>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump/Swede PM Sven presser 3/6/18
>Pres Trump/Swede PM statements 3/6/18
>Pres Trump meets Swede PM Sven 3/6/18
>VP Pence @America 1st event in IA 3/6/18
>SoS T-Rex on US/AFR relations 3/6/18
>VASec Shulkin @AMVETS event 3/6/18
>TransSec Chao @House on Infrastructure Plan 3/6/18
>TreasSec Mnuchin @House on Budget 3/6/18
>USAFCOM Gen Waldhause on MilitaryOps in Africa 3/6/18
>DNI Coats @Senate on World Threats 3/6/18
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 3/6/18
>Marlon Bundo Gets Some Exercise 3/5/18
>Pres Trump meeting w/Bibi 3/5/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania greeting the yahus 3/5/18
>VP Pence @AIPAC 3/5/18
>SoS T-Rex meets the Baltics 3/5/18
>HSDSec Nielsen @IAFF Conf 3/5/18
>LaborSec Acosta @IAFF Conf 3/5/18
>VASec Schulkin @NAC Conf 3/5/18
>UN Amb Haley @AIPAC 3/5/18
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/ptg/ President Trump General - Fuck Off Edtion
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Reminder that 6am-9am is JOE hours
first for mutt
UMMMMM no sweetie
I love ham sandwichs
True. That girl is very pretty but your sons always look kinda weird.
Fuck that, Doctor Who is on.
>Trump's argument was that he “was right” when he spoke about an imaginary terrorist attack in Sweden because a subsequent riot validated his basic premise that immigrants in Sweden sometimes commit violent acts. A year later, Trump is still insisting that he was right.
upgrade your 14.4k modem, Angus
presidet trump is gay! orange
Is this magazine cover supposed to be bad?
I feel like TIME is secretly pro-Trump.
Trump was and is right.
did they start with the chick doctor episodes yet? what a dumpster fire
the fuckin NBN is flawless mate
ur dumb
>America alone
Oh no! /s
Why the fuck does time think I want to be tied up with all the fucking retarded ass commies in the world. I wish this was actually true and not hyperbolic nonsense
holy shit i was literally 1 second off kms
Cucks & Bulls fucking sucks. The only thing dumber than attacking every Trump tweet is defending and explaining all the dumb shit he tweets.
Is Congress really planning on passing NOTHING major from now until midterms? At least Dems would pass infrastructure. Maybe Trump with a Democrat Congress would be better than this do-nothing shit.
>tfw sick again second day in a row
I just want to stay home and watch the news but mr.shekelberg won't like 2 days off in a row
I'll accept it if he stops getting posted every other hour of the day.
I too am a man of culture and love the new woman Dr. Who.
Sen. Murphy says Republicans are "complicit" in the murder of children. He goes unchallenged on this point.
Thank you for baking!
>confirmed for being 14
The dems didn’t do shit for most of Obama’s term, congress hardly functions and hasn’t for decades. I’m amazed they’ve managed what they have so far tbhq senpai
>doesnt like Trump
>would rather listen to opposition propanda
>shitposts against Trump
the problem here is you
>that Anglo
no the problem here is you t_d fags and your gay fucking general
Why does Trump seem intent on ruining the retirement accounts of millions of Americans? What is his problem? Last year was great, and the last month has been a nightmare between the gun-grabbing, DACA amnesty, and now ill-executed tariffs that don't fix anything....
by this logic aren't democrats "complicit" in millions of deaths via abortion and selling child bodyparts?
inaction is good, goy, that's what the founders wanted
>he doesnt just close the tab or ignore the thread
wew lad
>retirement accounts of millions of Americans
millions of boomers
>joe says he wasn't scared of the NRA
What did the Dems pass under Obama?
>Me: 1520426689.089
>You: 1520426690.591
1.5 seconds. Typical Australian internet with 1500ms ping.
>you will be forever silver
why fox women sit like this?
What is with Time and their unintentionally good covers? This makes it look like America is the center of the world.
Also, big props to Texas Primary voters. Cruze Missile got staggering support.
Why does time keep making awesome covers that are pro Trump? We have the storm, Super Saiyan Trump and this
No. Stop hating women. Clump of cells. PRESENT YOUR UTERUS CREDENTIALS.
Cause they're good girls.
I stood in the sand from the mouth of the sea, and I watched a serpent rise from its depths
Upon his horns rested ten crowns, as the discord of trumpets grew unnerving
Its perception giving an overruling mentality of authority and supremacy
All dwellers of earth shall pray, and worship this form of a single demon
Whose names are not written in ink or blood in the book of the life of the lamb
Shal be slain from the foundation of this declining and now decaying world
Good morning my fellow hardcore maga fans. Well what can I say... I’ve got a lot of shit on my mind lately so I’ll just give you the clipfnotes version... basically:
-i supported drumpf since the escalator ride
-i feel betrayed
-i’m deeply concerned
-i fear the movement is over
-i sincerely regret voting for donald drumpf
-i’m typing this why overlooking a bonfire of 1,000$ bucks worth of maga hats
As you might expect this is all a result of drumpf‘s steel tariffs. Anyone else feeling similar? And if so would you like to share you experience...?
That's how women sit so their gap doesn't stink up the room
They aren't wearing underwear
There should be a pole in the middle, the guy picks one, she dances while he tips one dollar bills.
Then Democrats are complicit in death of everyone killed by an illegal alien
That's not true. The 2009-2011 Congress is considered one of the most productive ever and each Republican Congress since then has set a record for not doing anything. I thought it was just obstruction against Obama, but it seems they're just incompetent.
nice blog post, dickhead
Dodd-Frank for one.
>capitalism seems to be at odds with the harmonious, peaceful, stable liberalism of midcentury dreams. I don’t think we’ve reached the end of history yet, which means we still have the chance to shape the future we want. I suggest we take it.
>It’s time to give socialism a try.
C’mon, Drumpfkins. Let’s do it.
Why is the alt-right so bad at memes?
That isn’t what I said you dumb shill faggot but I don’t totally disagree we have an absurd amount of legal bloat we don’t need more
wtf i hate drumpf now
>America alone
>This is bad ok, American can't just leave people alone OK
>the reality is nothing like the other America Alone OK, America won't able to find a liberal democratic society around the world any more because EU is being over run by sand nigger, Asia is busy hold off China, South America and Africa are the same shit always are because of that is not the true OK!
The Democrats are responsible for every drunk Mexican that runs somebody over?
Now hiding behind semantics after siding over three years with easily disproved lies/criminals over the victims and in fact censoring victims is beyond disgusting even for the far left and msm fakenews.
Trump was and is right and you should learn from when you are wrong and not again hide behind semantics, this is what cowards do
>my boy charlie is the one lucky man
fug i gotta get the tv on
Because girls learn at a very young age to cross their legs when wearing a skirt as to not flash their pantsu.
Do Binland girls flash their pantsu!? Is that why you are all so autistic!?
Look, the cold hard reality is guns are used to kill people. A car is used for driving. A spoon is used for eating. A hammer is used for nailing.
>too juicy
>the most productive congress
>implying that’s true (it’s not)
>implying I want Dodd-frank and the Aca
Passing laws for the sake of passing laws isn’t a positive in and of itself
I’m still surprised they’ve passed what they have thus far with half of republicans being hostile to trump as is
gay facebook memes
It's the "Great Wall of the Vagina." They do that went they are not attracted to the guy. Charlie Hurt is a Supreme Gentlemen beta faggot. On Special Report they literally called him a bench warmer for Charles Krauthammer, whose their "favorite Charlie."
uhh wat?
Trump already passed in one year more than most us presidents do in 4 years dude including king obongo
>Do Binland girls flash their pantsu!? Is that why you are all so autistic!?
No. They're a naturally shy group of Mongol diaspora who get their water from their Great Lakes(most Finns live nearby their Great Lakes) and they have been poisoned from contraception and other birth control runoff with some other chemicals in the water for years.
>the msm says they found so much on drumpf
>any day now
Was Patty legitimately retarded?
>Uses term drumpf.
I don't think you were ever on the MAGA train to begin with.
>author barely looks 18
These Lincoln commercials look like clips from an Alan Wake live action trailer.
I'm not even looking this up, and don't agree with most of this legislation, but they passed
>healthcare reform
>banking reform
>auto bailout
>equal pay for women legislation
This current Congress is literally one-and-done with the tax bill.
No, he hasn't.
Joe Scarborough's voice is more masculine than I imagined
>this moron is raising a child