What does the lowest of the low look like in your country? In Finland, it's these Romanian beggars. The government has failed time after time to get rid of them, and since they live off of the pocket change "goodhearted" people give them, they don't even pay the fines they're given for sitting around and asking for money all day.
What does the lowest of the low look like in your country? In Finland, it's these Romanian beggars...
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Nigger do you have the slightest idea of how preposterously high IQ everyone in Canada is? Do you know what it's like to live in a country where even someone who cleans toilets at McDonald's is a potential Nobel laureate in Physics? For 50 years, we've been importing the top 0.01% of the world and the result from all this is that we have created a new hyper race. Canada is at least three steps ahead of the rest of the Earth in terms of evolution.
Just look at this board. It's full of salty cunts who applied for immigration but were rejected because they got their PhD at the age of 17 and we consider that to be too old, and that's why they talk so much shit. There are successful millionaires from New York who constantly tweet about how they want to move to Canada but get rejected because they don't meet our ultra high IQ insane standards. We are the future of humanity whether you like it or not you fucking subhuman nigger bitch cunt.
thats a gypsy
We know they all came here from your shithole, no u kys
That's not a romanian , its a fucking gypsy you stupid mongolian fuck reeeeeeeeeeee
I don't post images of myself on Sup Forums
I don't know
I'm a privileged neet
No, thats a romanian, all of you look and act exactly like this.
I know i'm not going to be taken seriously, but you people really need to learn the difference between Romanians and gypsies. We hate these parasites just as much as you do.
>inb4 I'm being called a filthy gypsy
>Romanian beggars
Everyone knows that they are gypsies.
U fucking uneducated 18 h of night chink
Gypos migrated from India, they are all over Europe.
Tone it down with the suicide rates and antidepressants, it makes you faggy
Also sage this bait
this is top bait fug :-DDDD
Nice i was wondering why the streets in my country were so clean and the crime rate plummeted.Keep them.
>I know i'm not going to be taken seriously, but you people really need to learn the difference between Romanians and gypsies.
Why bother telling the difference between two piles of dog turds? Both are ugly and smell bad.
Irish street people.
Ugly, loud, decrepit, drug addicted and severely mentally ill.
This is what the ancient Greeks and Romans looked like.
Kys fag everyone here is either fat or crazy
Do you live with your parents?
Niggers and Jews
kick him down those stairs
In my cou try (australia), the lowest of the low are the fucking boongs (aborigonals) . Most will be 10 % boong but they'll always be degenerate scummy fucks.
If you knew how bad things really are user...
>Gypos migrated from India
Yeah we got them too. But these beggars come from Romania, first came after Romania got EU-membership
Are you sure my second preferred Mongol friend?
In Germany its actually the Germans who are the worst.
God! I fucking hate gypsies! Just shoot them in the streets, man! Fucking do it!
Our ISIS is actually much, much worse.