>current year
>race mixing
Current year
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She's a fucking crisis actor. I can't believe the lengths these people will go to.
Toll Status: PAID
she will repeat exactly the same mistake in t-100000000000000000000000
Yeah I mean it's pretty hilarious. But then you realize that non race mixing families go through this as well. But yeah niggers are much more prone to chimping out.
It fucking sucks, she's cute and now has a fucking bastard child with a nigger, her fault, but still sucks that this had to happen.
I only she she murders her genetic garbage spawn before offing herself.
She has more than one ( check her twitter )
If you want to call two niggers breeding like animals, a family? then yeah, I guess your right.
you can't really blame the niggerant sumbitches, for doing it. be extremely hard for me not to beat the shit out of Nicole Burnin as well and I'm white and civilized.
It's a damn shame, anyway you look at it.
>Still trusting niggers
Conquest and badge of honor
She got blacked alright. Blacked N Blue'd.
Im a pretty chill black guy and i have a white wife, the memes of niggers arent really true most niggers think its bad to be with a white girl the based black guys cant stand niggers and nigger women so what do you expect us to do. inb4 youre destroying her genetics, i live in Aand all the people here are white and ugly as fuck my kids is cuter than 99% of the white kids here. Race doesnt matter all the jails here are mostly filled with ugly stupid whites and mexicans
toll status
I'd gladly mix with a good looking Asian gf.
Race mixing whores deserve the rope
Christ Almighty learn how to write in English if you’re going to mingle with civilized people.
girls would risk blue just not to go white
what does that say?
you are an idiot , i had a single typo and your talking shit . shut the fuck up you bitter cuck
lol you cucked up your kids
>not black not white
Just stop. You’re embarrassing yourself.
White men just can't win
who cares about race literally , most of you whites are mutts, i see white ppl everyday none of you look aryan at all. my wife does though tall blue eyes and blonde hair.
you are a faggot yo will be forever alone , this is why you lurk the race mixing threads on pol . i feel bad for you. hopefully one day you can have a wife or even a girlfriend .most guys here are just bitter
>I happened to be in the same bar as an nfl player who was in the mood to have sex... Get on my level cunts
it makes me happy that she's ruined herself. no guy for the rest of her life will ever live up to the one night she had with some pro athlete who probably doesn't even remember her
Damn, eye bags are so hot
implying girls don't like getting beat up
them posting pictures of their bruizes on instagram is just signaling to other girls and guys (black guys) how tough they are and are crazy at sex.
Loser virgins wh*te boys can fuck off.
lmao this is you only defense , were on the internet on a designated larp board who the fuck cares about an apostrophe
>tfw girl in photo is Irish
>tfw she said there was an "insane amount of cheating going on"(meaning he fucked shit loads of Irish whores)
Q predicted this
Lol nigger can't type. Only the lowest tier of white women breed with monkeys, your kids are sorta human at least. Is she tall and fat?
>lol stay bitter nigger
you will just rage quit life
>then kill your wife and kids
i'll kek when i see on fox5 nigger news
she may have flown too close to the sun but at least she reached those heights
most people just have disappointing sex their whole lives
no the only thing on her that is fat is her ass. I just woke up Im talking to a bunch of cucks i dont care to look over what i typed to make sure its correct for a bunch of faggots.
I live a great life i have an awesome family
stay mad, if only typing correctly could get you guys laid or to have women care about you at all
>yo will be forever alone
>yo yo yo yo
Are you the famous rapper 56 cent?
You're an idiot. I had a single typo and you're talking shit. Shut the fuck up, you bitter cuck.
No, the defense we present is the irony of you making 2 mistakes in a sentence where you claim you only made one mistake.
But you're a nigger, i didn't expect anything better
>Multi-Cultural Eye Shadow
That's because NE Asians are still humans. Race mixing is fine, but fucking monkeys isn't.
Nigger can't think or type, you have to steal our lingo and we can still pick you out. You are one lucky nigger though, so fortunate you get to live in civilization and prey on a naive white woman and ruin her genetic line. It could only get better if you had some fried chicken and watermelon juice lol
Everything for the BBC. Wh*te just can't.
>niggas gotta nig and we’re surrounded by white women
Only by how sloppy your man works
I'm a 3rd party observer who saw some dude tell you to learn English, and then you proceeded to butcher the language again. (and now for a third post in a row) And it's not about the missing apostrophe, your mind should automatically go 'that's an error' when you fuck that word up. It's elementary.
sorry cucks , i was making breakfast with my wife. so what do you guys do in the morning after you jack off and eat fast food
I don't expect that guys with his status put much effort into sex when they know there's hundreds of girls coming his way if only for bragging rights.
as if they accomplished anything
I dont care about that shit Im cooking watching videos and enjoying my morning i just come here to piss you cucks off
i will admit alot of mixed babies look ugly but to be honest most kids do. On the other hand my kids actually really cute, Thank God everyday and every night for the life i have
Dankquan isnt really an example of an alpha male, most black guys are weak and skinny when you think about it
I know you don't care, you don't have the intellectual ability to type words correctly, I assume your scope of 'care' is pretty limited.
Excuse me but there is zero proof that the african gentleman did this.
lmao yup keep dreaming, so do you have a gf or wife? or is your intellectual ability to high for females to understand how great you are?
Looks like her eye got BLACKED
>muh dick.
pull yourself together.
nice troll
lmao so thats a no, I am sorry you guys have to live life like you do , must be miserable
>the memes of niggers arent really true
typical nigger talking nigger nonsense
So you did it again?
>muh dick
>muh dick
are you done nigger?
>all the people here are white and ugly as fuck my kids is cuter than 99% of the white kids here.
My kids half too. Cuter than most white kids. The only people who think mixed race kids are disgusting are the white supremecists
>eating up every piece of bullshit you see on the internet without any proof like the retard you are
Small wonder the far right will never gain any traction.
humans are hardwired racemix to make their genes more diverse and adaptable (i.e. more competitive)
come home white men
Except the vast nigger track record swathed across humanity.
Oh and the stats. Enjoy your wife's son Sven
LMAO these threads again
Are niggers really that proud of fucking everything that moves ?
Typical animal behaviour
lmao you guys are so sad , based blacks scare you so thats why you pretend like they dont exist
dont worry one day youll find a woman to love you just drop all the racist shit , niggers come in all colors
its sad we even have to mention attractiveness but its true ugly people make ugly babies no matter the color
Can't determine if I hate american negros or designated shitters more because of you.
Imagine having to reminded every day by the look of that of what a collossal mistake you made. Hell exists on earth. This is the true toll that is being paid by these toths.
the hate comes from within brother dont let it destroy you. go find a pretty girl and make babies and you wont be so miserable
why you all hating on black people for not being affraid to put a bitch in her place?
I thought we all agreed that white women are trash - they feminist, they degenerate, they vote left and welcome refugees. So what's the problem with hitting such cunt?
She’s a 4/10 too. Deserves to have her ugly mug punched.
Two niggers sanwiching him. How can he stand the smell?
>tfw white mothers adore and dote on their children regardless of father's race to the point of ruining them
If white mothers really did experience regret then there would be more functioning white sons out there
Tbh op,
That dumb bitch deserved it
Fuck that snicker licker loving whore
Wise words laddie, working on getting a solid education and job for my lass before we can produce some little fuckers.
Good thing the negros here have nothing to do with the murica ones, can't imagine how you handle life out there.
I suppose that the pic you posted is not related.
you claimed to be a "based black" and all you showed us with your behaviour in this thread is how there's no difference between you and a thug nigger. Thus, you are a nigger, not a "based black" whatever that might mean.
If you were "based" you wouldnt racemix.
Well. Fuck niggers!
just live life and trust in God , having a good job land and a family is all i can ask for , a good community of like minded people is a must also
>no crimes ever committed
>thug nigger
yeah i am a thug nigger because i was too busy to make sure i didnt have typos when talking online to a bunch of cucks
>based blacks dont racemix
you just make shit up as you go stfu being based has nothing to do with race. being this obsessed with race will only breed war and murder get the fuck over yourself
its literally to live and only think about race all the damn time
you are doing the devils work constantly thinking about race, the only people who push this shit are miserable cucks , zionist jews, and their zionist goyim ( richard spencer and his jew wife) they are pushing you to your own demise . do you not see whats happening here in america they are setting up racist whites to be wiped out. Dont fall for it stop thinking about color and start thinking about like minded people who you can trust and depend on
People are right, if you were "based" you wouldn't race mix.
The fact that not only you but the rest of you find white women attractive over black women is enough indictment that black women are ugly. Meaning the rest of you unconsciously despise your own wretchedness.
Think about it.
you guys are just stuck on that race level you need to wake the fuck up. race does not matter. when shtf here all you guys will realize if you trust someone based off race you will die early on. Look at ukraine whites killing whites look at chicago blacks killing blacks look at the Levant arabs killing arabs . color does not matter, you guys are being herded like sheep to your own demise.
who knows in another life maybe i wouldve been with a black women too bad all the good looking ones end up fucking 100s of men. me and my wife met in HS and we got along very well and we ended up getting married but that was 7 years ago. I cant help who God intended me to be with, heres a fun fact I was a virgin before we got together
You keep throwing out God Canaanite, you're cursed.
Deep down you know that's why blacks have been plagued.
By virtue of the fact your kids have a white mother, they could have avoided it, but you inflicted them instead to fulfill your own selfish lust.
>virgin wehrboo weebs on Sup Forums complain about race mixing
you are so lost man, hebrews were black you dumb fuck . the Bible talks about people accepting all people you are just a worker of iniquity satan is you god . you prob eat pork and celebrate pagan holidays and then try to Hide behind God. you are a lost heathen templars were satanic as fuck btw. but you are prob just larping
What an ugly niglet...
I wish I wasn't racist. I wish I didn't feel like this. It's an innocent baby but all I feel is revulsion. Utter revulsion. More from the fact that the mother looks NOTHING like that child.
Her beauty, her genes, the entire European lineage from centuries past DESTROYED in one fell swoop.
If you're going to communicate with us learn to use our language properly!
(1) The Templars were crusaders that saved Christendom from the Moors (black Muslims ie YOU) your ignorance is astonishing. You just proclaimed God's army Satanic & have the neck to talk inequity in others.
(2) The Hebrews were black is another false Gnostic doctrine.
You do realize your kids black right? Not "mixed". Your kids a Nigger, just like you. That's why we hate race mixing. When niggers fall from a womb that could produce something beneficial to humanity, we consider that a great loss and a defilement.
same thing as before we jack off and while we jack off ...
Christendom is band of bible hating pork eating pagan heathens . the bible literally says if you eat pork you are going to hell
You must be larping, color doesnt matter to me , the word nigger means nothing. Your mindset is satanic
That’s Filthy Frank with a wig on. Get out of here, queer.
I see you’re a man of taste as well.
It's a natural feeling. In ancient times that child would have been thrown off a mountain. When one tribe conquers another what do they do? They kill the men and take the women as their own. In the modern age, we didn't even get to put up a fight, we just sit back and watch these apes trying to destroy our genes and are told something's wrong with us if we don't like it. That's bullshit, we have a biological incentive to keep these monkeys away from our women.