlated and causated by how many partners they had before you.
By accepting that I have no control over the actions of others, nor am I responsible for being born into a society that enforced this behavior and damaged the absolute fuck out of the vast majority of women my age. Hope the future is kinder to my sons and work to improve the situation, enjoy my experience for what it is because at the end of the day it is a precious gift from God and I got a pretty good one overall.
Also, making sure I sage all shitty bait threads even when they get me.
Depends how the bitch is defining virgin. The left is now defining a Virgin as someone who has not had sex with their life partner/person they love/spouse. But yeah, find a nice conservative virgin girl who doesn’t use drugs and you’re aids free my friend.
Everyone was doing so well saging all the kike threads and now this. I'm disappointed
I saged your mom. Then she saged me back. Fuck!!
The mother of my children spent her younger years reading animu and larping as Sailor retard. She then spent her college years feeling ackward with her ackward ass sister and friends while reading animu and studying.
neverhadadickinsideher.jpg converted to wreckedpussy.jpeg
>have you ever had sex with an another man?
>that size
So you married a chink?
i think that the argument is that if you have a lot of short term relationships, it affects your ability to sustain a relationship long-term. which, if true, would raise the likelihood of divorce which can really mess the children up.
i'm not 100% why having a lot of short term relationships would be a negative though, maybe because you're conditioning yourself to more easily separate yourself emotionally from someone you're romantically involved in?
>countryside of Ukraine
Good luck.
Three, but I'm Australian. Jealous?
Good luck, user.
this is unironically my plan
Damn it man you ruined my joke. Way to be a killjoy.
I’m getting sleepy.
What if she has had sex with a lesbian? What if she says she's never had sex with another "man" because "he" has since "transitioned"?
You have to admit, as shitty and obvious as these threads are they're really crafty with the content. It's kind of spooky that the conditioning is so thorough they can illicit a discussion and response about absolutely pointless bullshit without putting any effort into it.
Nope she white. Looks like a chink from behind tho. Skinny, tiny ass and long straight black hair.
Anytime, babydoll.
You hit the nail on the head
It can happen to guys, too
“Well it’s not really sex if you’re not in love”
I’m telling you. Birches are fucking nuts.
By getting Jewish girls drunk in Miami and having my nigger friend fuck them to taint them and their bloodline forever.
I'd go with
>Have you ever been engaged with any other living beings in a sexual manner.
This is called the Cathy Marsh
ostres un altre pedo català
I don't think women are smart enough to have that kind of mental gymnastics under pressure and under my watchful eyes.
If that is the answer, she can return to the hellhole she grew up in.
Dating culture was forced on the world by 19th century industrialists. It breaks up families and turns people into brainwashed, atomized serfs that only bond over economic convenience.
>yes, with myself tee hee ;3~
La gent normal pot fotre's
Oh wait, that question covers masturbation, we shall go with that then.
>even considering a woman who had a dog
this is true
oh he's not as charming as joseph, he's not as hung as ryan, he's not as funny as jake, he doesn't cook like dave, he's not wealthy as bryan, he's not smart as kevin, he doesn't dance like james, he doesn't fuck me like tommy, he's not as tall as robert, he's not as easygoing as Michael...
and this gets worse every year
three quarters of the west females will be spinsters
feminism is just how they cope with their bad choices and it will become worse every year
>any other
Try again.
Literally this
com més vagues de merda fagin les feministes més serem
I addressed that point already sorry Im drunk
The comparing thing comes into play in some way I'm sure, but women(and men to a lesser extent) that have repeated casual sex are literally brain damaged.
It's okay, I forgive you.
Same here, or Belarus.
What if you like the girl on the far right, but with tiddies a bit smaller, but not as small as the middle
You're a regular male. Feeling sexual attraction to any female over 12 is called 'being straight'.
Exactly. Most of the people ultra concerned with this look like pic related, and are just projecting their insecurities.
gimme all of em
you are retarded. Ukranian yokel bitches are meth addicts who lost virginity at the age of 10. You honestly don't know anything about Ukraine do you?
How do you reconcile marrying a woman who posed nude? Shut the fuck up, virgin.
Well, ACTUALLY, a Pedophile is attracted to children ages 13 and younger, while anyone attracted to children ages 14-19 is an EPHEBOPHILE, indoctrinated Statist! Besides, in a Libertarian society, the existence of free baby market will keep incidence of child abuse at minimum.
Pedophile: Attracted to pre-pubescents.
Hebephile: Attracted to pubescents.
Ephebophile: Attracted to post-pubescents that are under the age of consent.
Pedophiles are attracted to prepubescents. Females begin puberty around 10-11. Libertarians are statist, they are Minarchists, not Anarchists.
Stop being stupid.
Nice try, roastie. You will die alone.
Nah, she was working and studying and doing kid things.
I'm not american.
I literally copied it off a political compass meme, chill out.
Are we talking about hooking up or relationships? Hooking up is nasty shit and fucks up the female brain but several relationships seems basically necessary and is part of maturing and growing. Normal men will have several.
If you are over 18 and haven't had a single girlfriend yet (be it a sexual or non sexual relationship) you are behind everyone else socially and I really don't understand how you'll ever have a normal relationship from this point forward.
If you come into literally your first relationship with the mindset that you'll be together forever you'll come off as extremely clingy and beta.
That is a shit meme. Go back to facebook.
>poor girl
>Black hair
Portuguese aren't white
and take yiur shitty macros with you
Just make babies with a woman that worships you as a man. And be a man worth worshiping.
damn finland, it's the middle of the day on a wednesday
LMAO. Women reject me like I'm a lepper. God has sorted this out. He makes me unattractive so these thots cannot steal my seed and and raise a fucking heathen.
Where's your argument faggot
The biggest problem I had with my wife was her disturbing obsession with horses. Horse women are all nuts. She cooled down once she had our first though.
Sorry, I have to keep drinking or otherwise I will succumb to the crippling loneliness that haunts me.
dude your girlfriend has had multiple cocks inside of her
how does that make you feel
Put mustard in a bitch's pussy to accommodate all the hotdogs in the hallway nigga
Throw in some feeeeexins too
I've had my cock in several vaginas so I don't really care
>Being so beta that you care about this.
however you need to justify it
Why would you damn your sons to manlet status you cruel bastard?
>poor girl from ukraine
Bruh, look at this dude...