America is the best country in the world.
I want my country to be like America.
God bless America
>posts a photo of a suburb AKA the worst abomination that's ever come out of the mongrelized shithole they call America
Yep it’s pretty nice and YHEYR ARE NOT NIGGERST EVERYWHERE. That is a damn lie.
Now feel the difference/
>That is a damn lie
No, You lie
>clean cozy neighborhood
>know your immediate neighbors
>don't really have to lock your doors at night or when you go out
>90%+ white people
What have you got against suburbs?
>Compare the natural disaster with sloppiness
You mean modern america? I dont know why you'd want that
>I dont know why you'd want that
Good homes, good roads, cleanness, order, good people, good police.
Why do Russian people not care about cleaning up their neighborhoods?
Because Rusiaan people are white niggers.
Niggers don't have a space program. Also Russians have a high average IQ. What is their problem? Did they just get cucked by history in 1917? The Russian Empire produced many of my favorite writers and composers.
>what are outliers
80% of russians are shit
>Niggers don't have a space program
it does not matter
It's about mentality
Mentality of niggers = mentality of russians.
Commie shill detected.
no, you dont.
theres only like 56% pure europeans here. everyone else is ruined
>white america
Communism decimated their population and value system and culture. So, with nothing but a hollow society left, they continue to decay even after escaping it. They just didn't escape it soon enough to save their culture--it is a real shame and heartbreaking to watch.
trips speaking truth.
Russia has always been a backward country in the third world.
There's nothing to debate here. White America, like OPs pic implies IS heaven on earth. What better place on earth to raise a family in a wealthy, low crime suburb outside, but with easy access to a city? In a deep red state at best
America has a shitty reputation because it does badly in crime statistics/education statistics etc OVERALL but thats because of the niggers and spics dragging their average down.
The white areas, unless horrifyingly poor, are pretty much the dream
Same, I guess
You either don't know history at all or specifically deceive people. Pretty bad anyway.
I grew up in a poor 95% white town and the worse crime I've ever heard of was a man shooting his neighbor's shed with an AR because of some argument over prescription drugs
I'd say the USA and UK are the two best countries on Earth (I will concede we have a good deal of muslim trash in the big cities, but all countries have some garbage) however I'd rank the US as No.1 simply because of it's 1st and 2nd Amendments.
This guy here is right. Russia has always been Asiatic in their mentality. They need a 1% to command them and tell them what to do to function properly, and that 1% amlost always fucks them over, just because they can and the 99% lets them.
Kick out the Jews before it's too late
Suburbs should be built with houses like pic related
>front yard for people not cars
>seperate garage detached from house in backyard so you can get dirty, make noise, and not worry about some busy body neighbor complaining about your car project
I'm sorry but having a nice place to live is not for slavs
Most poor white towns in the rust belt have houses that are way too fucking big that cost too much in upkeep and heating and better off torn down and replaced with houses like previous posts by this id
this is what an American neighborhood looks like Russia user
Even though that's likely somewhere in Canada, houses like this are the ooster child of a multicultural hell
Puerto Rican are just a bunch of Ameriweebs
Random streetview in my neighborhood
t. white American
Looks more like a Puerto Rican neighborhood
That was basically the 1% neighborhood back in the day
too late bitch i'm already living here in a comfy small town of white people
Looks like the set of The Stepfather.
you're not wrong
>White America, like OPs pic implies IS heaven on earth
It's true
How much of America still looks like that?
>Random streetview in Russian shit.
56% >:DDDDD
Very little. Secion 8 housing is importing shitskins into those neighborhoods and destroying them. Sheltered coalburners are bringing their pet niggers home into the neighborhoods and making la creatura.
>best no
Aside from the fact best is subjective.
America is pretty good.
I hate you all.
Yes, we know, communists hate successful people and want to see them all dragged down to their level of failure with them.
Cities were a mistake.
Smaller towns? If so what size town is a good size where people will behave. Heard a lecture once being that the larger the city the more crime as people become more anonymous. What is a good size town?
Dont worry. The USA will be just as fucked up as mombasa Kenya in a decade or so. Give it time. They are running out of countries to invade and rob. Once the looted oil runs out then they will implode.
Today's redpill: The fact that communism continues to fester in hivemind/big colony parts of the world is proof that there is more to genetics than the color of your skin. Some of us would rather die than be told what to do.
>Once the looted oil runs out then they will implode.
ha we produce more oil than we import and have vast untapped reserves, and that's just what we currently know about.
The best thing Trump could do would be to get the US to energy independence, and to be an energy exporter, especially LNG to the EU
Remember to vote if you're in one of the states where there's elections today, stop the Dems
Amazing. Everything you just said is wrong.
>says the commie shill
Go live in North Korea if you want to live in the same cheap duplicated lodgings. Fucking kike.
People who hate suburbs are almost always kids posting from their parents’ suburban home prove me wrong
What town and neighborhood. There's no need to hide it you faggot. No one is going to find you out of thousands of inhabitants.
Don't worry about it
People who hate suburbs are retards. American/Canadian suburbs are the closest thing to heaven.