Maher acknowledging the fake news propaganda.
Are They Giving Up?
literally who?
is that one of those TV news pundits?
if yes, who cares?
Trump supporters were the first and most prolific side during the election when it came to dissemination of fake news. There is literally no counter argument for that. It is one big hard fact that Sup Forumsflakes just cannot swallow.
Shoo shoo evil jew
>Trump supporters were the first and most prolific side during the election when it came to dissemination of fake news. There is literally no counter argument for that. It is one big hard fact that Sup Forumsflakes just cannot swallow.
Also, you sound like a shill. So fuck off, shill.
oh look another corporate elitist editorialist wants to push out Bernie-supporting marxist social justice advocates. he wants to sole right to pimp around the microphone
Trump aquired some dirt on him. slow and steady dismanteling of the deepstate capabilities.
>media uses "fake news" term for articles supporting anything that contributed to Trump's rise and eventually election as President
>Trump and his followers use "fake news term" against said media
>media now criticize the term they made up
that'd be fucking great, the more highly intelligent people that libs blatantly trust telling the m they're being duped the better.
I hope mueller turns a new page and stops this mad witch hunt.
You are eternally parroting controversies that aren't controversial at all.
No despite beinf wrong most of the time Maher can suddenly be correct on certain things like being pc, and Muslims
nytimes is finally coming around to reporting on shit that the left called fakenews when it was already reported in breitbart !!3 years!! ago.
So much for who is the fakenews.
How is Republican jon stewart still on tv after his pro.pedophelia stance?
>Haha Trumptards won't shut up about fake news they're so retarded
>Trumptards were most prolific in disseminating fake news
Maher has sucked so much Jew cock, his brain has regressed.
CNN and all those mainstream channels are constantly losing more viewers. Trumps win made it clear that they are one sided entertainment and propaganda channels privately paid off by interest groups - these people are either switching to internet news or twitter/facebook echo chambers
News channels dont have the time nor interest to objectively and deeply research events - they are merely quoting each other based on unreliable sources
Saw this coming from a fucking mile away when they started coining things as "fake news"
The concept is really simple:
News is not opinion.
CNN, PMSNBC, WaPo, etc. are about 90% op ed and 10% actual reporting.
People don't really fucking care about anyone else's opinion, especially when it's absolutely fucking ludicrous.
did the term 'fake news' originate from the msm calling pizzagate that?
>stupid news about celebrities
nah, fox news puts out eyecatching clickbait shit too.
fake news is just a scapegoat term
If Sup Forums is so right, why does it rely on literal fake news like Infowars and Breitbart and not places like the Associated Press and Reuters?
>Shoo shoo evil jew
And yet Putin didn't shoo.
>Also, you sound like a shill. So fuck off, shill.
This is a perfect example of a Russian bot
>Not fake news
At this point if someone literally doesn't tell me something is happening in their neck of the woods it literally did not happen
God Damn! The shills are thick today... How much is Soros paying you?
>Unironically calling someone a Russian bot on a Mongolian textile letter-posting website
Do you want to tell you why I think you're actually not a regular here
all about muh swedish immigration isnt making trouble dude its all fakenews ... 3 years later nytimes: lol pretend fugees throw grenades at police station lol who could have predicted that lololol
I dont even know what perpetual controversy im ment to be offended by here? Jennifer Lawrence?
1: Infowars is run by Jews.
2: Breitbart is run by Jews.
3: The Associated Press is garbage.
4: Reuters is okay.
We don't "rely" on any sites for news. We ARE the news.
I think Maher is an OK guy but most of his guests are fucking retards and I hate his audience.
tbf pol does literally make the news nowadays
>We don't "rely" on any sites for news. We ARE the news.
Nah mate, you're just a lonely chap clinging on to every controversy and "happening" in the same way old women gossip.
Never know, you might think about it in the future.
Nice try big nose
>Nah mate, you're just a lonely chap clinging on to every controversy and "happening" in the same way old women gossip.
What the fuck do you think this place is?
>prolific side during the election when it came to dissemination of fake news
Such as?
Phase one was to kill the insane if the left.
Phase two is for everyone to fall in line with their Jewish overlords.
infowars had one jewish individual employee demanding hot topics. their resident jew, and now he's fired. some of his sponsors are jewish but he gets almost no money from them anyways. also not literally every jew is a bad guy, that's a bit simplistic
>implying trump supporters ran the jewish media
You are probably right. What better way to discredit the left than to have them lie so blatantly.
>Trump says is bad
>*6 months later*
>"Okay, is bad, but still fuck Drumpf."
I keep seeing this pattern, hopefully it's just the first step on a journey...
Yup. Biggest propaganda faceplant since "Freedom Fries".
Of course there's no counter-argument. You haven't presented an argument to counter. You've only made an assertion.
You must be a black jew. I pity you.
Maher is an interesting case. He has a genuine hate on for the Christian Right and shit talks them constantly. But he's not a hypocrite about it in that he makes the point fairly regularly that the worst Christian Fundies are nothing compared to Islam and points out that the SJW crowd claims that refusing to bake a cake is somehow worse than tossing gays off buildings. Maher is a Jew, but he's also a pragmatist. He's well aware that his position as an entertainer doesn't make him one of the untouchable elites and that if Western Civilization collapses he probably won't survive. I remember ba comment back in the 90's when he said he missed the the Republican Party that were "mean old men who took care of my money." At the end of the day Maher understands that the Left wants to create a society where mid and low level Jews like him are just as fucked as the Goyim, so he's blowing the whistle.
A pit of disinformation and real anger.
I'm a /trv/ /tg/ master-race type though so I actually have a bit of a life.
He's been around for literally forever you fucking whippersnapper
Different fake news. He was talking about the media going to social media, finding one nuts opinion, then repeating it as a general consensus for things. Not fake stories being planted on social media.
He also mentioned the rape boys in Afghanistan a few weeks ago.
But why was he so frantic and sweating profusely when he started to realise Trump was going to win. Is he caught up in it somehow did he do bad sex things?
I don't trust the cunt he is hidding something.
>Maher is a Jew,
you're putting the memes you learned here before reality
Lol Maher is interesting because he's half jewish, and sometimes his white side comes out and he says something true. It's like he's constantly fighting his jewish nature.
Maher is center-left while the entire dem party is going far-far-far-left. He's already sayng FUCK ISLAM.
They'll start accusing him of being:
first: soft on Trump
a few months later: alt-right ally
a few months later: literally Hitler
I see him on the brink of saying FUCK YOU LEFTIST. But he can't, because he'll lose a ton of income.
This is excellent bait
Like what you retard
Of course they wong deny cuz it makes it look like trump is guilty and nambla is a lefty swamp-monster org
I remember the AP reporting that Hillary Clinton had already won the Democratic nomination the night BEFORE the CA primaries, based soley on a survey of superdelegates. If you think the AP is fair and unbiased, you're an idiot.
He has to the young generation of leftist. He hates what colleges are like now.
Religulous was a good movie, though
actually that would be the msm you dumb faggot
You'll never memory hole the fact that we meme'd a president into office. Go brush your teeth.
>inb4 56%
Crypto Jew trying to become /ourguy/ in the age of MSM decline.
Source you shitty dick eating faggot...yeah Facebook sent out fake news? Show me one fucking story faggot...I will wait.
15 years ago thirty different companies owned the various mainstream news outlets. With all the mergers in the past decade or so, there are just six corporations that own the entirety of the mainstream media. So the entirety of what you see is being controlled by just a few people. The irony being that just as they consolidated their power, the internet made the MSM obsolete as the gatekeeper of information.
Good goy, grab the soy
someone doesn't know about gematria
Reuters stands above all because of the value-neutral approach to any editorial narrative that they put out. If you really value news, that sort of approach is paramount.
The thing is, the right may love them now, but don't forget how much flak they caught from conservatives when they refused to label anyone as a terrorist because that is a label presented from subjective perspective.
Bill Maher is a pedophile.
You fell victim to the spin again.
Trump voters sent fake news to each other so that they could all laugh at how pathetic some of these “news” articles are.
Your mom is a Russian whore.
#DraftOurDaughters wasn't fake news, it was a psyop.
Neck yourself kike faggot. Alex is a pawn of Israel and shekels.
This. News agencies come here to find out what is going on. Which is the reason mainstream outlets were reporting that Sam Hyde was a possible suspect in the Vegas shooting. Here's how it goes.
>9:15, French user says, "guys, something is going down in Calais"
>9:25, several French anons confirm and flesh out details, bigass Truck of Peace, dozens dead and wounded
>9:45, pictures of carnage, truck and shocked victims uploaded from camera phones to Sup Forums
>10:00, Sky News reports possible happening in Calais
>10:30, CNN reports possible "traffic accident" in Calais
>10:45, mainstream outlets now posting censored pictures of happening all while emphasizing that Islam is a Religion of Peace
>11:00, BBC has interview with Sadiq Khan Muslim Mayor of London, who says this is just part and parcel of living in a big city, and it's all Donald Trump's fault
Fuck this jew faggot cunt.
Bill Maher is a bisexual who eats pudding out of the asshole of his pool boy and travels to third world countries to pay sex workers to shit on him.
Of course this jew deviant cunt will defend the legacy media who guard his perversion.
OP is a brainlet faggot who can't detect Concern Trolling: The Article.
Honestly, I don't even think that's the problem, or Geraldo Rivera would have never had a career. Most people are fine with other's opinions.
I truly believe that it's the "we have no opinion, this is hard news, let's talk about how much I hate some dude's hair lol" crap that is actually doing them in. It's not that they *have* an opinion, it's that their opinion somehow *is* the news now.
Good recent example:
Everyone was happy to quote that there had been so many school shootings this year... But bear in mind that all those talking heads ignored them thoroughly in favor of trashing Trump. Where were we supposed to hear about all these tragedies, Mr. Pooper, if not from you?
You won't hear about it on Twatter so it doesn't *seem* like people noticed, but I personally know a couple people that turned off the MSM due to that one simple act.
Now think about how often that happens, and stretch it over the last 10-20 years...
Oh, and they just got caught and now the smarter ones are trying to distancing themselves from this particular allegation. They aren't "giving up," clearly...
They're not giving up. My guess is that Maher is such an arrogant and egotistical retard that he thinks he's woke and better than the rest of the retards at the other mass media outlets
He's making fuck of how gullible conservatives are. He's right. Conservatives are unironically retarded. Just give them some boogyman (blm, isis, blacks, Mexicans, feminists, Democrats, progressives, Soros, Hillary, Muslims, LGBT, atheists, colleges, or even moderate Conservatives) and they'll flip the fuck out. They'll gladly empty their pockets so the good rich people will make the boogyman away.
I don't know why people think Reuters is OK. I've met friends of friends that work at Reuters and they were painfully bluepilled: "see this is why we need open borders" kind of crap in every other sentence of the conversation. Really increases the duration of my cooldowns across all social skills.
Jon Stewart's a liberal. What the hell are you smoking?
THIS is a perfect example of a Russian bot
Maher was as caught up as anyone else in the "Trump is literally Hitler" hysteria. Keep in mind that this was the election cycle that basically unmasked the MSM as primarily Left Wing propaganda. Most folks didn't break the conditioning until recently. Maher is apparently one of them.
>Bill Maher was born William Maher in New York City, New York, and grew up in River ... His mother, Julie (Berman), was a nurse, who was from a Jewish family.
"Terrorist" has an objective definition actually. If you are part of a political/ideological organization and kill civilians in the name of that organization to further its agenda without a state level declaration of war, you are a terrorist.
How do they measure performance in you guys? Is it how many Blacked videos you watch outside of work?
A Russian bot would do better than you to fuck your mother.
You cut and pasted around the parts that say he was raised Catholic. Religion isn't like gender, you actually can change the religion you were born with.
In general people are unironically retarded, just media is mostly owned by liberals so thats why its such a meme.
Underrated comment
This is why bill doesn’t trend on Jew tube. He is going against his overloads.
How do you not know who the halfjew Bill Maher is? I like the guy and think he is /ourhalfjew/ he just doesnt reveal his power level often
But nothing in OP's image is fake news. They'll all opinion piece. Actual fake news, like the shitty memes and articles floating around Facebook, is almost always right wing propaganda.
Get this kike out of here
People are waking up to the complete spin and outright lies they call news. Just imagine people are writing 3 page long articles about fucking tweets even interviewing psychiatrists about shitty short messages...
Look at
they take away the spin and break down the actual story without buzzwords. Just look how terrible most "trusted" outlets like CNN, WaPo or the NYT score on very simple reports.
I mean we all know InfoWars and Breitbart is more entertainment then reporting, but imagine the shock that a lot of CNN, Bloomberg, NYT, The Guardian stories rank in the same ballpark of "spin" as those two.
I used to enjoy older episodes of Bill's show but now I completely abandoned it since it became pure shit and any resemblance of unbiasedness vanished.
retarded opinion pieces purely to brainwash you
aka fake news to anyone unbiased
its not a deliberate outright lie but were talking degrees not differences here
He’s a hard leftist who’s part of a degenerate sex cult. If you’re leftypol, he’s definitely your guy.
Same. Especially his old show, our board’s namesake.
trump wiretapping, rapefugees
Then why was there a need to pass a law 4 years previous that allowed for propaganda to be disseminated to the American people?
Jesus fuck you guys suck at this and I'm supposed to be on your side.
>over 50%
Barely above 50% integrity in a single article is terrible. That means that the other 50% of the article are made up, buzzwords or completely false.
Anything under 80% integrity is yellow press tier.