Why is pol all of a sudden against free trade and is now supporting tariffs?
Do people here really blindly follow trump? Also what the fuck happened?
Why is pol all of a sudden against free trade and is now supporting tariffs?
Do people here really blindly follow trump? Also what the fuck happened?
Because it's a matter of practicality.
When free trade is working you go with that. When it's not, you get rid of it. You do not eat shit simply because the word 'free' is being used in a title.
Free trade? No. We pay tariffs on exports and they don't pay tariffs on imports.
Go back to blowing Ben Shapiro or whatever you cucks do all day.
Free trade is working though and most Americans support free trade.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Just go back to the_donald
We shouldnt place steel tariffs on Europe, we should place them on China. But we should tariff some goods. Theyre getting uppity. Trump reminded them well play ball. We trade freely with a majority of the countries on Earth. Europe enforces aggressive protectionism against bothmajor neighboring regions.
>free trade for you
>but not for us
No, don't take your Jew out on me! Help!
What are you talking about? pol is and always will be nationalist and anti-globalisation. I't wont stop until they realise they literally cannot beat asia and india in any primary industry.
Working for who? All the countries that leech off of us?
I’m not but im willing to see if we can use these economic tools to change the trade imbalances we have
>Do people here really blindly follow trump?
Meme flag checks out
Jew shill detected
Fuck off
Free trade within our own borders is ok
It’s different than
Free trade internationally with other nations which have unfair advantages ie. slave labor is different and hurts our economy.
We can’t continue to offer our nations workers a high quality of life if we continue to allow cheap (slave labor made) products in. I hope this is a troll post and you are not this logically insufficient.
>Do people here really blindly follow trump?
Most Americans here do. It's actually quite amusing to see them justify one thing today and its exact opposite tomorrow depending on what Trump is doing. Nigger DNA will fuck with your mental capabilities.
>free trade isn't working
Ironic coming from an American. Your entire lifestyle is based off of free trade with China and Canada. I hope you're ready to pay twice-ten times as much for all your products, depending on how bad the trade war gets.
>just let gooks keep dumping cheap shit into your borders so your industries go out of business
So it appears the shills have their spam topic for the day.
>Do people here really blindly follow trump?
Yep, go into /ptg/ and they will defend him no matter what:
>DACA amnesty
>yes, 4D CHESS
>raising rifle purchasing age to 21
>aha, 4D CHESS
>proposing tariffs and sinking the market
>aha, 4D CHESS
>firing his economic advisor
>aha, 4D CHESS
It's basically a bunch of brain-dead neophytes with no principles who don't really care how much Trump stabs them in the back.
trips of truth
>Nigger DNA will fuck with your mental capabilities.
Which of those has he done? I'll wait.
>Do people here really blindly follow trump?
exactly, hail King Donald
We either go full Imperialism or Anarcho-Fascism, cockroach.
Canadians are the world's greatest utilizers of slave labour.
My sources have told me that for every 5 asian children, there is 1 white 'cracker' who is in control of their entire existence.
I have also not heard of tariffs on Canadian products not hurting American industry.
The USA is punishing an ally, the effects will be mutual.
If the USA has any complaints with how Canada does business, this should be discussed.
Trump entering a trade war with a country who's economy relies on fueling yours, comparable to a 51st state, in a mutually beneficial relationship is beyond retarded. Our trade will strengthen across the Atlantic, both economies will walk away with black eyes.
If the issue is with China, negotiate with Canada to follow suit.
>Why is pol all of a sudden against free trade and is now supporting tariffs?
Because tariffs are what kicked of the 'mutts civil war and some Sup Forums parrots just want to watch their zionist cesspit burn...
Canada will be punished the most by these tariffs more than any other country.
nice flag CIA nigger
Mark Levin is having a stroke over it too. What’s in it for them?
obvious shill, won't respond any further, sage this thread
emperor Donald can do no wrong, to him they'll surrender their weapons and support tax cuts with glaring diminishing returns, so why not ridiculous tariffs
I don't blindly follow Trump, and have plenty of criticisms of him; however, free trade is pretty gay tbqh.
Your concern is so moving.
>DACA amnesty
Which didn't happen.
>rifle purchases
Which didn't happen.
That's a good thing.
>economic advisor
He obviously didn't like tariffs, but Trump argued for Tariffs from day 1.
So what's the problem?
Free trade isn't.
Free trade is why your Epipen costs over $100 when it used to cost $20 just 6 years ago.
We are against globalisation, hence against unchecked free trade
Oh yeah, Scott Walker is a real cuck for saying fucking with steel imports will wreck jobs. What you fucking idiots fail to understand, probably because you haven't gotten a mile near an economics textbook, is that 1/1 termed free trade never fucking happens. It's an impossibility.
The trade balances that America has in the world affords it colossal power, which is why literally every president in the past, Republican or Democrat, has fought really hard to keep them intact. This is what we call a benevolent hegemon, and it's the only thing affording America its position in the world. You are giving it all up.
Free trade is Jewish globalism.
no one is doing free trade except america you dumb nigger
>Do people here really blindly follow trump?
>Also what the fuck happened?
a) The 'publican party became a "leader party" bases on following Trump, no matter what. If Trump says 2+2=5 the 2+2=5.
b) pol is extremely dumb.
Americans do not want hegemony. This is why they voted for Donald Trump.
>Hail King Diamond
Spot the assblasted Neocon
Almost no country besides the US engages in "free trade". The euro zone places tariffs as high as 25% on American made medical equipment to protect its manufacturing base. Ever checked the market access database?
its not, normies are all freaking out because they dont know what a tariff is.
if you believe anyone is blindly following our president, than you yourself are the one that's blind. we elected him, we wanted him. now fuck off
Of course the Portuguese open their mouths having yea fucking idea what their talking about
why the photo of a little girls face? i'm going to ignore this thread except to sage it
meanwhile free trade is a globalist thing. pretty sure pol has always been more into fair trade. and i say this as a member of a nation set to lose bigly if these tariffs go through. but unfortunatly trump is the president of the united states and not canada, so he's not going to make the best deals for canada. he's here to make the best deals for the united states, a country treated unfairly in trade through the negligence of previous administrations
Because retards like you don't understand that you have to actually regulate free trade to have it work properly.
no, all it knows is that it lives in a shitty country, its pissed it cant get any freedoms in eurostan, and its obviously some brainwashed leftist to attack our president based on nothing because typical economic measures were instituted to raise the income of our country. OP is a faggot moron.
Sup Forums was never for free trade you commie fuck
I like free trade, but once you reach a certain age you have to put some of this libertarian shit that can only exist in a vacuum of autistic mental masturbation aside. In practice, there's no such thing. Someone's always either getting fucked in trade, and the best position you can really hope for is to be the one doing the fucking.
2.7% US to EU tariff for steam turbines.
9.6% US to EU tariff on soda and other flavored beverages.
3.4% US to EU tariff on optical filters.
The list goes on. Trade protectionism are something that every country enjoys, but when the US does is its bad or something.
In case you want to know how protected the EU labor market is from outside competition.
When the fuck was pol for free trades? This is a capitalist/nationalist/christian (not in that order) board. I care for the US in particular, white majority countries in general and i fully support tarrifs and taxes on OTHER countries to strengthen our home economy. I dont mind spending additional money on shit i dont really need to keep jobs in the US. The alternative is sending all the jobs overseas and being able to buy nothing.
Ahhhh a fine fellow boomer I see. Hope you are enjoying your stay here.
It's bad because you do it to mexico and canada, you literally ruin the neighborhood.
I was never for free trade, I am not a capitalist and hate red politics what am I?
Sign this immediately anons.
>that post
Wait.... but youre a leaf?!
The EU tariff book applies to every good entering the EU to prop up its labor base.
Why can't the US do the same?
I was never for free trade
Free trade has been pushed universally in all (((economics))) schools as being good, without any question. At the end of the day a tariff is another form of taxation. You cannot have a global race to the bottom of corporate taxation without an increase in tariffs.
Shills are out today, boys
because everyone here is a jew loving authoritarian fuckwad
Because we are not conservative. We are nationalist. America first. America first.
It's not free trade if there is unfair competition
>You cannot have a global race to the bottom of corporate taxation without an increase in tariffs.
Also for labor standard purposes.
US to EU tariff on 2 liter gas automobiles is 10% to protect the differences in labor standards between EU auto manufacturers and Detroit.
Now just wait a minute. These are Arabic numerals after all. How do we know ISIS and the muslims didn't swap 4 for 5 to crash the US economy?
I do believe that a global increase of tariffs is a long term good for all countries. Same reason that sanctions never end up having the intended economic impact (sanctions on Russia is long term very great for Russia)
Drumpftards can't think for themselves.
Don't worry tho, it's just a loud minority. The dumbass is at all time low 34% support rating.
I agree with you. The only people who are against tariffs are people who either work in international finance and make a killing moving jobs around or people who have been so brainwashed by the capitalist class that they regurgitate their talking points without thought.
>Im going to ignore this thread except to sage it
>Doesn't sage it
Not a boomer but i appreciate people willing to work for a living. Hows upsidedownland?
>when mods make threads
free trade is a globalist jew meme
woops forgot to change flag after larp
Free trade isn't free when it's with trade partners who support slavery, and sweatshop conditions.
pol is functionally retarded filled with weak willed men.
Of course they follow trump because they are pathetic subhumans.
Libertarians and authoritarians aren't the same thing you gay.
jesus christ, jews....
>French flag
>Nigger genes
Rich coming from you.
this board is 18+ kiddos.
The average everyday Republican has never been 100% devoted to the principle of free trade as much as they were to offer her issues, from abortion, school choice, taxes, family values, strong military etc....
In fact it was an odd coupling of everyday middle class Republicans and what remained of the Kennedy Democrats who opposed NAFTA... you may be too young to remembee the early political memes on the newly born internet about Clinton’s NAFTA super highway and the “Amero”... but Joe Republican was never a believer in free trade as much as he was in being upset about the death of American industry.
When was Sup Forums a fan of the WTO?
I realize you're not necessarily suggesting this, but steel tariffs will most definitely not have a net positive effect on american industry.
Although i don't remember shit or anything to specific, I do have a Bachelors in Economics and took several couses on int trade. It's always beneficial or at worst no difference for both sides to trade in a truly open fashion, however shit is complex (millions of goods/services traded that don't follow the simple coconut banana, input output economic models) and where there is an oppurtunity to kike kikes will kike. Well weve been getting kiked for a while and instead of kiking back and taking part in the game of chicken (we have the biggest rig on the road) we have backed down (due to globalists winning in the end regardless and possibly having to loose in the short term for the betterment of the nation). Trump has said game on let the kikery begin because we can hold out longer to either gain actually balanced trade agreements with other nations or ideally and most likely end up the ones doing the kiking. The examples of kikery go beyond tariffs because like I said this shit is complex. I.E. chinese able to buy property in the u.s./ steal or tech.
"Free" Trade is a SCAM
Nationalist and Patriots have ALWAYS been against it.
It enables (((multinational companies))) to outsource all the jobs to the third world, and sell back cheap crap undermining local producers.
Only (((they))) win
Everyone else loses
Including YOU faggot
Also you can come out ahead if you tariff and other nations don't tariff back. Countries who arent run by kike globalists will just tariff back cancelling out the gains made and limiting trade so its ineffective if that happens but in the U.S. case we know whos interests are served.
>murricans are low-IQ peasant brains
Big news user.
because losers always complain. that's what losers do
here, learn from the great one... pat is our boy:
http:// buchanan.org/blog/gop-terrified-tariffs-128840
Only merchants benefit from free trade
Because trumpism is a cult
No free trade is inherently beneficial if it is truly free. Tariff wars don't help anybody but it's necessary to engage in one if the fight is brought to you otherwise you are loosing ground on the international battlefield.
You are correct. I am simply trying to offer an answer to the question. Middle class Republicans have a suspicious streak in them for elites of any kind including the economists... largely because the elites in their lives were the liberals making their lives miserable the whole way up.
Tariffs are not nearly as powerful in countries with educated workforces, safe industrial areas, and a constitution that will protect private property rights; the real weapons are deregulation and having much lower taxes than your competitor countries. The third world may have slave labor, but they de not have the above which, when combined with low taxes and a streamlined compliance structure, would make the USA the center of the economic world.
Tarrifs are basically just kike tactics of free trade. yes they benefit your country but the natural reaction is to have retaliatory tariffs placed on enough of your goods to cancel out the economic affect. Due to international kikes who are the big winners in certain U.S. exports we haven't retaliated like we should.
Cattleonia? If I recall that is Spanish for communist cunt.
>Support Trump because he is the only one speaking truth.
Since 1992 US 12 trillion trade deficit
Last year 800 billion trade deficit
Europe taxes US cars at 10% US tax euro cars 2.5%
Europe and China huge trade barriers US not allowed FU EU!
Paybacks a bitch.
And just to sum up: in my opinion anything behond marginal regulatory type tariffs have no use other than as a soft weapon of war. It is a economic hinderance accross the board as an economic policy for our people... at best they can be used as an economic weapon against an enemy when economics take a back seat to winning a war.