If conservatism is the intellectual "facts over feelings" position, then why are 95% of academic professors liberals?
If conservatism is the intellectual "facts over feelings" position, then why are 95% of academic professors liberals?
Anna wears tight cloths to show off her brains.
>95% of academic professors liberals
Citation needed.
Because learning has little to do with facts. It is a grooming effort. The goal is train people to accept the current system and give them a bit of knowledge so they feel special.
t. academic.
That's appropriate attire for a High school......
What organisations do you think they mostly get funding from?
And yet another faggot OP destroyed by the first response. Nice.
95% of academic professors are unintelligent drones who feel entitled to titles and positions of power because they studied really hard. We're going to see massive scandal in the intellectual credibility of the university system if we make it out of this mess when we realize that most studies are completely bunk and that peer review is just a circle jerk of favors and good old boys.
Because Liberalism is "nice feelings" ideology and much more digestible than Conservatism.
It's easier to proclaim that we all should get along and what we can do to achieve peaceful coexistence, than to realise that the world is a fucked up place full of people and interest groups that wouldn't hesitate to end you.
because they're all the children of the 60s postmodernist scumbags.
>Tenure = welfare
Really makes ya think huh?
Exactly this.
Becoming a humanist professor doesn't require intelligence. It only requires you to absorb marxist bullshit. Tech professors are right wing.
>then why are 95% of academic professors liberals
citation required
they aren't, my PI always does the roman salute.
Most academics are unpolitical.
Just because you are an academic, does not make your political views (usually outside your sphere of specialty anyway) more valid.
stop gayfag
>why are 95% of academic professors liberals
People just love pulling random statics out of their ass
Who are (((Jews))) for $500, Alex?
Because they only traffic in “facts” that support their feelings. Fag.
I study biology and most of my professors are fairly conservative, at least when it comes to lesser races and cultures.
the conservatives were shamed off the property and this is true for Canada and the United States
We wish.
Because liberals hire other liberals and liberals give other liberals tenure. They do this to eliminate opposing ideas.
Social science and related all liberal.
Stem is all conservative and actually Christian.
Long march through the institutions
This is true, but put reductively. Many courses that are not scientific or economic largely create their own knowledge base, acredit themselves and only interact with people in their own field. Humanities and arts are the common example. Their is no market place if ideas, only pockets of conformism and plateaus masquerading as radicalism.
t. Masters of Science student
I was going to post something to this effect. However, let me elaborate and explain. The reason the number is so high is because there are more 'professors' (I feel obligated to use the quotes) in the Arts. These people are generally females. You fill in the blanks. In the Sciences, males dominate (almost completely) and, I have found, are far more conservative. Some exceptions on both sides, but that is the general trend. Want to get rid of the liberal influence in universities? Get yourself a degree in the Arts or Humanities and take their place. It's easy because the females I have (do) know in these areas are simply opiniated dolts.
Those who can, do; The rest teach.
>feels vs reals
>idealism vs realism
Two different things.
>implying academia still practices scientific method
>peer review is just a circle jerk of favors and good old boys
objectively the opposite of true
and leave STEM the hell alone, it's not the politically-decayed problem
lol. Do you think that science and economics courses are not built on a premise that is the same as the humanities?
The entire purpose of science is to enable the elite and the Vatican with data. This is why we have the college of arts and sciences. Both of these are unique in that they could upend the Vatican's control. They need to be carefully controlled.
t. Doctor of Philosophy, Maths
tt. Rank pulled user
logical fallacy
whats up at 0:10?
very strange
Because no one needs and education, just get a trade
All the scientist are lying about things like climate change and race. science is just a big conspiracy anyway
College is just liberal brainwashing
People with a college education just think they're better than us
>Everyone knows I'm full of shit except kids so I ((teach)) them
Choose only one.
They are loosers who repeat state propaganda in front of young people.Nothing intellectual about them.
Liberals base feels on facts (I feel terrible because of X). Conversatists base facts on feels (X is wrong because it disgusts me).
Same effect as with jewish people in power, but not looked into because it's ideology based instead of religion based.
Trump won the college educated White vote.
Goddamn I wanna fuck her stupid Armenian pussy.
>If conservatism is the intellectual "facts over feelings" position, then why are 95% of academic professors liberals?
Check the picture
PS: The book has 700 pages
> People with a college education just think they're better than us
> think they're better than us
> think
they ARE better
Please doctor, convince me it’s the Vatican and not the Jews, because the data on which group runs the Ivy League universities and media are clear.
Depends on the education to be honest. I'd put a gender studies professor up against a master carpenter any day.
Knowing she's five seconds away from slipping back into ghetto trash mode at any moment makes my dick hard.
Genocide that pussy
not American
Socially awkward nerds and Rick & Morty esque self proclaimed intellectuals are liberals? Who would have guessed?
because they wouldn't stand a chance on the free market
They aren't. All my engineering professors were more moderate and some were plainly right wing.
I think most people here didn't go into engineering and you just remember how liberal your liberal arts professors are.
Vatican control? Lmao. Not for many years. Maybe in your head, but not in the real world. And, no, they are not founded on the same principles. Sciences are built (and rely) upon facts. The Arts are built upon the 'human condition'. I think that your meager brain has been softened by all those numbers.
t. PhD Physics
tt. rank pulled
You cannot dupe insecurity. You just can't.
Not with knowledge, not with reasoning, not with anything.
Once someone is wired to feel that their feelings are the only way they'll ever be heard, it becomes a survival mechanism, and their entire life hinges upon it.
The result is people who will literally die to prove that they're smarter, more compassionate and morally superior than others.
H-he's fast
So they can teach feelings over facts
First of all, the key liberal educated demographic is people both educated and low income
Secondly: Affluent whites are not worried about the death of industries or mass immigration or ethnic replacement because they live high income comfortable lives, and they have a particular view that non-whites exist solely as servants for them
There is an immense amount of brainwashing in schools to produce people with the "right" mindset. Once they are in the corporate world, they have to virtue signal to advance. Look at any liberal filled area, it will be white & segregated too, everything they say is totally insincere.
The liberal agenda is about communistic class warfare to destroy the lower classes of whites.
>feelings over facts
>discusses flat earth regularly
Sup Forums needs to be gassed
True for most subjects. Especially for those that are easier than biology.
Because Professors live in a bubble, they have don't have experience in the market place.
Liberalism is natural, when you don't believe in market forces and individual strengths.
Regulation is logical, when you see inequality and blame capitalism.
Yes there are many Jews in the Ivy League. This is true. However, many of those schools are run by Jesuits and many of those Jewish bloodlines are blackmailed into compliance.
Fair enough. Physics might pull rank.
The Vatican is still in charge.
>Sciences are built (and rely) upon facts.
It depends on your definition of facts. What you will find is that our facts are often social constructs. Are these still facts? As an example, consider global warming. It is true that global warming exists. However, the cause will never be published in any peer reviewed journal because it would cause riots. Similarly, the cause of Autism is not vaccines, but peer reviewed journals will publish the real cause. Is it not a bit odd that the traits of Autism are identical to CPTSD?
Based on the idea that facts are what we are allowed to discuss in a professional forum, then it is true that science is based on facts. Those facts may be utter nonsense, but they are generally agreed upon.
this video doesnt explain shit
Quite perceptive. You must be good at those crime puzzle comics.
Came to post this.
And a good professor will tell you that. I actually had two college teachers who openly admitted that we, the students, are the doers of the World as we go on to do bigger and better things. And those who don't go on to bigger and better things.....teach.
That's pretty much what one of my professors said.
these "intellectuals" want socialism to take over so that THEY become your rulers. its gonna be a 1984 type scenario in their fantasy.
Read Intellectuals and Society by Sowell.
High trait Openness is usually needed for Scientific and academic career. It also tents to be negatively correlated with conservatism.
In Serbia professors are not die hard liberals. I was surprised to see that majority of my professors (psychology department) were openly against Inclusion programs (accepting mentally deficient kids in regular schools)
Yeah but Serbia is not really a country, so....
>those that can't do teach
and the other reasons
Every Conservative teacher or instructor is fired for being racist or a bigot, the teachers unions are run my far left liberals and they have managed to out any one with a logical voice.
They even do it to the students, if a student doesn't agree with their opinion they are failed or tossed from classes for disrupting the class or being a bigot, then the student is financially liable for the bill.
It comes down to a system of indoctrination within the educational system.
If a opposing voice goes to speak at a school they are quickly driven out by far left protesters, on grounds of "racist" without evidence. Liberals logic can't stand up to logical voices, hence the liberal mob mentality.
The idea that we can make everything to our pleasure and to design social institutions in an idealistic way is wrong. Social institutions can not be designed and they do more much more than we know. No social institutions were designed to be successful, the successful designs were just the ones we chose even if we didn't fully understand why they were successful. They were successful because of the market. The market is a type of unplanned instrument that we have unknowingly used to choose the best social institutions. The market works by utilizing particular information and circumstances that are distributed infinitly amongst the entire population of people. This enormous set of information cannot ever be known as a whole. These people interact creating many, many unique circumstances and problems that nobody can possibly account for when designing a social institution. So how does the market work? Prices, formed by the market, are a way of determining and a way of telling people what to do and what not to do relative to social interest. Prices cause the distribution of wealth in society and is determined by people agreeing to play a sort of game, the game of the market. To predict the outcome of this game for an individual is impossible because it requires more information than anyone could ever possibly put together in any meaningful way. This unpredictable outcome means the distribution of wealth cannot be distributed by anyone in a just manner. But people dissent this because they believe it should be possible to design and arrange this distribution of wealth. They expect the government to do this justly but this is impossible because it would require all of the particular information about countless circumstances to be used and controlled by a central authority.
Same reason that the majority of Krufts winners are very smart, well trained and well groomed dogs, but none of them will be leading packs of wolves
How many of those academics will attack the scientific method, math, and logic if there was empirical evidence that a sacred liberal belief was questionable?
I agree on your views regarding acceptance of ideas. This is why the media is such a useful tool. I have to disagree somewhat on the area of facts. I cannot publish a paper on feelings or general opinions of the times. I have to use facts. In this day, the underlying causes (fundamental, to use an overused term) are of primary concern, and the many proposed hypotheses change from day to day. However, these must be based on concepts that arise from fact not feeling. Areas such as global warming are too broad to be considered as verifiable arguing points. The data can, and is, presented in a manner that suits whomever is trying to make the current point. Can we say that aerosols deplete the ozone layer? Yes. Is this causing a leakage of UV into our atmosphere? Yes. Is the current rise of CO2 abnormal? Maybe not so much when compared to our world's history. I'm not trying to start a debate on this or any other topic. The elite (and industry) present snatches of data and use these to push their agenda. This is a fact and probably always will be. I only say that the Sciences are representative of the facts as we know them...without prejudice. These 'facts' must change as our ability to measure our world changes. We are then obligated to accept this new truth and continue our work. The Arts and Humanities are sounding boards of our spirit, dreams and fears. These also change with the times but are not required to have (nor can they) hard, verifiable proofs.
Man just hearing about the terrible training methods behind how to get your dog to do this is super depressing. You legit slap/hit them if they go down on all 4s to scare them into standing on 2 feet instead.
It's true.
Those who can't do teach.
Rich coming from German colony,
Your intelligentsia holding out or are they in full liberal mode?
>emotionless bugpeople asians try to trick the world they have a soul by making "cute dog" videos that involves torturing the animals
do you know how painful it is for a dog or any animal on all fours to stand up like that?
Yeaaah you're an idiot. That's literally the opposite of how things are.
She looks like she is heading for a night on the town with whoring in mind, why wear such a dress in front of boys that will do nothing but fap to that when they hit the bathroom?
Because academia is not about learning factual knowledge at this point
Because academia is useless
>why are 95% of academic professors liberals
in group preference/ the [[[ew's]]], ya know... COMMUNISM
Doesn't make the fact untrue. Also conservatism can have a variety of meaning. In 50 years, the modern day liberals will either be counted as conservatives, or be hanged. Essentially 1950's and early 60's America is what's meant by most retards here
A degree in the arts or humanities is completely useless
Nobody said it's so except for journalists who can't write any articles without clickbait these days. Current Republicans are not conservative. Current Democrats are not liberal.
>then why are 95% of academic professors liberals?
they are not. Next?
depends what field you're in. The more complicated the domain, the more right wing are professor. It's a straight fact. If you're still in high school and want to go in tech and be surrounded by good people, go study electrical engineering or embedded system.
Don't you fucking dare to go in web dev or any codemonkey related job (anything related to python, iOS/Android dev, php, html) or it will be a nightmare for you.These are fields you can learn by yourself later if you want, they will turn you into a retard.
Do you?
Academia is 1000% politics, -430% actual academic endeavor. Trufax. That's why it's completely liberal, it gets them more funding, which allows them to steal people's research more effectively instead of doing something productive.
(((peer))) reviewed
because they work for government subsidized insitutions, it is only natural for them to seek to increase the reach of their influence through the bigger government
>I only say that the Sciences are representative of the facts as we know them...without prejudice. These 'facts' must change as our ability to measure our world changes. We are then obligated to accept this new truth and continue our work.
This, I can agree, is true. What is your stance on Sir Hunt? He was the scientists shamed in the UK for "sexism" at a conference. His research indicates that he may have cured cancer genetically. His previous research related to finding the gene responsible for cancer cell replication.
Is it a fact that if he cured cancer, then he should have remained quiet because God doesn't want a cure for cancer to be known to the public? It is true that he was shamed out of academia. It is true that something else was the underlying reasoning as the claim of sexism is preposterous given the resulting exist from research.
Should he have been a good boy and developed a treatment rather than a cure? This is where the idea of facts become muddied by convention.