Continue thread from Soygoy is having a mental meltdown in the comment section, getting salty and angry, trying to damage control via upvoting (reddit, we did it!) his fluffer commentators after trashtalking Mike Enoch with the jew Halsey English in his echochamber safespace, free from all the meany alt right sperg chatters saying mean thing to the REAL HUMAN BEAN!
Sargon is declaring war on whites
benis :D
Now for some sage advice from Poland
>let left win and rape your country
>wait decades for Soviet Union to collapse
>be so poor you can't offer welfare so niggers and muslims don't even want to come
>enjoy your right wing nation
>be so poor you can't offer welfare so niggers and muslims don't even want to come
That's accurate.
>It is necessary to have “watchers” at hand who will bear witness to the values of Tradition in ever more uncompromising and firm ways, as the anti-traditional forces grow in strength. Even though these values cannot be achieved, it does not mean that they amount to mere “ideas.” These are MEASURES…. Let people of our time talk about these things with condescension as if they were anachronistic and anti-historical; we know that this is an alibi for their defeat. Let us leave modern men to their “truths” and let us only be concerned about one thing: to keep standing amid a world of ruins.
Everyone troll Jason Unruhe beforehand so his mind is too fucked to respond.
Again, I hope the Marxist rapes him and throws him into a fucking gulag.
Jew IQ is a meme. I have a jewish friend who are stupid as fuck.
WNs are retards. The only one that even bred is hunter wallace and he's a retarded piece of shit
Tonka did this two days ago.