Only a single fire emblem anime in 20 years

>only a single fire emblem anime in 20 years

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if one ever happens now it'll be awakenings/fates waifushit

They could totally test the waters with an awakening or fates one

Bubuki used the same animation they use for the cutscenes in fire emblem.

CG shit normally makes me puke but thicc is thicc my friend

Tellius would have made the best anime, it's even got the standard fucking crazy trainwreck S2 that ends with fighting god

They're still testing the waters with new games so idk

If they do another one, really hope it is a Blade of Light/Shadow Dragon and Mystery/New Mystery adaptation. Finish what they did before.

dont forget the protagonist bait and switch as well as ruining the best season 1 character (black knight)

The franchise is at its lowest point in terms of writing right now, so this is the time in which we should least want a Fire Emblem anime.

It's not like it ever had a high point anyway

But they make shitty anime of stuff with way worse story and sometimes without a story at all, so why not FE?

There's those rumors of a new one coming soon thanks to Heroes.
Expect with another gacha promotional cashgrab with exclusive in-game things bundled with the BD's.

I hope so, I'm really needing some orbs, my f2p luck has been terrible these days

I love Fire Emblem. They're great games. But they would make such mediocre anime. The plots all range from painfully generic to just awful. At the best they're Game of Thrones tier, and I watch anime to avoid that shit.

They could take advantage of Game of Thrones' popularity and animate Seisen no Keifu.

But of course those subhuman japs would rather do moeshit instead.

Genealogy and Thracia are probably the only good fire emblem plots

>tfw my precious babe Soren never in anime form.
It hurts.

When ISIS realize Ike is actually the most beloved FE character they'll do it

How many polls they'll need to do before that is a mystery though

How exactly is thracia's plot good? Leaf accomplishes nothing and learns nothing

Jon Snow was on TV ya know.

It will be trash like the games. Advance Wars anime when?

Thracia was a filler arc

prolly after it gets a sequel for the 3ds so never

Just watch gundam seed destiny. It's basically radiant dawn

I like magic and swords, not guns and robots

I feel the opposite which is why Fire Emblem turns me off and Advance Wars is one of my favorite series.

>It's basically Radiant Dawn

So you're saying it has a horrible forced in Mary Sue MC and a terrible, plothole-full story?

Ike is literally the best Fire Emblem character shut up

He means Micaiah

Why would you want one? Video game anime tends to suck major ass.

I wasn't talking about Ike.

Good, I get a little heated up when someone talks about my boy Ike

>Little heated up
Hey Sigurd, didn't know you where friends with Ike.

I'd be content with a Fire Emblem anime a la Carnival Phantasm just so we get a whole episode how Ephraim doesn't (does) want to make tender love with his beloved sister Eirika.

That should be in every episode

I don't have a disgusting Ephraim image so someone can reply with one.



A best!

what a disgusting compilation

Didn't some popularity poll show that Ike was Japan's favorite lord? If they make a remake of FE 9/10 a decade from now, then there's a shot of them making an anime to promote it if the games continue to grow in popularity.

You mean Lyon right?

They both wanted to fuck Lyons fuccboi ass.

>story is routinely the worst part of the games
>most if not all good character interactions are hidden behind supports which definitely would not be adapted
>it'd be fates shit if anything
No thanks.

Lissa makes my swordhand tremble.

The last two popularity polls have Ike as number 1. IS stupidly expected Lucina to beat him.

The Tellius series would actually be easier to adapt because of the info conversations.

Ike is the favorite Lord, period. Even ten years after his games

Yeah, I'd rather have nothing than have fates shit

Fates was a big fucking mistake


You all act like you don't want to see Lobster mii-sama wreck entire armies with a small girl on his shoulder while everyone watches from their starting position.

Lobster is worst boy

Sure, but he is strongest boy. I want to see him destroying armadas while he has his son and/or cousin on his back while yelling OUGI animated.

stupid, dumb, assassin scum

i still maintain that Hector is a cooler lord than Ike.

The series is bad enough with all the Awakening/Fates newfags shitting it up, don't fucking make it worse.

Hector was fucking amazing, i never played radiant dawn/path of radiance until a few years after playing the shit out of fe7/8 and Hector's tied with Ike. Plus, GBA FE sprites are some of the best things to come out of japan

>just so we get a whole episode how Ephraim doesn't (does) want to make tender love with his beloved sister Eirika.

I like that he had less plot focus than Lyn and Eliwood but managed to stand out more anyway by being fucking invincible and getting best end.

I like Fluffly Pegasus rider more for Hector.
It's a shame he get Whitebearded in the next game though, he didn't deserve it.


turning FemCorrin into the royal breeding slave!

fuck off /feg/gots

We will probably have one soon, coming from the inscriptions on Brave Lucina's lance. But Kozaki is the one at the helm (just like how he tried to do a manga himself), meaning an Awakening or Fates adaptation, rather than something interesting.

>My boy Ike

My nigga, is a shame the nips hated the Tellius games.

I hope we have fem Robin

Awakening had some good shit, but it's drowned out. Imagine seeing Walhart chopping down some fools and being the juggernaut that he is.


>FE thread on Sup Forums
>No mention of the OVA
At least keep it on-topic with Caeda's luscious pits.

I think I need it. Lissa reclassing to Valkyrie too and splitting heads.

It's mentioned right in the OP.

I don't know why people are expecting a Fates/Awakening anime at this point. An adaption of the upcoming Switch game to advertise it makes infinitely more sense.

They should do a Genealogy anime. It would be nice and draw in all the incestshitters to boot.

>I don't know why people are expecting a Fates/Awakening anime at this point.
Maybe because Nintendo and IntSys won't stop pushing out content about those two games.
FE16 needs to have greater success than the two of them to prompt that kind of costly side content.

Where can I find the polls?

Fire emblem is not that popular in Japan and it's not that big franchise like Pokémon, it's a waste of money

The Atelier Escha & Logy anime came out around the same time as the Atelier Shallie game. They don't necessarily need to advertise the newest game with an adaptation of it, just an entry in the series.

That anime was complete shit by the way.

Wait, there's one? How is it?

I didn't realize I wanted this.

I like how he keeps talking shit about you even in his S support.

>Fire emblem is not that popular in Japan
>Largest bulk of non-American sales
What did he mean by this?

>They should do a Genealogy anime. It would be nice and draw in all the incestshitters to boot.
sounds good to me


It's not completely awful, but it's only a 2 episode OVA that doesn't get very far into the story.

See for yourself, both episodes are on Youtube, subbed and dubbed

>You will never see your waifu animated
>You will never be her tactician
Why even live?

Imagine the remake where Mark becomes the greatest friend of Hector and Roy and he repopulates the Sacaean tribe.