Has Sup Forums gone from being anti-Jew, to pro-jew?
Has Sup Forums gone from being anti-Jew, to pro-jew?
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Pro freedom of religion. Anti usury. Learn the difference
There sure are a lot more JIDF here than years ago.
Sup Forums was always pro-Jew, stormfags tried to subvert it with their kikery.
>pol is full of Mutts
>suprissed that /poltards are jewish cocksuckers.
No, but some are learning the differences between Jewish people and Israeli nationals.
everyone is working for the jews so if you support anyone at all youre supporting jews
Go be butthurt in a different thread kike shill. This is a pro-Jew thread.
Jews are something we can deal with at any time once the proper conditions happen.
Shitskins, niggers and destruction of our countries is a direct, more pressing matter.
Hes a good goy
Have you seen how Israeli nationals treat Goyim?
and mass immigration is pushed heavily by which (((group)))?
Lol wut?
Daily reminder that Sup Forums used to ban Israeli IP's and anyone talking positively about Israel.
The jews are distracting you.
>Good goy! Yes, go be racist against black people, while I get stronger.
A Jew just left the White House (Cohen), so no.
Jews are literally enabling the shit skins to come and destroy. You’re a fucking retard and probably a kike yourself.
Did you know that during the european refugee crisis Israli organisations traveled to Europe to help the refugees get into the union?
There's a large JDIF presence on pol. But half the fun of pol is fighting against them. It's good training for when you'll eventually have to reveal your power level, you want to have your arguments nice and refined.
I'm Anti-muslim which by default makes me Pro-jew
Once the issues at hand are dealt with and the population is redpilled to a sufficient degree, it will become clear who the true enemy is. Now is not the time to act.
They can become stronger but they will never overpower us completely. Their fear of Shoah repeating will expose them for what they are.
>implying you won't be sitting in your basement eating hot pockets while your entire country gets BLACKED
we the jew now
Being Anti-Muslim does NOT make anyone Pro-Jew by default. I am Anti-Muslim AND Anti-Jew. Your Jewish tricks won't work here, Shlomo.
This. Even if Jews are the ones who stabbed you, you should first make sure you're not bleeding to death before going after them.
No, plebbit refugees came here with Jew support. Those who couldn’t stomach the red pills left and those who stayed are being converted
Go back to the donald, faggot. Sup Forums isn't some magical clubhouse where everyone falls for the redpill memes.
More like from anti-Jew to jews are satans chosen people.
No. The left just hates Israel and zionism.
Too bad they can't realize that communism came from zionist manifestations.
>and mass immigration is pushed heavily by which (((group)))?
Catholic and Protestant churches?
It is the place where people become accustomed to the red pill memes. There will be varying degrees of acceptance within the exposure. The Jewish Question is raised regardless and that is important. Even if completely dismissed.
Try again
>Jews are something we can deal with.
What? Only one who was able to deal with jews proper way was based Dr. Joseph "Angel of Death" Mengele. If you can deal with jews, rest of problems on planet are fixable in few months.
Go back and finish your lego set
>implying I've ever been anti-anything
I've only ever been pro-me, which sometimes makes me act as if I am anti-something.
>what's important is people see me spew retarded shit
>doesn't matter that it just further solidifies the view that my ideas are poorly thought out and riddled with stupidity
I didn't know that desu
Would you be so kind as to explain what is incoherent and stupid about our beliefs? That meme ball is like the epitome of reddit leftists: 100 % insults, 0 % arguments.
It was predicted.
Oh please enlighten me
Which would you like me to humor? The gay little kekistan "MGTOW" all women are whores and degenerates squad? The pizzagate niggers (granted these guys are mostly on cripplechan now) Or the Le kikes rule the world ones? Or what?
it should be a rite of passage for every white man to come age 12 gas a kike
No place on Sup Forums is pro jew. Your weak JDIF shit do not work here. Free trip to Dachau for you and your whole family. That is only thing i wish for you. Die or go out. Don't forget to reply with some nonsense like you allways do.
There are objective facts raised which lead to the Jewish Question. i.e. disproportionate positions of influence in Jewish diaspora.
Yes, some people spew retarded shit. However others provide interesting points of view with the same facts.
For example, some people claim there is an overarching plot to subvert goyim. Some people claim some Jews act tribally and this tribalism at times is detrimental to the greater population.
Two different approaches arrived at from the same recognition of influence.
What's a jew?? , never seen one mentioned here before. Sounds like some kind of deranged animal
How about something not based on individual threads occasionally popping up, but on the beliefs almost all Sup Forumsacks hold? For all I know, those threads are made by you just so you can make your ad hominems. Try to instead address something like race realism, necessity of hierarchy, failure of multiculturalism, right for whites to exist, dysgenic effects of socialism, all pervading degeneracy, destruction of traditional values etc. etc. etc.
check them
nope. go fuck yourself. you are not worth arguement. only thing you are worth is bullet to head or one nice package of Zycklon B. expecting some bs about czech porn and muh scheckels.
You mean the meme with JEWS IN MEDIA!!! picture?.... You can post that one if you want.
I feel like there's so many retards here now who actually fell for the memes that I can't tell who's dicking around and who's actually retarded.
Ok I said pick one and we can discuss it. Pick one.
fugg :D
don't forget the American Cinnagogue
L.O.L. No. This country needs a state church, just like Denmark has.
>Ok I said pick one and we can discuss it. Pick one.
I don't really care. You can't refute any of them.
You are actualy retarded here. That is pretty obvious.
Oh so you're both actually the retards who fell for the memes.... That's pretty cute desu.
Its come to a point where you have to prefer one or the other.
>Thinking that an infographic is a meme
It was all a lie from the start...
>who fell for the memes.
Objective truth, the most insidious of all memes. Also, not an argument, fourth such message in a row.
Who do we hate? Jews or Muslims?
I just saying you are retard. It is you who said i fall for something. Simply bullshit argument like you allways have. Zero facts, only blind attacks.
How did you get to that assumption?
Fuck every religion. Fuck every treacherous being.
You have it backwards, goy.
jesus christ you trumptard nufags are retards
It's split
There are jew-haters, israel-haters, jew-lovers, europeans who jerk off to israeli soldiers, potential converts, 1/4 jews with an identity crisis, brown jews warring with white jews in yid speak, american kosherboys, and most of the board is big pile of autism as you can expect when you put those in a room together.
He really doesn't. If someone swings an axe at you, your first action should be to dodge or block the hit. After not getting decapitated, you can worry about the attacker.
This. Newfags need to go back to r/t_d
>Fuck every religion.
To hellfire with them all.
You're a fucking idiot, that's what you are. I pray to God you're just a Jew trying to shill here, and not that one of our own is actually this oblivious to the situation we are facing
Literally all of them claim that Sup Forums was never anti-semetic or natsoc and what they refer to as stormfags ruined Sup Forums in 2016 and they actually believe despite the fact they ruined Sup Forums in 2016.
In a perfect world, yes. But, if you want to play the game as it stands right now, you have to pick a side. At least for the time being.
We're pro-jew but anti-zionist (the religion part)
listen up, you dumb meme flag faggot. you obviously have no idea what it takes to get what you really want. Hurr fuck em all aint gonna get you shit right now.
JIDF kys. these threads are so tiresome.
If it helps any...I fucking hate the Jews. They are an antibiotic resistant bacteria. Fuck em all. Especially that gay, back-loving Milo and the kike-ass-kissing Alex Jones.
Why did you include my post?
I'm becoming increasingly annoyed with Donald Trump. He did a few good things and then went off the right-wing rails. He cannot continue down a path that pleases the Jew.
No it hasn't.
Sup Forums has always been a neutral board. we dont care about jews actually.
i cant stress this enough, everything here is satirical.
Muslims are Jews. Rabbis = Imams. Talmudism = Hadithism. Halal = Kosher. They can eat each others' food with no additional blessing! Both sides have ritual uncleanliness. Both sides are semitic.
The Jews 2.0 are still Jews. Gas ALL the kikes.
>posting a confused jew in reply to my post
Sounds about right, T.B.H.
>rest of problems on planet are fixable in few months.
This is /not/ an overstatement.
>no race-mixing promotion
>no enemies in the M/E
>no gun control (gun control is goy control)
>no government schemes to flood implicitly white things with niggers
>far fewer financial scams
>de-clawed federal reserve
>no more tikkun olam
>no more talmudist judges/laws
>no more antiwhite media
>hollywood and record giants reboot and go from pushing racial agenda to satisfying the market of what people actually like
>art/archetecture de-jewified
>far fewer instances of everything being monetized
And above all, whites could go back to being white, and not some version of a retarded, selfish, greedy kike!