Is there anything more Cringeworthy?
Proud Boys
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Your mom tits.
"I'll have your hoppiest pale ale please"
Idk, they seem pretty fuckin serious to me
Yeah, this thread faggot.
From their tweets on twitter, i gathered the "proud boys" movement was a bunch of cucked kikes and apathetic goys that are part of the problem.
am i wrong?
Leave the Boyim alone!
Saved to my right wing cringe folder.
They're on our side when it comes to dealing with antifa. I wouldn't discount their entire membership. I'm sure some can be pushed further right.
But Gavin is a retarded good goy who is merely LARPing as a conservative.
>le master race
"oh yeah she dumped me about 4 months ago dude, no I'm fine, MGTOW right?"
What gave you the impression that those guys believe whites are the "master race", or that they're "racist" at all?
Go back to upvoting fake captioned photos of ugly white people on /r/beholdthemasterrace, you faggot.
"No dude, I don't think that makes me gay"
Yeah... they were pissed when the bar told them the butt plug section was closed for the night.
T. Subhuman nigger who wishes he were white
Axe body spray.
At least they dont have their mouths wide open?
I like them because they knock antifa on their asses, they don't seem like controlled opposition like the folks who cry when antifa hits them.
Still eats his boogers.
"Tell me what it's called again, bif coin? I actually know a couple of miners"
Pretty sure that's luciferian insignia, not right wing friendo.
Not really. It sounds so fucking gay. I don’t hate these CivNat cuck groups. They’ll see things our way eventually, but I can’t figure out for the life of me why they would call themselves ”proudboys”. WTF
Thread theme
I'm proud of ya, goy!
>embracing modern globalism and Jewry
SOunds really niice
More jews trying to shill against powerful had movements, it's like look at these people praying it's so cringy lol better avoid that
Theyre mostly racists in denial but are anti globalists and against open borders. Its like they took a 1/4 of the redpill and decided that was enough.
They still argue in favor of multi racial immigration saying they dont actually care. That the only problem is illegal immigration. Yet they support the muslim ban. Then say they want meritocracy which consists of people who will assimiliate to wanting guns, jesus and not commit crimes.
Which is pretty much the criteria for white people only.
they must have beaten the shit out of some antifa that night, they only show up to shill them after a beatdown. This might not be my particular thing but it just looks like a bunch of guys hanging out and being social having a good time. have a shilling op
Yeah or it looks like a six townies and a marriott platinum level rewards member.
yes, kekistanis and r/T_D fags
Stone is classy af though
or that makes me look like a northern african
Them kike flaps tho
DNC pacs trying to divide the right is pretty cringy, die in a car crash on the way home from work.
Probably uses the word "suds" when referring to beer.
Let's get this party started!
Fucking Proudboys are a joke
Isn't he Catholic? Why is he pro Israel and pro Gay?
fuck everybody in that picture and fuck the jew shill that posted it
at this point i think im the only one on Sup Forums that isnt an autist. but what are the chances of that? i must actually be autistic
Drug addict with a nigger wife and kids. Squandered the chance to become fuck you rich because he had a falling out with that other fat cunt from Vice. Now he has to cuck for the Jews to pay for his Coke habit. Sad
Wow, was Alex Jones /ourguy/ the entire time?
All I see
Hes a fuckin (((Right Wing SJw))) Literally. And his merry band of cucks are only "empowered" when they're around one another. Otherwise. They're cucks. Literally.
he wills it.
Proud goys aren't too cancerous, they did punch ANTIFA around so less cucked then the average alt kike faggot
He's here
You said cucks twice in your post. Come up with something else brainlet.
"HurrDurr I'm a proud boy, I'm literally AntiFa With counter viewpoints" REEEEEEEE
Jesus fuckin Christ.
Keyword: BOY or BOIII , Just a big ol circlejerk. And even worse. They're all kikes.
>finally come together as a single group under pepe
>suddenly endless attempts to destroy it by labeling it as "bad", "reddit" and "cringe"
reminder that pepe bringing us together was what gave us power of the election
This is true. Proud Boys do seem to welcome violence unlike many of the "intellectuals" in the identitarian movements.
They arent even ideological they dont do anything other than sit around, drink and make dick jokes.
BecUse he's an Edgelord SJW. Just bad enuf to be hated by the left. Matter of fact, they're probably just "Disliked" by the left. Not even hated. Kek
He's funny as fuck though, gotta give him that
PBS are full of junkie drug addicts and degenerates. Matthew Lyons was a “Proud Boy” Who was basically their bitch and always showed up at their “events” with Chapman and Co., but Lyons wa as heroin addict who killed himself and OD’d. Proud Boy indeed.
>He's funny as fuck though, gotta give him that
Back to r/the_donald newfag
No, I think the hatred is there. Proud Boys don't seem to be very cordial with any leftists because of all of the violent minorities that they have amongst their ranks. From what I've seen, the more far right you are, the more leftists like you. No one likes centrists or milquetoast conservatives.
I've literally never browsed Reddit. He's hilarious
This thread for one
not really
No. He's a pro-miscegenation drug addled faggot
dopey fucks wear their ball caps indoors...looks like shit.. gutter filth. All six of them lol.. & the hilarious thing is Roger Stone will say the exact thing when he washes their stench off himself
Proudboys are Nu-Males with attitude.
What race would these gentlemen be considered in the USA?
Fuck off with this D&C nonsense.
Roger Stone is proving to be a huge problem to the (((God Emperor))) at the moment... haha wew. if stones there, there HAS to be some major kikery going on along with some debauchery.
I'm asking what race you would consider them to be in america? How is this D & C?
>Brow ridge
>White Skin
No one is buying the purity spiral. White Americans are a distinct ethnicity within the white race.
>VERY white
So for example, you would consider the guy to the left of the wall-street looking man to be white?
Three of them look Hispanic and another one looks ambiguous, probably Greek.
Read past the first paragraph.
>>What Race?
A race of wannabe tough goys.
Here's a better question, Which one of these goys can beat up a green haired AntiFa Slob by themselves?
Why're they all chubby or fat?
The purity spiral is bad optics. The only white americans that ever wanted to move to sweden is shitlib teenagers for muh socialisms
A lot of them are just us but in hiding. There's a significant overlap between the less Soyish of them and further right groups.
The convenient thing about ProudBoys is that they're an army and they kick the shit out of Antifa wherever they're deployed. Because they're idiots, they're easy to mobilize.
None of them
This is the ideal make body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
That's nice of them.
Dude the guy to the left of Stone and they guy standing up behind him are obviously not white. "muh D & C". Is it too much to ask that a white nationalist group be filled with actual white people
reading twitter from australia doesn't make you a part of the solution
Catholics all love jews
>The purity spiral is bad optics.
I don't really understand what you are implying here. What does moving to Sweden have to do with this?
The Proud Boys aren't WN.
The white race is diverse man :-)
What? No they don't. They think that Jews are going to burn in hell. Those are evangelicals you're thinking of.