With climate change, we'll have mass displacement...

With climate change, we'll have mass displacement. Places will be buried under water while others become impossible to live in due to temperatures. You think the Syrian and North African refugee crisis was a problem?



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pretty much this. people in the first world are already bitching about people just trying to flee wars, how do you think they'll act once it's people fleeing because there's literally no arable land to live on?

Been saying this for years but also been mostly ignored.
Seeing how abysmally the EU handled this "small" refugee crisis I really have no high hopes for the future.

Nothing mine fields, machine gun nests, and warships in the Mediterranean can't fix. It is all a matter of will. If they want to stop the hordes, they can. Right now, they choose not to.

As long as the permafrost doesn't melt, we'll be good. From the most recent reports that I've seen, the permafrost is actually getting bigger.

Been aware of this since al gore went crasy.

Let them drown. Biggest darwin award ever given.

Also, anyone who takes a selfie like the one in the OP is an attention whore, not a suicide risk.

No one will be leaving Africa because of sea levels rising. Africa is the only continent that will be immune to sea levels.

>believing the climate changeohoax

Assuming Climate Change is man-made...the overwhelming cause is from overpopulation. Why should the west go down with the ship because the animals can't stop fucking? Get the warships ready...indeed.

climate change =/= man-made climate change

The prospects of non-muslim countries being forced to be infested and permanently damaged by muslim shitskins from indonesia saddens me.


This is my exact feeling on this. What people are witnessing is the melting of fresh water glaciers from the previous ice age. This won't be the end of the world, but people have scared into believing the greatest scam of our generation.

Huh, the media always pushes the idea that "climate change" will make the "migrant" crisis worse.

Assuming any of that shit happens, previously inhospitable locations will then be habitable, creating new places to live and farm. Calm the fuck down.

>South Africa
>muh AGW myth

You are doomed because niggers are genociding you right now. Burn down your house, salt the earth and get the fuck out!

No one will take 200 million people. You're out of your fucking mind if think any country will agree to this. People would go to war before this ever happens.

I live in the rockies. The water wont even come close to reaching us, and as for increasing temperatures? I welcome that. It gets pretty cold here, even in summer. brb gonna go spray about 59 bottles of aerosol

How did this "take a pic of the mirror" fad take off? Why not point the camera at yourself?

Not from Africa. Most migration will come from Indochina and the Pacific islands.

> Not adapting by creating domes

New England could stand to warm up a bit, and the Cape Cod bourgeois would be underwater which is probably a bonus for the commie globalist warmers

That would cause more money that just creating dikes and irrigation.

Dude, if all of the fresh water icebergs melt. Like 90% of the world would be fine.

RIP The Netherlands

It doesn't matter. The west already decided it was cool to blender up a perfectly good baby in utero.

Whatever happens, the people who don't think like that will have their genes passed on to a greater extent than those who do. Meaning or course, they will win.

>That would cause more money that just creating dykes and irritation.

I think i just figured out where the typo was in that NWO memo.

Is there a map of which places will start disappearing first when or if sea level rises?

>At the same time, he said, the extraction of groundwater for use in big cities like the capital, Jakarta, is causing the subsidence of land along the coast.

The sea level isn't even rising. Some islands are sinking lower and/or having their coast eroded and every time the media blames sea levels due to global warming. At least this article mentions that ground water extraction plays a part.

> Africa is the only continent that will be immune to sea levels.
....Are you basing your statement on the movie 2012....because that isn't even remotely true


Kek, I don't know how to spell it. We would need gayted communities to protect ourselves from the migrant hordes.

Relax. Ocean currents are already shutting down due to the change in salinity. We will have glaciation and ice age before some kind of pressure cooker Venus situation.

Unless you're a nigger you should not post on Sup Forums. You should pack your back and leave the country.

I'm basing it off some software that I used for my Geography class where we calculate how ice melting would change the sea levels across the world. Didn't you watch your own video, the only thing that happened to Africa was the some of the coasts were underwater, the Nile Delta was underwater, and Lake Victoria got larger. Africa will come out the winner if this ever happened (it wont).

>60 meter sea rise estimation
Doesn't even look that bad

Holy shit, thats a crappy render. Someone needs better equipment

The winner possibly, but the term you used was "immune" which is more than a stretch.

Fucking good one

Look towards the east.

All these shitskins can just move a few kilometers in land, they don't have to go all the way to the other side of the fucking world.

no we are not, we will simply allow many to die trying to get in. eventually people will defend their own.

Dude, if you look at population density, the only danger would be the Egyptian delta and that's only about 15-20M people. The rest of Africa is fine.

Funny image. Statistically, women attempt suicide more than men, but men succeed more often.

I don't know why she needs to take a selfie. Probably because she needs time for somebody else to rush there and stop her.

Anyway, there is *absolutely* nothing to worry about.

Every atom of carbon we burn comes from a fossil fuel deposit from underground. Every fossil fuel deposit came from plants or animals that lived X many million years ago. Therefore, there wasn't enough carbon in the biosphere to inhibit life.

If we left those fossil fuel deposits alone, they would eventually sublimate, end up in the magma, and the carbon would make it back into the atmosphere the next time a geyser or a volcano erupted. We're only speeding a natural process up by millions of years, which is a blink of an eye in geological time.

ah rip dude

>Believing in climate change
South African education

Did she diededededdd?

>be pacific islander
>generations of your people witness gradual sea level rise due to coming out of an ice age
>to stupid to see pattern
>island gets close to underwater
>help me first world you owe us!
Fuck them.The sea level has been rising for 12000 years due to natural cycles. If the 3d world can't figure it out they can learn to swim.

actually it is of course rich people playing both sides...
and about 97% of scientist following consensus from authority... something, something Galileo

No, a new ice age will come and we NORDIC people will ride on mammoths while the m*Doids and negroids die out

>climate change

Wow. It's literally nothing


This looks /comfy/ I`d love me some more fjords

Yes. The new ice age will bring us a reckoning

But who will take the Danish refugees?

>With overpopulation, we'll have mass displacement. Places will be buried under niggers while others become impossible to live in due to niggers


There were no droughts in Syria, just a population explosion.

Rainfall in South Africa has not been decreasing on a decade+ scale, the current water problems are because of freak annual level weather, nigger level planning and nigger overpopulation.

Overpopulation and fossil water depletion will kill Africa ... and Europe if we don't start gunning people down at the borders.

>Doesn't even look that bad


Can we take them?

Hopefully by shooting them.

The last one is "to create a worldwide hoax that they can use to justify ANY amount of public spending or industry manipulation."

And the answer is yes, we know that they could do that because they ALREADY did it with race, diversity, and multiculturalism.

>people just trying to flee wars
Nobody is fleeing war you dump fuck. These dumb niggers and sand niggers have been fighting and killing each other for 3,000 years. This is nothing new. They are being invited in to the First World because Social Security and Quantitative Easing is a dead meme. It's a pyramid scheme. We need to constantly import new people to increase the debt to person ratio.

It never ends btw. It's a forever thing. Forever import until the whole thing collapses.



I was kinda hoping the beach would move near by, but it doesn't seem like it's gonna happen.

Scientists are funded by tax dollars. Tax dollars are directed to the biggest crisis. If a scientist wants to study a bug, he has to link it to climate change or he won't get funding.

All scientists are in competition with each other to create the biggest emergency to get their hands on funding.

>Lives in South Africa
>Worries about Global Warming now named Climate Change

Jews are using their nepotist power structure (and occasionally money, but preferably not) to promote global warming hysteria so Europe won't close it's borders once overpopulation and fossil water depletion makes Africa unlivable and an even bigger nigger tsunami starts the final battle in the war of white genocide.

This. She didn't do it.

Niggers only consume welfare. They are dumping us deeper in debt, while our traitor governments reduce welfare spending for white elderly and raise taxes on everyone else.

A mere handful of people get richer off this. Actual industry just gets fucked up the ass with higher taxes. This is white genocide by jews and race traitors, it has fuck all to do with economics.

Ayy, climate change,
yeah we've developed co2 to gasoline conversion which has been around for I think 3 years now, could cut 50% of greenhouse gas so if you expect me to pay climate tax: suck a big one cause you're lying your ass off if there's any reason that shouldn't have been implemented nation-wide at this point (which in reality it probably already was and now they're still charging you the same price for gas and expect you to pay a tax that is non existent) excel has already started supposedly, and if your state isn't implementing by now then you live in a shit state.

Ocean levels would rise a maximum of 553 feet if all the ice on earth melted.
So yes, millions of retards that choose to live right next to the ocean would have to move slightly more inland.



Except the tax comes from how much tons CO2 you create, at least in decent countries that is. So congratulations, you've saved yourself from paying taxes.
