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Looks like he's been in the oven too long at 451
At this stage it's better to let it go and support accelerationism.
I made a thread about this some days ago. Montag was a white man in the original novel. Don't know why even HBO went full bs lately.
That this gets shilled every day?
HBO still exists
What's the matter with them? They made some of my favorite shows, Boardwalk Empire and The Sopranos. I haven't seen anything post 2012 yet. Did they went full pro sjw?
He was great in Black Panther. I'll be sure to check out this television show.
this thread has been saged and reported. i also just sent a text to my bro hiroshimoot, you might recognize the name. he's the admin of this site and he's going to ban everybody in this thread. yeah, we're friends irl. i've got another buddy who's a genius computer hacker, he's actually studying at MIT, and right now as i type this he is hacking all of your ip addresses. once he's done with that he will transfer control of your computers to me and trust me on this one, i will make your lives a living fucking hell. there will be no escape.
In the future the book burners will be google and twitter employees
I am glad to see they are starting to understand the difference between equality under law vs made equal, and adding that thought to the mass consciousness, and I'm proud of Michael B Jordan for liking anime.
> Don't know why even HBO went full bs lately.
Because Game of Thrones is 95% white and the brownies are pissed.
>We are not born equal, so we must be made equal by the fire
This is a more tantalizing video for Fahrenheit 451:
flag checks out
I’m getting sleepy.
yeah. mainstream tv literally has to race-bait for advertisement on everything they release to get anyone to watch because the internet is slowly destroying their income, and literally everything they have created in the past 10 years is overhyped-shit.
>read fernheit 451 yesterday
>can already tell it's not going to be anything like the book and full of edgy shit
How can they keep getting away with this
"we're here to burn these books"
>but i was still reading that
"sir, books are illegal, we're going to have to report you, now step out of the way"
>knowledge is power
"we can burn you with the books if you like you crazy ass reader"
>the second ammendment protects the first, i read that in the constitution, but you don't have to take my word for it...
"put down the gun! he has a gun!"
bang bang bang
7 out of 3 people think porn has more nutrition than an apple does. People are fucking retarded.
There was not a single black person in Truffaut's Fahrenheit 451, and it's my favorite movie.
In Apollo 13 there was a black guy on screen for 2 seconds, and it's not my favorite movie.
>7 out of 3 people think porn has more nutrition than an apple does.
wait what? i need that on a shirt
We need to start a big "retro movies" / "retro series" / "retro culture" movement.
There are so much movies, books, series, comics already in existance and that can be obtained for free that there is no point in consuming propaganda.
The only reason people consume this shit is to be able to socialize with other consumers.
If you can start a good retro movement that make people start to consume and appreciate old art then you can fight this shit.
The same way that memes are promoted, old movies and books need to be promoted.
Reddit, facebook pages, instagrams, twitter accounts, etc.
A lot of young people don't even know what they are missing.
Nigggers can't read
The trailer misses the point of the book. It is not about top-down censorship but bottom-up self-censorship out of comfort. The society portrayed gave up the search and protection of knowledge willfully.
Then the casting of a nigger and also is the guy too young to be the MC.